Diplomatic Corps

Created by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson on Fri Feb 25th, 2022 @ 5:09pm

Diplomatic Department

While Diplomats are in fact civilian, and hold no rank, file, or military training, nevertheless, a hierarchy of seniority similar to ranks does indeed exist among diplomats. Typically, all diplomats are universally addressed as "Ambassador", regardless of their actual diplomatic rank. Their full title and style is usually their full name, first followed by their diplomatic rank, then followed by the planet/species/political entity they're currently working with. A high ranking Ambassador may also serve as a fleet's "Chief Diplomatic Officer", serving as the authority for other diplomats in the fleet to report to, as well as the authority in charge of coordinating and administrating all diplomatic efforts with other political entities.

Dipomatic Corps used to be sorted under the Command Division, but is now its own division.

Diplomats all wear the same single collar pin. However, diplomats also wear a unique uniform, once used primarily as a dress uniform. Additionally, the highest two ranks have a white central chest ribbing and collar on their uniform, while the three lowest have grey. All diplomats have the same purple division color piping.

Diplomatic Positions

Chief Diplomatic Officer

The Chief Diplomatic Officer (CDO) of each ship or starbase had to be quite familiar with a range of areas, like Federation foreign policy, intergalactic politics, economics and history. S/he had to be a skilled negotiator and advise his/her CO on current operation status in regard to diplomatic contacts and expected repercussions of different tactics of diplomacy. Moreover, the Chief Diplomatic Officer was in charge of the ship's or starbase's Diplomatic Corps detachment. He or she oversaw the operation of it, and made sure everything in that department was carried out according to Starfleet Regulations and current mission protocols.

Like all Diplomatic officers, the CDO must be familiar with a variety of areas: history, religion, politics, economics, and military, and understand how they affect potential threats. A wide range of operations can occur in response to these areas and threats. These operations occur within three general states of being: peacetime competition, conflict and war.

S/he must be equally flexible and demonstrate initiative, agility, depth, synchronization, and improvisation to provide responsive legal services to his/her Commanding Officer as well a diplomatic advise on current status of an alien species both aligned and non aligned to the Federation.

Assistant Chief Diplomatic Officer

The Asst. Diplomatic Officer (ACDO) of each ship or starbase, like the CDO, also had to be quite familiar with the same wide range of areas, like Federation foreign policy, intergalactic politics, economics and history. S/he also had to be a skilled negotiator and advise his/her CO on current operation status in regard to diplomatic contacts and expected repercussions of different tactics of diplomacy. The Assistant Chief Diplomatic Officer was the second-in-command of the ship's Diplomatic Corps detachment. If necessary, he or she took the place of the Chief Diplomatic Officer on a temporary or permanent basis.


A diplomat is a specialized civilian who must be familiar with a variety of areas: history, religion, politics, economics, and military, and understand how they affect potential threats. A wide range of operations can occur in response to these areas and threats. These operations occur within three general states of being: peacetime competition, conflict and war.

S/he must be equally flexible and demonstrate initiative, agility, depth, synchronization, and improvisation to provide responsive legal services to his/her Commanding Officer as well a diplomatic advise on current status of an Alien Species both aligned and non aligned to the Federation.

Diplomatic Attache

A Diplomatic Attache on a ship or starbase also had to be quite familiar with the same wide range of areas, like Federation foreign policy, intergalactic politics, economics and history. Junior Officers could be Diplomatic Attaches.

Diplomat's Aide

The Diplomat's Aide assists the Chief Diplomatic Officer whenever and however needed. The Aide is an enlisted officer who has training in the diplomatic field, and can do the job of a regular diplomatic officer if needed. Junior Officers could be Diplomatic Aides.

Diplomatic Yeoman

Diplomatic efforts essentially exist on two dimensions: there is strategic planning and formulation of diplomatic policy, and the management and administration of that policy. Administrative responsibilities for diplomatic work are particularly important. Thus a diplomatic Yeoman performs administrative, clerical work and oversight primarily concerned with protocol, remaining within the boundaries of inter-galactic law and treaties and, of course, obedience to the Prime Directive.

Close Protection Team Commanding Officer

Leads the CPT. The diplomatic team has a specific group of highly trained security officers. They work in close contact with the Security Department and protects the members of the diplomatic team on ship and on away missions and other such events. They also assist with supplimenting incoming ambassadors protection detals.

Close Protection Officer

The diplomatic team has a specific group of highly trained security officers. They work in close contact with the Security Department and protects the members of the diplomatic team on ship and on away missions and other such events. They also assist with supplimenting incoming ambassadors protection detals.

Exchange Officers

Exchange Officers are from different foreign Governments who spend time on Federation Starships as a mix of active duty and Observers.

  • Exchange Officer - Onjas Republic
  • Exchange Officer - Drax

    Ambassadors from Other Powers

    At Certain times, for periods of times, Ambassadors from other races are assigned to the ship.

  • Klingon Ambassador
  • Cardassian Ambassador
  • Romulan Ambassador

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