Player Rights and Regulations

Created by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson on Sun May 27th, 2018 @ 7:38pm

Player Rights and Regulations

  • Respect . Everyone here deserves RESPECT. Failure to respect other players on this game will result in you being warned and if it is sever enough, you will be given a strike.
  • The right to be promoted within the game within reason. The sim’s Commanding Officer will determine the initial rank of a new player character. Promotions are at the discretion of the sim’s Commanding Officer.
  • Players have the right to a moving game. This means that all players must abide by the posting requirements and contribute to the game.
  • The right to a safe and happy writing environment. We here on the USS Elysium have a ZERO Tolerance to online bullying and harassment.
  • Should a problem come up, either with another character, or another player, or the story line, or a question etc. please contact your Department Head, the XO or CO, (as appropriate to your query), to sort it out. We encourage *constructive* feedback to logs, or even a simple 'well done, I loved it' to the writer if you feel something you've read is especially good, but under no circumstances start flaming people, on or off list, it's something that shan't be tolerated.
  • All players are required to follow the Obsidian Fleet rules and regulations.
  • Plagiarism in any form will not be tolerated.

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