Romulan Family Information
Created by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson on Sat Oct 9th, 2021 @ 8:17am
Romulan Houses
To understand Romulan clans and their role in contemporary Romulan society, one must first look into the past and examine their beginnings. At the true beginning of Romulan history, back before the sundering, there were a multitude of clans. The primary 'Romulan' clans, as they would later become, were those who were the largest contributors, in both currency and property, to the Far travel ship construction project. As their elitism would have it no other way, a major clan had control of their own ship-- in all spreading 19 major clans over 20 ships. The 20th ship was reserved for S`Task's own house, which, while not a primary clan itself, was of obvious political clout. With only 6 fare ships left at the end of the long journey, the 'Romulan people' as they declared themselves, were limited to only 5 major clans: the Khelliana, Gilgamma, Aanikh, Zorek, and Jorani. Like wise, there were only a few more minor clans-- some of which had formed on the ships during travel. As all clans dropped their Vulcan names upon land fall, and created new ones, the sub houses don't always seem to make sense. In essence, some of the sub houses are named more closely to their Vulcan ancestry.Khelliana (Hunters?)
Went south to found their own city away from the rest of the declared. They were the most 'woodsy' of the clans, and also the least centralized. It was entirely possible for the clan to get as caught up in internal fighting as external. They were also known for being the most blood thirsty and brutal of all the clans. Greek-Roman traditions of dress and architecture. The heat of the Vulcan sun still burns in their blood. Notable adeptness with: Chaotic Elementa (Fire + wind) Hunting + Scouting Frenzy + Berserk Early sub-House factions: Khellian Khnialmnae Khev Khaell Kazanak KeirianhGilgamma (??)
Were amongst the closest to modern Vulcans in the Romulan clans. While not exactly pacifistic, the Gilgamma sought to purify their fighting techniques for better understanding of the body, soul, and mind. They were also known as being the largest collection of smaller houses. Unlike the Khelliana though, they maintained a strong sense of clan unity and rarely fought internally. They stayed near the capitol, but moved in a scatter pattern to the west. (Greek-Roman attire) promoted 'no distractions' with clothes Notable adeptness with: Healing Elementa (water), Extreme physical control, Extreme mental control, variety of martial arts Early sub-House factions: Illialhae Iawaain Hwaehrai Hrienteh Hheinha Hwersuil Liun Llhweiir Llweii Leinarrh Lhaihtrha LhoellAanikh(??)
Were considered strange by Romulan standards. Not blood luster's, nor pacifists, the Aanikh were prone to random swings back and forth. they were the embodiment of whimsical passions. No one dress style, no one locality for clan scattering. Notable adeptness with: Elementa (lower count than other clans, in all fields), unpredictability, luck + timing. Early sub-House factions: Ahaefvthe Aimne Annhwi Arriufvi Mandak Merrok MarusZorek (??)
Unlike most of the Major clans, the Zorek were political and social in power. They believed in the pomp and circumstance of militaristic life, and held the other less property laudable clans to the same standards. They stayed close to land fall, and helped build i'Ramnau, then and forever the Romulan capitol. They also were first to shed their traditional Vulcan (Greek-Roman) garb in favor of a warmer, more fully covering style of dress (Central European-- gothic era) Notable adeptness with: Elementa (Earth), Domination ,quick and decisive action Early sub-House factions: Vrenak Volskiar Viaen Tomalak PardekJorani (??)
Compared to the other major clans, the Jorani were relatively small in number. What they lacked in numbers they made up in currency and cunning. Like their perpetual social opponent, the Jorani were politically and socially based in power --more than militarily so. As they preferred the softer, gentler side of life, their style of dress shifted away from the light, formless and thin (Greek-Roman) styles of Vulcan. Not moving into the realm of leathers and heavier gear the 'barbaric' Zorek wore, they settled on silks and other finely produced goods (Asian styles). Stayed relatively near the capitol-- but scattered to the east. Notable adeptness with: Elementa (wind + earth + telepathic), Observation skills, Silent movements Early sub-House factions: Jeiai Jarok JaihenS`Task's 'clan'
While not literally a clan, S`Task had a large number of 'self appointed' servants and a large number of students. Combined with his brother Tellus' army, they stood as strong or stronger than any other major power. Their dress was not dictated, but Greek-Roman in nature to 'keep away from softening their minds and 'to keep battle's need for function in site. They lived primarily in the capitol city, but were known to wander and spread their teachings all over. Notable adeptness with: -S`Task's people: Elementa (varying levels of all 4 forms), Composure + calculation, Oration + Teaching skills; -Tellus' people- Elementa (varying levels of all 4 forms), Fierce, but very control aggression tactics + combat skills Notable following families (as they formed during and before the voyage) -S`Task- Cretak Neral Tei R'Mor Strevon Taebok -Tellus- Riuurren Sahen Seroht Tal Taris Letant The rest of the original clans fall in the category of 'minor' powers. While they held more numbers than the majority of contemporary clans today, they were less influential in the politics and goings on (initially) of the Romulan people. Some even lived in the husks of the far travel ships after landfall. Nanclus, Dor, Ehhelih, Radaik, Raedheol, Rehu, Than, Rllaillieu, Rul, Selok. Shortly after S`Task's death, the Khelliana massacred huge portions of the Gilgamma. With the majority of the Clan main body decimated, all the sub-houses split up and wandered the world. While it did not destroy the structure of either clan, the Jorani fought a vicious war with the Zorek.Modern Family lineage (not showing blood intermixing):
--Khelliana tr'Kal t'Kazon t'Kazen tr'Kan t'Kethry tr'Krakken tr'Khellian tr'Kandeen tr'Kierlanh tr'Kath Krotash --Gilgamma t'Inimici tr'Ghire t'Ghi'bhon tr'Loose t'Lahzar t'Liefvai t'Lahzar t'Laris t'Lhoell --Aanikh Marrus t'Anaka tr'Ahalaen --Zorek Val-Bheas Vrih tr'Danlek Tormillius tr'Parnus tr'Behleaf t'Brook t'Pranara tr'Paya tr'Xibanas t'Relek --Jorani tr'Nairrehk tr'Nerik t'Rhenn tr'Noramei tr'Elenhh tr’Mandak (Praetor’s house) --Miscelanious t'Raala t'Raghaellh tr'Onto tr'Rhagarokk* tr`Ragarok* tr'Ellkwii tr'Shainev++ tr'Ronga tr'Raith tr'Remi Razerious tr'Riog *(Marus sub-split) ++ (Sahen sub-split)Romulan Families
A typical Rihannsu family is made up of a mother and a father, with as many children as the parents desire. Each family unit is within a House, and Houses can be huge. The family unit does not look to one parent as superior, both mother and father have equal status. Although boy children are favored, girl children do not have a social stigma. Divorce and separation are rare with Rihannsu families, because the bond between the husband and wife is so very deep. A typical Rihannsu family is very happy and devoted to each other, with the bond of love. Within the family unit the first lessons in Mnhei'sahe will be taught, to ground a child in the basic morality of Rihannsu life. The family also includes every single blood member of the House. Each member of the House is responsible to see that all of the children are raised in the proper traditions of the House and that the lessons of Mnhei'sahe are taught and learned. Women and men are equals in the social structure. Sexuality is expressed via eye color changes. Violet and Black. Violet is the color showing sexual desire or desire for mate. In time to choose a mate, it is involuntary and only occurs with a mate whom also exhibits the same reaction in direct contact via palm to palm. If no reaction or if one sided, then there is no contact. If the reaction is mutual then a mating is found to be possible. Recent social changes have enabled multiple mates to be enjoyed, but only one life bond can be chosen. When the time is not for finding a life bond (usually during the middle of the year known to Vulcans as "Amok Time"and around the 30 to 40th year of life is it generally practiced though no age is set) but is for 'romantic' interludes, of which can produce a life bond in time, it is more of actual interest than biological (though can also be interest and not limited to just mating with the Rihannsu people). This form of mating is akin to serious dating in humans. At this instance, a conscious or unconscious change in eye color is available to show desire. Bonding does not require the religious sect, but can be brought in for marriage or even to break or strengthen bonds. Only bonded mates are telepathic with each other. Other than this bonding, which is both empathic and telepathic, there is no other psychic ability apparent except for in the Elementals. The Rihannsu are rather proud of their names and heritage. First and middle names are usually given with reservation, usually to friends and family. The last name is the family/clan name. A fourth name, a very private and personal name, is rarely spoken, and only known by those who are life long intimates. A woman's clan name is often preceded with (t') and a man's name is usually preceded by (tr'). Examples of women's names: Thue t'Radaik, Arrhae ir-Mnaeha t'Khellian, Ekkhae t'Thusaith, S'anra t'Hwaehrai, Hanaj t'Eleijha, Ael t'Rihaul, Aidoann t'Rehu, N'ale t'Rllailieu, Dhiove t'Hrienteh, Janicka t'Maekh, S'Tarleya t'lllailhlae, Meira t`Kethry, Ullho t`Rhenn. Examples of men's names are: Valdus tr'Tomalak, H'daen tr'Aimne, Lhaesi tr'Khev, Vaebn tr'Hheinha, M'Narth tr'Lhell, Nnerhin tr'Hwersuil, Lai I'Ranmau tr'Ehhelih, Llunih tr'Raedhoel, Tiercellus tr'Khnailmnae, D'tan tr'Keirianh, Donal tr`Rhagarokk. At the root of Rihannsu political organization is the House system. Houses are family groups or clan-like organizations, with hereditary succession structures. Unlike feudal family organizations, however, Rihannsu Houses encompass a much broader spectrum of society. For example, servants of a House Lord are considered part of the family, and adopt the House name and use it as their own. That is not to say that they are equal members, but they are included. Each house that has its own rank and status accorded in Rihannsu society. Houses are considered either Great Houses or Lesser Houses. Great Houses have many family members that are high in the social standing of the Empire. The members of Great Houses have proven their service to the Empire in past honors and loyalty. Lesser Houses have not received the honor and glory, but serve an integral and vital role within the Empire. It is their quiet service that supports the Empire and brings greater glory to it. The status of House members reflects directly on the status of their House and vice versa. Within each House, are various positions, as detailed in the following table: Position- Function hru'hfirh Head of House eri'hfirh Heir of House rianov Weaponsmaster auethnen Advisor llaugh Representative hru'diranov Grandfather hru'nanov Grandmother di'ranov Father ri'nanov Mother ira'dianvm Oldest Brother ia'rinam Oldest Sister dianvm Brother rinam Sister eria'rianv Cousin v'rian Adopted Cousin v'rinam Adopted Sister v'dianvm Adopted Brother v-Di'ranov Adopted Father v-Ri'nanov Adopted Mother v-hru'diranov Adopted Grandfather vadi Uncle vadia Niece vadii Nephew vada Aunt The most important person in a House is the hru'hfirh or Head of House. The hru'hfirh is responsible for the members of the House, maintaining the House's Mnhei'sahe, and the day-to-day financial and social dealings of the House. The eri'hfirh, or Heir, assists the hru'hfirh. The status of the House and the responsibilities are decided by the hru'hfirh, but usually the importance of House members is as follows: hruíhfirh, eri'hfirh, Auethnen, and then Llaugh and Rianov with equal rank. The other status and importance follows as listed above. As you can see is the chart above, there is the added complexity of adoption. An adopted member of the family has the same rank and receives the same respect as a blood member, but with the added responsibility of another House, perhaps. Adoptions are commonplace. Another commonplace is a unique form of revenge, usually prompted by a Mnhei'sahe in the case of the murder of a child, is known as "hostage fostering". In this situation, a House steals the children of a rival House and rears them as their own. A family that has lost their child in this manner usually never sees them againCategories: No categories found