The Sim


"We know what we are, but know not what we may be" - William Shakespeare

USS Elysium

The U.S.S. Elysium is the first of her class and apart of Starfleet's Ninth (Obsidian) Fleet, under the Command of one the youngest CO in the Fleet, the Elysium's role is one of diplomacy, scientific discovery and support in times of need. Boasting the most advanced technology available to the Federation and being fully holographic capable with a Ship AI to assist with basic functions.

Elysium is home to some of the brightest minds in Starfleet as well as some unique positions, there is the Office of Internal Affairs and the elusive Department of Temporal Investigations which allows the Elysium to respond to any issue in her vicinity or threat to the timeline. There is also the first of 4 mobile branches of Starfleet Academy where cadets from all around the Federation can get hands-on experience aboard a fully operational Starfleet Vessel under the watchful gaze of an official representative of the Academy.

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Ten years after the Dominion war, Federation policy moved away from defence and reconstruction and back to exploration and discovery. A new generation of starships push further into the unknown depths of space, but with this great step into a new era, areas of neglect within the fleet become apparent. As the frontier expands, Starfleet acknowledged it’s lack of capable modernized Diplomatic vessels.

It is said that necessity is the mother of invention; this holds no greater truth than in the creation of the Elysium class ship. The new generation of starships the Century and Majestic classes were faster, more capable and far more advanced than their predecessors. However they lacked the facilities to ensure a strong diplomatic presence and with the Federations influence and borders expanding faster than ever before this was of paramount importance. The concept of a diplomatic vessel, fully capable of handling the Federations affairs and serving as the epitome of what the United Federation of Plant’s stands for, was born.