Season 1: Episode 2: Hell is empty, all the devils are here! - part 2

Created by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson on Sat Mar 2nd, 2019 @ 10:51pm

Episode 2: Hell is empty, all the devils are here! - Cards on the Table

A Mission Post by Commander Phoenix Lalor & Chief Petty Officer Feyth Railli

Mission: Episode 2: Hell is empty, all the devils are here!

Location: Captain's Ready Room

Timeline: MD 3 :14h00ish

Feyth Railli counted the swooshes of light that flashed, each floor she passed illuminating the inside of the turbolift as she darted toward Deck 18. The turbolift slowed and the doors parted with a quiet hiss. Feyth took in a slow breath.

The Bridge.

Lieutenant Commander Qwyyn had setup this meeting with the Captain. Despite whatever pull Liselle had with the great and powerful Phoenix Lalor, Feyth doubted that she would agree to any meetings with her. But, to her surprise, a summons to the Captain's Ready Room had appeared in Railli's schedule. At first she was excited for the meeting. This was her chance to say all of the things that had been on her mind for the last year. She knew Phoenix would throw her off the ship eventually, that day was coming. So be it. But she was going to go down in a blaze of glory.

But then, as the fated hour approached, Feyth realized that this had been a mistake. More than anything she wished she had never asked Qwyyn to set this little talk up in the first place. It was too late for regrets now. She already found herself standing outside the ready room. She watched herself reach up and press the door chime.

"Come" Came the voice of the Commanding Officer. The doors opened and Phoenix Lalor was sitting on a low couch off to the side of the room. She stood. "Ah come in Feyth." She said calmly.

Feyth took a cautious step into the room. In all her life she couldn't remember a time when she felt so unsure of herself. Normally, in any other encounter with Phoenix Lalor, Feyth would have defaulted immediately to anger and went from there. This time there was only her nerves, and a barely controlled feeling of panic that threatened to overtake her. But she braved the fear. No matter how bad this conversation might go, she was willing to listen to Qwyyn's advice and at least give it a try. She clasped her hands at her side, standing at full attention. If nothing else, she would start this meeting by showing the ship's captain the level of respect that the role commanded.

Phoenix took a breath. "Please sit down." She said calmly waving Feyth to a seat across from where she was reseating herself. "Liselle said you had somethings to discuss with me." She left the statement open hoping it would give the Bajoran an opening.

Feyth looked to a nearby chair, but she remained standing where she was. She didn't know where to begin. And so, she just began: "You were right about me and Ken," she said. "Back on the planet, when you said that I was jealous and that I wanted him. You were right." Feyth sat down in the chair. She still held her hands in front of her. She forced herself to look Phoenix in the eye. "But it wasn't romantic. You're wrong if you think that there is anything like that going on between us. Ken and I have been through a lot together. He was the one who rescued me from a Cardassian prison where they did...horrible things." She closed her eyes for a moment, remembering. She opened them again, bringing herself back into the present. "We've saved each others lives more times than I can count, we've spent countless nights huddled together for warmth in caves as we hid from the soldiers. He was there when Analla died." Feyth looked down at her clasped hands. "She was my daughter..."

The Bajoran looked up at Phoenix again. "We joined Starfleet together, and we've been together ever since. Ken is a good man. But he is anything but forgiving. When he gets mad, he shuts you out. He has never forgiven River for leaving us behind. I don't think he ever will," she said. "You know, at first I actually wanted the two of you to get together. I teased him about it for months. But the damn coward wouldn't make a move. So I pulled that prank where he was forced to admit everything to you. Since then, things have been different between me and him. I guess I finally took things too far."

"You seemed pretty close in the mess hall" Phoenix said softly. "In fact there are rumors going around that the two of you are more than friends." She gave a shrug. "I don't let people in easily And for me to trust anyone in THAT way is a big step. You can imagine my feelings hearing about those rumors."

"It was River!" Feyth blurted out. She sighed, feeling a surprising wave of relief that came with the enormity of the crushing weight that had just lifted from her shoulders. She sighed again. Her chest felt light. "The rumors about me and Waters were right. They just had the wrong Waters," she said. "It was River Waters. Not Ken."

Phoenix looked at her. "River? The cadet?" She asked then waved the question away. "Never mind," She studied Feyth closely. "Feyth? Are you well? You don't look good"

"It's just the Alterian Flu," she said quickly. Her eyes darted to one side. Qwyyn had probably already told her. Or had she? Feyth reached up to wipe her forehead with the back of her sleeve. Why was she holding back? She had told herself when she stepped into the room that she was going to put all the cards on the table. "I might be pregnant," she murmured. "I haven't actually gotten tested yet." A light hit her eyes. "Please, you can't tell Ken!"

Phoenix moved to the replicator and replicated something that smelt very herbal. She handed it to Feyth. "Raspberry and Ginger. Erisian Recipe." she said calmly as she left the steaming mug in the Bajoran's hands. "Should help." then sitting back down, Phoenix added. "You don't want Ken to know because you fear that the child's father will be the issue. Not the fact that you are pregnant, the fact that you are pregnant to River Waters, who is what? 20?21? And as he and his brother do not get along... it will be a massive fight."

Feyth gladly drank from the warm mug. The liquid was unlike anything she had tasted before, soothing and yet spicy. She clasped her hands tighter around the drink she held to let its heat seep into her blood. "You have no idea," she said. "River and I ... we've kind of made a habit of having a drink together every once a while. It's a tradition that we started after we were evacuated to that planet, when Ken and I weren't exactly on speaking terms. But a couple of weeks ago, we drank a little too long, things happened. Honestly, I think a big part of me wanted to do this, just to piss Ken off. Prophets, if I could take it back --"

Phoenix nodded. "I understand. Very well, here is what I suggest, you go to Medical. Get the doctor to look you over. If you are pregnant, you take his advice on how to have a healthy baby. If anyone asks about the father you can tell them to get lost. It is no ones business but yours. And if you do not want to tell the father, again that is your choice, I will not tell anyone. And I believe that Liselle won't either."

The Bajoran stopped short of saying anything in response. To her surprise, the sensitivity Phoenix had just displayed to her was nearly enough to choke her up. Damned hormones!

When Feyth did finally trust herself to speak, it was in a small voice. "Why are you doing this?" she asked. "We hate each other. Why are you being so nice to me?"

"No, you think I hate you. I was upset that you pulled that stupid prank and continued it in the middle of a crisis that spoke of lack of professionalism. But no, I never hated you." Phoenix said calmly.

And now the tears did come. Feyth waved her hand in front of her eyes. "I'm sorry," she said in red hot embarrassment. "It's just this...whatever it is -- flu or pregnancy or whatever." She took a steadying breath. "Honestly, ever since you took over I was so worried you were going to kick me off the ship. I've been on pins and needles since we docked at the starbase."

"Why would I do that?" Phoenix asked. She had only ever kicked one person off the Elysium in her tenure as CHOPS and he had been a jackass who had disobeyed orders. "Look Feyth." She sat and rubbed the woman's back. "I am never going to kick people off just because of a disagreement. Disobeying orders yes, but never because of personal issues."

She set her tea to one side and used her fingertips to wipe away the mascara that had melted its way down her cheeks. "I'm sorry, Captain. I'm not usually like this." She laughed, despite herself. "As I'm sure you of all people would know."

Phoenix handed her a box of tissues she kept in her office. "Here. Get yourself together. I am sure you will feel better once you see the doctor."

Feyth nodded. She took a tissue and rose up to her feet. "Thank you, Captain," she said. "For being so...reasonable about all of this. I'll go and see that doctor now." She gave Phoenix a nod and headed for the door.

She stopped.

"Captain, I want you to know that I am sorry about Chief Petty Officer Teodoro. I remember her sacrifice every day," Feyth said. "I tried to write my condolences to her family, but the communique was rejected. I know she was a friend of yours. I was hoping maybe you could let her family know that I don't want anything from them, I just wanted to let them know that I am sorry for their loss."

Phoenix took a breath and nodded. "Unfortunately Feyth, her... family were not very welcoming to me when I took them the news. They were her adoptive parents, Catalina did not know her biological parents. They refused to take custody of her remains. I organised her burial in the Fleet graveyard in San Francisco. Your condolences will be wasted on her... family. Her real family was the crew of this ship." Phoenix had been very pissed about the whole situation and half tempted to call in a few markers and get the adoptive parents done in.

"Tal dey na pah wraith," Feyth spat. She looked at Phoneix. Her eyes were cold. "A curse for her adoptive parents," she explained.

"Believe me, I had a few curses for them as well." Phoenix said calmly. "But in the end she got the honor she deserved."

"Thank you, sir." Feyth nodded. She turned for the door again, and stopped yet again as they parted before her. "And please, don't tell Ken about any of this. Not yet. He should hear it from me."

"Agreed" Phoenix smiled. "Good luck in medical."

Episode 2: Hell is empty, all the devils are here! - "Clearing the Air"

A Mission Post by Commander Phoenix Lalor & Senior Chief Petty Officer Ken Waters

Mission: Episode 2: Hell is empty, all the devils are here!

Location: MD 3 18h00

Timeline: Ken's quarters


Phoenix took her time as she walked through silent halls to the quarters assigned to Ken Waters. She was dressed in civilian clothes which for her was jeans and a tee shirt and loafers.

She took a breath and hit the chime.

The doors parted to reveal Ken Waters, eyes wide in surprise, a toothbrush tucked firmly in his mouth. He wore a white undershirt tucked into the pants of his Starfleet uniform. He plucked the toothbrush from between his lips, and spoke around a mouthful of toothpaste. "Phoenix," he managed. Whatever he might be thinking, good or bad, he kept hidden away from her behind a stone faced expression. He indicated the way into his quarters with his toothbrush. "Come in?"

Phoenix's lips twitched with the mirth she was trying to hide. "Thank you." she said softly and moved into the cabin. She had seen Ken in less and in more awkward situations but this was still funny.

"What can I --" he closed his mouth over foaming toothpaste and held up a waiting finger to Phoenix before darting into the adjoining bathroom.

After the sound of spitting, running water, gargling and more spitting, Ken came back into the room still wielding his teeth cleaning weapon. "What can I do for you, Captain?" he asked. He noted her casual attire and knew she wasn't here on official ship business. Prophets, she was beautiful. But he wasn't about to say so. Not right now. He wasn't sure where her head was at after their spat in the mess hall. For all he knew she was about to call off their relationship once and for all.

"Ah... " she said softly. "Could you put your toothbrush down? Its quite distracting." Then she flashed a smile. "I have come to ask that you forgive me for my words earlier"

"You came to..." he began in surprise. Only then did he look down and realize that he had been holding the toothbrush for so long. He let out an amused scoff at the sight of it, and he swung his arm around behind his back. "Right. Sorry. I was just in the middle of -- really?" He was doing a horrible job of keeping his relief from showing. A grin threatened to paint his face. He took a step toward her. "You're sure?"

"Yes" Phoenix replied calmly. "I should have never confronted you like I did. I am sorry."

His smile pulled at the corners of his eyes. He closed the distance between them with another step. "I was hoping that would be your decision."

Phoenix's lips curved into a small smile. "And I am hoping you will not hold my actions against me."

"Actually, that's very much what I intended to do," he said and he leaned in to her.

"Hey careful with that" she laughed as she pushed the toothbrush away.

"Whoops. Forgot I had that," Ken said, and he held up the device between them. He tossed it onto the couch. He leaned into her again, this time pressing his lips to the nape of her neck. "Although I did just sonic my teeth. You want to continue this apology in the other room?"

"Hmm" Phoenix shifted against him. "As wonderful as that sounds, I am on call until the Away team comes back." she kissed him gently on the lips. "I got changed so I could come and see you, but I am still technically on duty. Burdens of command." she raised blue eyes to his. "That said, I would not mind letting you try to convince me to be more ... apologetic while I wait..."

He pulled her closer to him still. Through the material of her shirt her breasts pressed hard against his chest. His fingers traced the deep scars on her back. The feeling of them triggered the memory of the last time he had seen her naked. His skin tightened with the rush of blood pumping through his veins. He brought his fingers up into her black hair, pulling slightly to arch her neck so that he could bend down and kiss her again. His teeth pressed down into her lower lip.

He came back to reality in the moment where he suspected he might have caused pain. Breaking his lips from hers, he rested his forehead against her own. Still he went in for another quick kiss. Another. "You could always resign your commission," he suggested between each one, "spend the rest of this mission here with me. Guilt free."

Phoenix gave a soft laugh at that. "Tempting as that is lover, I think I will have to maintain my posting for the time being." She slid her arms around him and snuggled against him. "That said, I do enjoy spending time with you."

"Then spend more time with me," he urged. He stepped back, so that he could take both of her hands in his. "I like you, Phoenix. I really do. Everything we've done so far has been...pretty damn great." He looked down at her hands and smiled. "But I want to get to know you more. I want to have meals together, and have holodeck adventures together. I want to know more about your life and about where you come from. We had the start of something great, and suddenly you're the captain, and now I'm not sure about how to approach any of this anymore. I'm worried I'm going to push too hard and chase you away."

"right now, here and now, we are just two normal people Ken. I am still the same person before Sharr shoved me into the post i really am not sure I want." Phoenix said softly.

He slid his fingers up her arms, so that he could pull her close again, feel the warmth of her body again. His nose pressed against hers. "So tell me," he said, his voice falling to a lower register as he whispered. "What DO you want?"

"I know that I want to spend time with you, be with you, to continue what we started." She said honestly. "Everyone else will just have deal. I am not changing my mind because of rank."

He smiled, a happy little smile that belied his relief and how utterly content her words had made him. "Penelope Lalor, will you go steady with me?"

"Is that what humans call it?" she asked with a smile, and then she kissed him. "Of course." she said against his lips "You just had to ask."

"You won't regret it," he promised.

Episode 2: Hell is empty, all the devils are here! - Chatting over dinner.

A Mission Post by Lieutenant Dyhei Liducca & Lieutenant Sthilg

Mission: Episode 2: Hell is empty, all the devils are here!

Location: Officers mess.


The officer's mess was quite and apart from a few of his medical staff and one security officer as the big gorn stepped through the doors. He'd been working hard on some scheduled surgery and was really feeling peckish. Looking at the menu for fresh food he grumbled slightly at the mostly veg based list.

Choosing the Jumbo Vulcan mollusks with some earth salad the lizard made his way to a free table before going to the replicator. The pale blue protein mix he replicated looked to be the most unappealing thing the mess had seen, but neither the less he made his way back to the table.

Still getting used to the extent of her newly acquired responsibilities, Dyhei made it to the mess a little later than planned, strolling in she noted it was quiet but she recognised a couple of faces and the Big Gorn chief medical officer, deciding he would make a good meal partner

Moving over to the replicator, she selected a stew dish and a small cob of mappa bread, the bajorans signature bread, then threaded her way across the room, approaching from the side she made herself known. "Well that certainly looks adventurous food choice, fancy some company?"

" You're not on a weight gaining diet I don't have much of a choice. " The big lizard replied jokingly with a grin as he indicated for her to sit.

Sliding herself into the chair opposite, she smirked and repeated his reply. "Weight gaining diet, you mean those broad shoulders of yours are going to get even broader?" Splitting the code of bread in half and then half again, Dyhei added. "Rather you than me, I never could stomach seafood, no mater the planet."

Thinking of explaining why he needed to regain weight the gorn stopped when he realised such a tale wouldn't go down well on the dinner table. " Alway remember the first ocean I sssaw. Bandu V on the far ssside of Klingon ssspace. Inhabitance are all large intelligent eelsss very hard to do sssurgery on." He pondered as he took a bite of one of the molluscs before pausing. " Forgive me I have a habit of rambling. How are things down in the ssscience department?"

Her smile widened at the mental image of a seven foot plus talking eel, one of those comments that reminded her that there was still plenty of wonder to discover the galaxy, she swirled a gunk of bread round the bowl as she considered her reply. "There steady for the most part, much like your own were not exactly in the thick of the mission, so my guys are following up on a few on going projects which is keeping them happy for the most part. Personally, I'm just trying to get used to the new position, never been chief before, and I'm finding quite a few unexpected aspects of the job."

" Just take the job one ssstep at a time and remember why you wanted to do it in the fist place." The gorn replied taking a drink from his protein mix. You could tell by his face he didn't enjoy it.

"Yeah your enjoying that aren't you?" She commented with a hint of irony and the smirk still gracing her features. "I know why I got in to the sciences, but I didn't plan on being chief, just got handed orders and here I am," she related with a slightly bemused look and a shrug, not wanting to get to bogged down in her own issues she tried to change the subject. "any way enough about me, what are you into when your not patching crew up?"

" Oh, plenty of things. I read poetry, history and ssscientific journalsss. I conduct my own geneticsss resssearch ssstrickly on paper though. I also like growing my own coffee beans." The gorn replied cheerily.

Two thing caught her attention by being equal surprising and unique as interests, which her expressions made clear before she managed to respond. "A poet and grower, quite a combination. Do you grow your Beans in your quarters or have you managed to secure a plot in the ships hydroponincs bay? I ask cos as part of a therapy period one councilor had me work on a small plot, I grew a selection of peppers from earth, andorra, bolaris oh the rigelians have a varient that's quite potent."

" I noticed peppersss last time I was in. My beansss are in the far most corner. Ssstill rather green at the monet, but they ssshould brown in time." The gorn replied cheerily.

"Ah yeah of course they need that sort of soil type," Dyhei bobbed her head, as she pictured the layout of the bay in her mind and picked out the area Sthilg was referring to, " and a certain amount of care and attention, but your right they turn in time, I think that was the lesson, things grow in time things heal in time." She commented a slight far away look taking over her for a moment, in time with an odd rush of emotions, then she offered a though as it popped into her mind along with a wide grin. "Hey, you never know they might ripen at similar times, we should celebrate if they do......just because."

" I guesss I could asssk the captain to organise a harvest festival celebration. Would be good for the crew moral." The doctor responded already think things through in his head.

Now that responce she did not expect, so much so her eyes widened and her body language a picture of uncertainty as she instinctively responded. "Woah, I was kind of kidding, sort of, It's just I've only been hear just over a week and I tend to wait about a month before making plans that take in the entire crew." She paused to breath, "Not that it's a bad idea, I mean crew moral is always a thing that needs........something." Stopping herself again she cracked a smile and let out a little giggle. "Now that rambling."

" No need to apologise. I'll write something up and let the captain know. Ssstill other than gardening what else do you in your free time?" The gorn asked as he finished his last mollusc.

"Well at the moment, I'm getting into 3D chess, managed to find the little group of players on this ship. That's the indoor type stuff, for outdoor activities, ive gotten into rock climbing. But I'm always on the look.out for my next distraction.galaxy of infinite posabilitiys out there, and there's the ever present stargazing passion, but that kind of strays into work but it's what keeps me here."

" Glad you have plenty to do. Not into mossst of them, but I'd be willing to lend a hand if you'd be up for it." The gorn replied as he swallowed most of his salad in one gulp.

"Might just take you up on that build like yours would make for an excellent climbing buddy." Dyhei acknowledge with a smile, making a mental noteachings to book some holodeck time when the current mission was over, then the request she'd been meaning to get to both Durrington her physical and when she sported him in the mess. "Actually got a request, which is kinda work related. My last few postings, I'd elected to help medical when the ship was on Alert or Battle Stations, emergency triage in one of the overflow medical bays, usually a mess or lounge. I'd like to get my certification and training up to date, so I can continue that if you'll have me?"

" Off courssse. I'll sssend you my schedual so you can sssee what time we could ssstart training you up." The gorn replied his happy tone showing he was always willing to help people learn.

"Great, I look forward to it." Dyhei responded positively, "I think this could be the start of a great working relationship."

" Indeed i think i'm.........." The gorn began to reply just as his com badge went off. " Cheif medical emergency we need you here now." Came his badge. " Great could you put my tray away?" The gorn said to his freind as he began to stand up.

"Sure thing." Dyhei responded with a smile as she leant back in her chair as the Gorn left, then turned back to the remnants of her meal.

Meeting the Commander

A Mission Post by 1st Lieutenant Michael Andrews & Commander Phoenix Lalor

Mission: Episode 0: History Speaks

Location: CO's Ready Room

Timeline: MD 3 0800 hours

Michael got out of the turbolift and entered the Elysium bridge. He was to report to Commander Phoenix Lalor as the new MDCO. He looked around and headed to the Ready Room door then pressed the chime button.

Phoenix was looking over paperwork about incoming transfers and her head came up. "Come in" She called out.

Michael heard the voice and the door opened. He stepped and went to attention. "Commander Lalor. 1LT Michael Andrews, reporting in as your new MDCO" he said with a sharp salute.

The name triggered in Phoenix's mind. "Ah yes, I got the confirmation of your transfer yesterday. Welcome to the Elysium" as she spoke she stood and extended her hand to the Lieutenant. "Please have a seat." She said as she did so.

Michael shook her hand and took a seat across from her. "If I may say so, Commander, I'm glad to be aboard. Aside from my marine training, I've had advanced training in security and would be happy to help out, should the need arise " he said in a deep bass.

"I will let lt. Commander Holmes know that." Phoenix smiled. "Now, " she dug through the pile of PADDS on her desk. "Ah here it is." she pulled one out. "Your detachment details. We have an allocation of 120 Marine berths for your team. Of course some of those are for the Starfighters, which for now you are in charge of, as they are marines as well." She held it out.

Michael took the PADD and looked it over. "How many birds and pilots are we housing?" He asked. He'd need to do an inspection before too long.

"32 birds I believe at last count. Raptor Space Superiority Fighter: 8 , Razor Interceptor: 16 , Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighter: 8. I will admit to not knowing much about them but I have been assured that they are all flight ready. The Engineering teams at Sol Sector assured me they were in perfect condition." Phoenix said searching her memory as she spoke. "I believe we have the same amount of Marine Pilots."

"So s total of 88 marines and 32 pilots. Sounds reasonable. I'll do an inspection in the next 24 hours, if that would be alright Commander" he said, handing the PADD back to her.

"it's your department Lieutenant. I expect you to run it as you see fit. If no one is up to scratch then get someone who is." Phoenix said.

Michael nodded and stood. "I'll do an inspection, Commander as soon as I get my baselines finished " he said.

Phoenix nodded. "Very well" She gave a slight smile. "Do you have any questions Lieutenant?"

"I don't believe so, Commander. If something does come up, I'll be at your disposal " he said with a smile and a salute.

"I shall keep that in mind. You should go get settled in Lieutenant" Phoenix replied.

"Aye Commander " he said then turned and headed to the turbolift, heading to Sickbay.

Episode 2: Hell is empty, all the devils are here! - Keep Strolling On

A Mission Post by Lieutenant Commander Liselle Qwyyn & Lieutenant Dyhei Liducca

Mission: Episode 2: Hell is empty, all the devils are here!

Location: A walk to the bridge

Timeline: MD 3 - Minutes Before Arrival at Risa


Having finished her regular duties for the morning a little earlier than expected, which Dyhei put down to the routine she seemed to be sliding into, and the fact she now had a puzzle to solve, potentially. She'd elected to put the data away late afternoon of yesterday, and then take another look at it after the mundane things like sleep and administrative tasks, the result was, the same anomaly lept out and the same questions came to the fore.

Take a walk she thought, clear your head or stimulate the thinking processes, one of the two. So she strolled though a deck, taking one of the longer, circular corridors, sifting through her thoughts while still trying to be aware enough of her surrounding that the hybrid didn't come off as cold or clumsy.

"Dyhei!" Qwyyn called out.

Her name and that it came from a familer voice caught her attention, looking round she grinned.

The Trill held up a hand in greeting as she quickened her steps to catch up with the Chief Science Officer. "It's good to see you again. I was going to ask how you're settling in on the Elysium, but I can already see your completely lost in thought. The Captain pushing your department a little hard already?" she joked.

"Not exactly, I've been given permission to indulge in side research, which can have the same effect. " Dyhei explained with a shake of her head and a grin, genuinely pleased to share the what she hoped was the beginning of a something with someone she'd class as a friend. "I've gone and gotten myself a little puzzle, at least I think so, you headed anywhere particular?"

Qwyyn jabbed her thumb over her shoulder. "I've got next shift on the bridge in a few minutes," she said. "Walk me there?"

"Sure." Was Dyhei's responce together with wider grin as she turned in the direction indicated. "You seem cheerier, its good, how have the past few days been?"

"Better!" Qwyyn said with a genuine smile. She stopped for a moment and touched the other woman's shoulder. "I truly owe you, Dyhei. You really helped snap me out of it. I know that must have been a little overwhelming for you, to come aboard a new posting like this and bump into someone like me on your first day."

"I could see you hurting, I was in a position to help, it was a bit of no brained." Dyhei replied softly, patting the hand on her shoulder with her own, still a little awkward when praise or gratitude came her way. "It helped me in a way, gave me something a little more familiar to focus one.......let the other more basic and perfunctory duty stuff fall into place, well that's the theory at least."

"You're a girl after my own heart," Qwyyn said with a smile. She released her grip on Dyhei's shoulder and began walking again down the corridor again. "So, can I at least try to repay the favor? What's this mystery you've got on your hands?"

"Yeah please, a fresh perspective tends to help." She agreed, before contemplating the best point to start off from. "Well it has to do with a favorite subject of mine, stellar bodies, more specifically stars." She began with her usual level of enthusiasm on this subject evident by her body language and the occasional expensive gesture. "Actually this steams from my observing the data gathered by the rather timid Ensign that walked in on our first encounter, so it has a nice symmetry in a way. I digress, he was on surveying a Brown Dwarf absorbing the remnants of a supernova and something else." They stopped as they reached the turbolift. Liselle hit the call button. "Something else?"

"Yeah, have you ever heard of Cesium-Bromide compound? It's commonly used as a filtering agent in physics experiments. It's not commonly found in recently exploded stars, in fact it's not a natural compound, so I had a look at the surrounding system, nothing, which leads me to conclude that it's not natural. Which is the root of the puzzle, first question how did it get there?"

Liselle folded her arms beneath her breast. "You're not suggesting this event was man made?"

"I'm trying not too, but it hard to ignore the 'no natural sources', so I keep coming back to that theory." Dyhei admitted, clearly uncomfortable with the direction she was having to take with the find, and although she had trust in Liselle, she felt a need to be sure of that trust. "I want to stress it's a theory, I don't want to get ahead of myself."

The door in front of them opened and she stopped talking as two crew exited, thankfully leaving the lift car empty, Dyhei gestured for Liselle to go first as she continued. "Best theory it was an accident unplanned or careless jetison, worse it was. ........deliberate."

"Bridge," Liselle announced to the ceiling. The turbolift started on its way, painting the two of them in beams of passing light as they crossed floors. "The implications of this are..." she tried to find the appropriate word, "...unfathomable. Have you been able to observe these readings anywhere else in the system, or is this an isolated case?"

"Now you see why I've been pacing the halls for the past hour or so." She offered with a sigh, relieved to have an understanding and confidential ear. "But no, other observations, the other stars a brown dwarf which is ....... or might be significant." She paused and then set off on a train of though as well as pacing the small space of the car." This is a pin hole I need data I need statistics before I can draw conclusions. I should catalogue all Supernovae in the last six months, then any spatial reading of Cesium - Bromide compound and compare." She stopped pacing and looked straight at the Trill, a question forming in her mind. "Do you know of any effects of supernova on starships from a Navigation point of view, or an engine point of view?"

"Sure," Liselle said with a shrug. "The disruption to space-time from an exploding star is devastating. The risk of a black hole or other such space phenomena would be more than enough to force any starships to chart around the event horizon. No question. Until the gravimetric distortions have stabilized, we wouldn't be able to fully trust long range sensors enough to chart a safe flight path. Otherwise, we'd need to do extensive mapping from pretty close up, say a few million kilometers or so." The Flight Control Officer tapped her chin with a finger. "As for the engines, if we even could form a stable warp bubble -- which isn't incredibly likely -- the sheering effect of sustained warp on the underlying subspace would risk permanent damage to the region, making it exponentially volatile. Theoretically, you're risking opening holes in the very fabric of space; something we still don't fully understand. In any case, impulse travel would be the best you could hope for. Again, another reason to chart around."

Her eyes widened as a stunned expression crept over her, as some of the implications of this event were made clear, in the back of her mind Dyhei knew that Supernovae were studied from afar, only now was she grasping why and this was only one effect. "If it's causing those issues for travel, what about surrounding systems, inhabited systems..........right priorities, first confirm if this is isolated or not, second I should flag that system as dangerous and then.........I never done this before so anything obvious I've missed?"

"Hmmmmm..." Liselle pursed her lips. "I don't know if this is relevant, but there would also be severe electromagnetic interference. Basically anything with a power source would be at risk of being rendered inoperable, any computer at risk of being wiped."

The turbolift slowed and then slid into a full stop. The doors hissed open, revealing the main bridge.

"Everything is relevant at this point, effects can help point to a why and ultimately a who." Dyhei responded with a smile flickering around her now worried expression. "Clearly someone wants to make a statement." She glanced round into the bridge. "I guess this is your stop, thanks for listening to a crazy scienciey person with wild theories, especially given you've probably got other things on your mind."

Liselle smiled, an expression both warm and all too self aware. "I am the last person in the world you will ever have to apologize to for crazy behavior," she said. She stepped out onto the bridge and then stopped, turning back to the Chief Science Officer. "You might be chasing a dead end. This could all be nothing. Then again, you may very well be on the verge of something incredibly important. If I can be of any help, even if it's just as someone to bounce ideas off of, don't hesitate. I promise to never think you're being crazy."

"That's more comforting than you might think. I'll keep you in the loop, actually so far you are the loop, and your a real pal." Came her cheery responce, glad to be able to air her theory to someone with such a listening and open minded outlook, "If I may, I suspect you might end up on away mission given you were part of the original crew, I'd say trust your instincts while your down there, and stay safe."

"Thanks, Dyhei," she said. She swallowed, feeing a wave of conflicting emotions suddenly sweep over her. "The man responsibile for Admiral Sharr's fate is down there. If I'm given the chance to run into that person...well, let's just say: no promises."

Heartstrings and Heartbeats

A Mission Post by Lieutenant JG Jessinia Kopl-Johnson & 1st Lieutenant Michael Andrews

Mission: Episode 0: History Speaks

Location: Sickbay

Timeline: O900 hours

Michael had his hear stowed and went to Sickbay. He'd need to do his baselines. Walking in, he saw something he never expected to see again. SHE was there! Not 10 feet from him. 7 years since that fateful night. He stepped up behind her.

"Excuse me, ma'am. Can you tell me where I might the CMO?" He asked.

She'd felt a male come into Sick bay.. She was facing her children. having just finished her families check in.. She remembered him.. He'd been a Great prospect,, A lifetime ago... It was the strangest thing... She turned slowly.. Looking up from his Barrel chest to his firm face.. He'd aged... Remarkably.. Not much older than her... She breathed.. "Hello Micheal..." she said slowly...

All those feelings started to bubble to surface. All the 'could haves' started racing through his brain. But that was then. This was now. She was still stunning. He felt himself wanting to step forward and take her in his arms. But there remained the question. {Why?}

"It's been a long time, Jess..... too long" he said, scanning her body like a hunter scans for game or a predator scans for prey.

GODS!!!! Now??!! Her hormones..{Whoremoans really} were on fire!! She couldn't help the smile.. "Care to meet my little ones??" She HAD to slow herself down.. At least a little...

{She's a mother?} he thought. He always invisioned her with HIS kids. Not some other guy's. "Of course. Every lioness loves to show off their cubs. Even to a rogue leo" he smiled. He knelt down and looked with open admiration at the children.{You're lucky to have that lioness as your mother} he thought, smiling gently at them.

His response to her children was all she needed, she fell for him HARD.. And Immediately.. "Mavric say hello.." She toned firmly.. She would teach them right no matter who thought what about their mother.. Mavric looked at the huge man,, in awe.. "Your HUGE!!" He said instead.. Marnie was more forward than expected.. moving to the edge of the bed she reached out slowly to poke Micheals large bald head.. Jessinia's had,,, Other Ideas for that beautiful scalp...

Michael smiled and chuckled. "That's quite observant of you, young man. You show great promise" he said then turned to Marine and laughed. He hugged both of them softly then stood and turned to face Jessinia. "The proud lioness should be proud of her cubs" he said gently to her, taking her hand in his. His heartstrings were already attaching to her and his heartbeats were getting faster. She was the one

she felt her Ire rise as a female nurse approaches The female didn't see her past Micheal Glorious bulk.. "Grrrrr.." She hissed under her breathe.. Well than she'd selected her next sexual conquest After all??!! She reigned herself in Killed a nurse would be Bad for business.. She pulled her hand away just as the nurse came around him.. "Oh hello Lt. I need to escort this marine to the exercise scanner chamber.. he needs a full battery of tests..."

Jessinia nodded coolly.. but he was her new wonder,, She'd Never stop pursueing him...

Michael growled at the interruption but kept himself in check. "Lt, it was nice to meet you. Perhaps we can get together later for a drink?" He asked. {Goddamnit! I want you, Jessinia!} He screamed in his mind, knowing she'd pick up the thought.

As he was escorted away she marveled in his hugeness.. Hmmm.. Just perfect.. Indeed.. {You shall have me fantastic warrior, every millimeter.. I will worship you at night and you will possess me always...} "Imzadi.." She said under her breath.. It cast only to his ears...

To sickbay w/children!???

A Mission Post by Lieutenant JG Jessinia Kopl-Johnson & Lieutenant Sthilg

Mission: Episode 0: History Speaks

Location: sickbay

Timeline: MD4 Mid-Morning...

Mom squad.. Her newest fashion line idea. Comfort, flexibility and looks.. She was being escorted with her little ones toward sickbay.. Might as well get that part over with.. In form fitting jeans, boots, snug tank top and loose jean jacket.. She was all of the Milf she could be. Marnie on her left hip, hiding from to much newness.. She was a treasure, she had a new form of Autism... So far with No cure,, This made her Mute and easily scared.. Mavric on the other hand was foolishly unafraid, all limbs and no common sense..

If not for some common day mom telepathy, which was all she could use without permission, he might have broken himself by now.. As it was he constantly tried to out manuever his mother, with not a stitch of hope in doing so.. He nearly tripped over an angle iron trying to get around the enlisted escorting them. With a snap of her fingers he stopped cold flopping on his knees with a giggle, He hooped on his feet falling in step with his mom.

They were escorted to sickbay new bright, impressive.. A nurse brought them in to the CMO..

" No to risky using Kanutisssol. Direct sssurgery on the infected area would be most effective." The gron medical officer said to the andorian doctor as they disgust one of the regular medical events that the ship had to undertake. His white eyes catching the small group entering and he politely excused himself allowing the doctor to continue her work. Noting the small children he did his best not to look scary he approached the small group. " Jessinia Kopl-Johnson, Mavric and Marnie isn't he? " He asked politely trying his best toothy smile.

The children froze for a heartbeat than hid, against or behind Mom.. She'd seen, hell, killed at least one Gorn with a combined telepathic and physical attack.. She wasn't strong in the least but when you could find his weak spot with his Own mind, killing was easy.. "Hello Doctor. She tugged Mavric around her hip. "This is Mavric," she jiggle Marnie, her heavy breasts moving as well.. Marnie stayed hidden.. "This is Marnie.."

"We just got here, figured we needed to get this stuff out of the way..

" Hello there little onesss I'm the doctor ssso I just need you and your mom to get a quick ssscan. " The big lizard said leaning down on one knee so he was closer to their height. He kept a respectable difference having dealt with this plenty of times before.

Marnie tightened her grip, as expected, Mavric though, seeing that Mom was ok was emboldened.. He moved right up to the doctor and poked his boney left cheek.. He was fascinated.. It was endearing... Being vastly undersexed for a women like her. this created a confusion that Jessinia had felt very few tiimes... "Be polite young man.." she said smoothly..

The gron smiled as he ruffled the young child's hair. " Well young man are you going to be brave and get your ssscan done first?" He said politly and friendly. Thankfully a nod from the young boy was the answer he wanted. " Right this way then. " The gorn said as he searched his pockets for a padd. " Have there been any accidents or injuries since your family's last medical checkup?" He asked politely.

They moved to the closest biobed and Mavric half fell while trying to climb to fast.. Jessinia snatched him by his collar long enough for him to right himself. Child still on her hip.. Her moves were very direct, Mom mode fully engaged.. "Accidents yes,," She said with a sigh, "With injury, It doesn't seem so.." Mavric turned around poked his sister than looked back at the Gorn. "Your a lot stiffer than my sister.."

"MAVRIC HEATH!!" Jessinia snapped.. He closed his mouth eyes going wide... The familiar sounds brought back memories from the lizard's minds. He pushed them away when he knew what they would lead to. Terrible terrifying memories. Carefully he placed the padd back into his pocket before turning. " Treat your sister well Mavric. Nothing more import than family. " He said as he picked the boy up and placed him on the biobed. " Any conditions or allergies I need to know about?" he asked Jessia as he stared up the scan.

"None for them as yet.." But you'll see in Marnie's scans and history, she's on the Autism spectrum,, Mute.." Jessinia sad with sad determination.. "AS for me, Cinnimon of All things..." Marnie peeked out since her brother seemed to be enjoying himself...

" You'll be sssurprised what I've found people were allergic to. " The gorn replied as the boys scan finished. " Well young man looksss like your in very good health. " The doctor said as he produced a packet of sweets from his pocket. " For you." He said as he handed it to the boy before turning to his sister. " Now little lasssss are you feeling up for your ssscan? "

"Come on Marnie,, I'll stand right there.." Mavric said He pointed at his feet.. "He's a NICE Dragon..." "Not being able to talk makes her Sad,, and Scared.." He explained boldly.. Jessinia almost broke.. Her little man was being So like his father.. Marinie pushed from Jessinia's shoulder flopping down on the biobed next to her brother.. She gripped him tightly and barely looked at the "Dragon"

" Now little lasss let'sss sssee how you are." The gron said as he messed with the scanner so it would ignore her brother. " I'm sssure Marinie will perfectly healthy asss her brother. I think i have another packet of sssweetsss for her. " The gorn said as he saw the data coming in.

She squirmed as if it was uncomfortable,, whining in fright.. The doctor say something in the reaction and from the scan.. He quickly adjusted it "Down" Jessinia's defensiveness rose but she held herself.. This may be this way for who knows how long.. Being half of two distict species wasn't easy...

The doctor felt sorry for the little girl as the scan came through. He said nothing though he'd note to have a word with her mother later. As the scan finished he walked to the side and opened his hand revealing another bag of sweets. " For you little one." he said camily with a warm smile on his face.

"Thank you Doctor.." Jessinia said as Marnie snatched the package and huddled next to her brother... She looked at her kids and sat at the bed behind her...

" Okay letsss get this underway." The gorn said as he walked over and prepped a fresh scan. " Ssso do you think the intelligence department of the ssship is preapred for duty?" He asked politly as it started.

"I can't really say.. I've met next to no one as yet.. A ship out here on the edges might be well suited or have next to nothing..." "It's all an adventure..." Jessinia said enthusiastically...

" Well if there like my own ssstaff they ssshould be more than capable for the job. I hope you'll keep me informed of any developmentsss i'll need do." The gorn replied politely.

She'd almost forgot.. "Doctor should I get a birth control booster? I'm not quiet ready for my phase at the moment?? I don't think??"

" I sssee no harm in getting a boossster ssshoot. Would you like the six month or one-year ssshoot?" The gorn asked as he walked over to the medical replicator.

She immiedately back off.. That was too long.. "In think I may need something temporary compared to that.. I'm still not sure.. Sorry Doctor.." She sighed.. Gods help her...

" Forgive me for not asking.Old habit from my times with KDF. " The gorn replied returning with several shots and a bottle of pills. " How long would you like the ssshoot to lassst?"

She immediately took the bottle of pills.. This will work,, Sorry.." She gave him an apologetic sigh, Again.. "Things are complicated..."

" I many not be the most capable, but if you need sssomeone to talk to I'm alwaysss ready to lisssten. " The old gorn said putting on his calm yet reassuring voice.

"I'm always a little crazy, i'm a warrior born Betaziod. Not much crazier than that.. Your great thank you.." She moved to her feet.. "Got to get to other people soon.."

" Take care all of you. Look after your mother little onesss." The gorn said as he returned the un needed shots.

The family never actually made it out of sickbay....

CMDR Phoenix Lalor's Personal Log - Making a deal with one's self

The following is a personal log from CMDR Phoenix Lalor.

"Computer begin recording"


"I have come to the conclusion that Sharr hated me so much he shoved me into this. That... man has left me with a hell of a job. One I hope to do well, but there are days when I doubt it highly. My sister is not speaking with me currently, as our promised Vacation on Earth has not eventuated and her friends have all left the ship. She will have to make herself new friends. Something she has told me will take time, it took her almost a year to make friends the first time around. The man I considered a lover was rumored to be having an affair with his best friend, but I know this is not true. So I have to mend bridges with him. He is the one I want to be with, and I never thought I would find someone I would want to be with to the exclusion of others. Since my time in the federation I have not had a permanent lover. just ones that comes and goes. But our time in the Andromeda Galaxy changed that for me. But I do have concerns that my relationship, one I have every intention of continuing, may be an issue, after all Ken Waters is enlisted. But I am choosing to believe that it is no one's business but ours. The crew are more of a concern. While I know Liselle well, we have new people in all posts, that includes our chief engineer, who came back with us. It is my hope that even with the newcomers, we will maintain what I have always liked about the Elysium. A family. One can hope. I will be promoting Lt. Commander Holmes to Second Officer once she is back from her away mission and though we got off to a rocky start I feel she will be a good fit to the post, and assist Commander Taylor in corralling the crew and that will take some of my concerns away.

To keep my sanity, I have made a deal with myself, that I will take each day at a time and try to take time out for myself. Sharr was an admiral and one who had a staff to assist him. I will hopefully be able to get a yeoman one day but for now, I will be making time daily for myself, with my sister, my friends and with Ken to make sure I have that sanity time.

Computer end log"

[Log Closed Confirmed]

Episode 2: Hell is empty, all the devils are here! - "Welcome Aboard"

A Mission Post by Commander Phoenix Lalor & Lieutenant Jaeih t’Noramei-McKinley

Mission: Episode 2: Hell is empty, all the devils are here!

Location: Captain's ready room

Timeline: MD 3 17h00

Phoenix made it to her ready room, just. She had been rushing around the ship all day since their arrival on Risa and she had made sure she got to all the things she needed to do. She still had things to do, but they would be after she did this one last thing. She had just sat down in her chair when the chime went and she called out "Come"

The door opened to admit a young officer, well she was older than the CO, but then who wasn't these days, Phoenix thought. "Ah Lieutenant t'Noramei-McKinley." she greeted the half Romulan woman.

Jaeih gave a brief smile. They had met briefly when at the Academy, the Erisian woman before her, had graduated a year ahead of her. "Commander Lalor. It has been a while."

Phoenix held out her hand. She had no prejudices against Romulans or any other race for that matter.

Jaeih shook the hand remembering the younger woman from her years at the academy. "You have done well"

Phoenix gave a laugh. "So some would say. Please have a seat" She waved the other to a chair before the desk.

Sitting the human/romulan hybrid crossed her ankles and placed her hands in her lap.

"So, welcome to the Elysium Jaeih. I hope your flight here was pleasant?" Phoenix questioned as she retook her seat.

Nodding the Operations officer replied "Yes. Quiet and non-eventual as i like it."

"Good. Now Operations has been, looked after by my former assistant chief. He has been transferred and left about three hours ago. I got him a very nice posting for his hard work. You will find the department runs like a well oiled machine. And they will be willing to do what needs to be done without issue." Phoenix had, had strict rules with her old Department.

"I expect nothing less Commander." Jaieh replied. She paused. "Is something going on Commander? I was questioned quite firmly by Security and my bio-metrics were run through the system a number of times."

Phoenix had to smile faintly at that. "The ship is undergoing inspection for illicit materials and items. We have a Ferengi ship angle towards us, and I am wondering why. We might have a smuggling operation on the ship and I want it dealt with." A lie but Phoenix had no other recourse.

"Ah that explains it" Jaeih was doubtful but she chose not to chase it. "So I will go settle in and get to work then."

"Your first shift is tomorrow morning Jaeih. Take the evening to settle in and get to know this... monstrosity of a ship." Phoenix suggested.

Jaeih nodded. "ok I will."

Phoenix smiled. "Jaeih... I want your word. Any issues at all, with crew because of your history, you come to me ok?"

Jaeih tilted her head and nodded. "Ok."

"Good, because I will not stand for racism of any sort on this vessel. What happened in the past is done with."

"You've been speaking with my brother."

"With your former CO actually. He mentioned the issues."


"Remember what I said. Commander Taylor as well can be trusted if you have issues." Phoenix added.

"I will, thank you Commander Lalor." Jaeih stood.

"Welcome to the USS Elysium Lieutenant. You will find it very much worth your while"

Jaeih smiled and with a salute left the office.

Phoenix watched her go and went back to her paperwork before she had to go an apologize to a gentleman.

LT Jonathan Graystroke's Personal Log - Something Srange.........

The following is a personal log from LT Jonathan Graystroke.

"Begin Personal Log." Came the crisp businesslike tone of Jonathan Graystroke.

"Recording." The computer replied instantly.

"The Elysium is in orbit around Risa. Though no shore leave as been announced which is odd in and of itself. There have also been an obvious showing of security around the ship and it's clear their looking for something. Rumors have it has to do with the Frenegi cruiser we encountered when we arrived. I know the XO, the Chief Security,Chief Flight Control and Chief Engineer are all planet side but for what purpose I can't say. All most odd." He sighed and continued, "I suppose I should meet with Commander Lalor or should I say Captain Lalor as she was appointed Captain when the Elysium returned home from the Andromeda Galaxy. I've been trying to stay off her radar, not because of any wrong doing on my part but she has a ship to run and more important things to do than meet with a diplomatic officer. Still in regards to being a professional, I will meet with her. My luck will be she doesn't even know I'm on board."

"End recording."

LT Matias Grronkil's Personal Log – Memories

The following is a personal log from LT Matias Grronkil.

Matias Grronkil personal log

We are on Risa pretending to be romantic couples, and it feels too real for me. And it brings back painful memories about Barzon, the mate I lost back on Grral. I hope I don't break down thinking of her. I haven't been close to anybody since I lost her, and I didn't know how this makes me feel. I hope I don't break down as we go to find the Commodore. I need to keep my mind on my mission and not the extra-curricular activities on Risa. It awakened me to the fact I have been unbearably lonely since I lost her and left my home. I have kept it hidden since I left, focusing on the tasks at hand.

End of log.

A little "Self-introspection"

A Mission Post by Lieutenant JG Shiannah Shannas

Mission: Episode 0: History Speaks

Location: Cardassia Prime

Timeline: Censored/Restricted

Backpost: Shennia Shennas

Location: Cardassia Prime (exact location restricted by Starfleet Intelligence)

The man screamed, the sound dying against the thick padded walls and the ECM sound suppression system in place. The sound itself, to her ears, was feral and seemed to be more bestial than something uttered from the throat of a sentient being. She had once heard that, on the Planet of Jollun III, the inhabitants were in the custom of creating music from the recorded cries of the dead and dying in battle mixed with that of child-birth. Great symphonies immortalising those unfortunates, of agony and ecstasy perhaps. She wondered if she herself could create some magnum opus from all the collected suffering she had heard over the years… It certainly wouldn’t be because of a lack of source material, she thought.

Shennia Shennas, though that was not the name she used today, turned to the Romulan prisoner strapped to the plain metal chair in the cetre of the well-lit Chamber of Inqusition. His bare chest and shoulders were now a strange copper hue from the copious amount of blood present (“similar to their kin, the Vulcan’s”, the Cardassian Inquisitor-come-Doctor had enthused as ever eager to impress). To one side the tall, imposing figure of Gul Duqar of the Obsidian Order watched with an apparent lack of interest until he turned to Shennia.

“You would think that the subject of torture, to a captured Romulan at least, would be expected rather than such a surprise” Duqar mused as he nodded to the unfortunate prisoner. “I thought they would expect such a duty… such a thing to be endured? Our friends in the Federation, on the other hand, would be shcoked to say the least and, no doubt repulsed. Humans do not realise the reverence given to a prisoner… Torture inspires, at least, a certain level of self-introspection”

“To the torturer or the tortured?” Shennia asked in her faultless Cardassian with a cynical raised eye-ridge.

“Why, indeed, to both!” Duqar exclaimed with surprise. “My dear Falin, I would have thought yourself to be more accustomed with the Order’s methods”

Shennia turned to the mirrored observation window, looking at the reflection of a Cardassian female, her neck broadened and her face half-hidden by the raised ridges of that race though her logn, dakr haired remained the same. The look in her eyes beneath the cavernous was one of contempt… Yet she was looking at herself?

“Shall we continue?” Duqar asked rather formally, as if waiting for the entrée’s at a Diplomatic meeting.

“Of course” Shennia/Falin replied.

“Who knows to what level of self-introspection we may yet descend?”…


Episode 2: Hell is empty, all the devils are here! - Interesting Conversations In Medical

A Mission Post by Commander Phoenix Lalor & Lieutenant Sthilg & Lieutenant JG Jessinia Kopl-Johnson & 1st Lieutenant Michael Andrews & Lieutenant Alfonse Stiegalle

Mission: Episode 2: Hell is empty, all the devils are here!

Location: Main Medical

Timeline: MD3 After the Away team has beamed down

While in sickbay Jessinia was doing a passive scan of the area within range of her children, Sickbay itself, as was accepted under the law,, well within the rules and targeting no one in particular.. The usual, a lovers spat, people wanting to get to a beach off shift.. Very calm in truth. Not bad.. There was however an under tone,, like a spectre, elusive.. This keyed her interest,, in her experience,,, Something Wasn't right,, somewhere... Being New to the ship she had no gossip or trusted sources as yet to work a theory from... She kept her focus till speaking with the Captain...

Alfonse wandered slowly down towards sickbay, he'd heard the new Intelligence Officer was down there and he wanted a word with her. His little security problem was really bugging him and he knew he couldn't talk to Holmes, so perhaps this new Officer might be the one to bash heads with and thrash out a solution. At least that's what he hoped for, arriving at sickbay he hesitated before entering. "Lieutenant Kopl-Johnson, I'm Lieutenant Alfonse Stiegalle assistant Chief of Security. Could I have a word in private, please?"

Jessinia had felt the new presence enter sickbay. Male business like with a knot of concern.. She had been speaking with a caretaker whom was to help her little ones get settled so she could report in..

Looking around,, she had to Cover.. He was a tall drink of Maleness. And she was parched.... "Hello Lt. I'm not sure how I may help. I've only just arrived..."

Somewhat taken aback, Alfonse stopped and looked around for another person. "This is duty business Lieutenant, not pleasure. And before you go down that route, we don't even know one another. Are you always this full on with complete strangers?"

"Apologies Lt., Side effects of the Phase.. Jessinia claimed.. "I've not checked in with the Captain, Nor have I logged onto the ships computer. I'll help If I can.." Reigning in her libido was a chore on the best of days, Now? Gods help her...

He smiled gently, "No problem Lieutenant, I'm just not used to females flying at me doing warp speed. I thought you were logged on, perhaps I'd better wait until the Captain clears you. Sorry to have disturbed you, I'll leave you to carry on with what you were doing". He turned to leave, oO Back to square one Oo He thought.

Phoenix entered right as the assistant chief of Sec/Tac went to exit. She had been trying to track down new crew members and Avalon had told her where to find the new chief of Intel. "Oh Lieutenant" she said to Stiegalle. "Have you seen the new chief of intelligence, I need to speak with you both."

Alfonse stopped, "Oh right Captain, sorry I haven't reported to you. Commander Holmes did a quick heads up, but then got called away on a mission to the Planet. I kindda got involved with other business, thought I'd come here and bash heads with the Intel Officer. But I guess she's not up to speed yet, so I was going to go sit in my cabin and just think". He knew it sounded lame, but it was the truth. He now waited to see the Captains response, with luck he wouldn't end up in the brig.

Jessinia turned. This was deffinently her speed. Crash and smash... "Hello Captain.. Lt. Jessinia Kopl-Johnson,, Your new spook..." "I can feel theres a problem.. I'm here I can help..."

Phoenix raised an eyebrow. "Lieutenants, if you are both cleared by Medical, I have an assignment for you both."

"I should be ready any moment.." Jessinia felt the concern and shunted her emotional needs down hard.. There was Always time for that After Winning.. "I need to know my "options" Captain..." It was a lot to put on the younger women. It was till best to use "Natural" abilities in this situation technology could be used on both sides..

Alfonse just nodded, "I'm clear as far as I know, the CMO hasn't called me forward yet. But Commander Holmes said it was ok to work until he does".

"Quite simple. With Lieutenant Commander Holmes planetside with the Executive Officer undertaking the mission the ship is on, I require both of you to work with the new Marine CO and have this ship searched from top to bottom."

"I can hasten that Captain.. I can track anything, Using systems gives us away, whatever may be starting, keeping it unfuzed and localized is best.." Jessinia suggested..

This caught Alfonse unawares, "Captain, would this have anything to do with the two people I saw? They were trying to break into the Security Office, just after Commander Holmes beamed down Planetside".

Michael had been on his way to Sickbay for a routine patrol. He'd taken it upon himself to help out the Security department by having himself and a squad of marines make rotating patrols when not in duty.

He heard Jessinia speaking to the deputy Security chief and paused to evaluate the situation. He knew better then to try and hide from that Betazoid cougar .

Phoenix looked at the Security officer. "You saw some people trying to break into the Chief's office?" she asked and then shook her head. "It might or might not, they may or may not be related. I believe the Commodore we are looking for may have allies on the Elysium, and we are a pretty well known ship currently, anything going bad here, will make the news wires and I do not want that."

She spotted Michael lurking over Alfonse's shoulder and waved him closer. "Lieutenant Andrews, This is Lieutenant Stiegalle, the Assistant Chief of Security/tactical, and this is Lieutenant JG Jessinia Kopl-Johnson, Chief of Intelligence." Phoenix made it a priority to know her senior staff names and the names of their next in line. "I want your departments to work together as I was just explaining to them, to search this ship, top to bottom. I do not know what you will find, but anything remotely suspicious should be scanned and reported."

Looking at the Marine, Alfonse offered his hand. "Hi Lieutenant, if you have any ideas for this search let me know. Oh Captain, about the intruders. They were Security, so we have a problem in that department. How do you want to handle it?" He knew it had to be said, because things could get complicated.

Maybe this was a bit to much?? Jessinia clenched her left fist.. Her unnnatural aggressiveness, boosted by the phase, especially for her race was bearly containable.. A security threat on a ship she didn't know and Her Children were right behind her?!! She took a deep breathe,, "With respect Captain.. My children can't be the only innocents onboard.. Let me in the system!" "Let me Do what I Do?!" "We can end this before it starts?!!"

Michael accessed the situation best as he could. "If I may, I agree with My Kopl. If she can bring this to stop before it goes further, I say let her in" he said.

Phoenix crossed her arms, irritation on her features. "Did I miss the memo where my orders are to be contradicted?" She asked coldly. "Lieutenant Stiegalle, We should consider the following. They are most likely not alone. If they are allies of the commodore, then there will be more. I do not want to tip our hand too much. The excuse we will use for this search is for illegal goods. The Ferengi Marauder your superior found off our bow when we arrived gives us an excuse. After all why would they be heading our way if they didn't think we had stuff for them?" She looked at Michael and Jessinia. "We are hunting clever pray people, Lets be clever. I will unleash you when we have them in custody Lieutenant Kopl-Johnson. You will have the opportunity to interrogate them within Federation law then. Until then, the search is to be manual." Her features softened. "I have a number of people on this vessel who are looking for revenge Ladies and Gentlemen and I need to make sure that any revenge is done legally. Am I clear?"

She broke off as an ensign entered. "Ma'am. Our chief of Operations just arrived and we have word that the assistant chief of Intelligence will be arriving shortly."

"Thank you ensign Miles." she said. Looking at the other three before her, she said "You have your orders." Then she turned and with Miles, left the medical bay.

"Ok than," she paused.. turning to the Doctor.. "I'm sorry but I need you to watch over my little ones.." She moved to them.. "You got to go to work already??" Mavric asked, not all that surprised.. She hugged her munckins tightly.. "Yes babies mommy has to work.. The doctor will watch over you.." She went back to the other officers her demeanor by than Nothing they would want to challenge.. "You know this ship, I suggest a few persons hovering vital areas.." "I trust you two and the Doctor and the Captain.. Everyone else is suspect right now..."

The gorn who had been silently observing everyone nodded as he tapped his comabdge calling in one of the doctors from the reserve shift to take over the shift. " I'll take them down to the holodeck if there mother doesn't mind. " He said calmly taking off his lab coat.

Having taken the Captains retort on what to do, Alfonse stood looking at the other two. "Do I take it you two know each other? Do I dare ask just what the relationship is?" He stepped back and made for the door once again, "Lieutenant Andrews, if and when you want to talk. I'll be in my cabin, just give me a time and location". Somehow he thought it better to leave those two alone, personal entanglements he didn't need.

She almost persued the security officer.. Only Micheals massive, Sexy arm stopped her.. "I don't know what he's doing, Not his job" she said hotly.. Having spoken to the Captain she registered with the ships systems. confirmed her telepathic status and turned to look at Micheal again.. "I figure I'm senior now so.. I want you to spread your marines out, teams of three, casual roaming.. "I'll need your permission to contact you directly, concerning business.."

Michael nodded at Jessinia. "You got it Lt. I'll keep you posted if we find anything suspicious" he said then winked at Jessinia.

The word "professional" had So Many meanings.. Jessinia thought as she turned back to her little ones.. {Damn you are So,,, DELICIOUS>>} She stopped the thoght before it was sent... That Marine was her kind of Conquerer... Gods Help her... She looked back at Doctor Gorn.. "I's like to get them settled, Please, I got work to do..."

Michael went to Marine barracks and called attention. The 120 marines under his command assembled, standing at attention. "I'm 1LT Andrews, your new MDCO. You'll all be needed in teams of 3 to sweep the ship for ANYTHING unusual. We'll be working with Security and Intel on this, so keep in mind we're all ONE team. Get in BDUs and break off. Start with Engineering and work outwards. I'll be with the asst Security Chief and the Intel chief. You see, hear or smell anything fishy... report it before moving in. Dismissed!' He ordered. Then he watched his men scatter and set out. He headed back to Sickbay to coordinate things with the others.

Jessinia and her littles were still in sickbay. Now that she had access she was begining her research of this commodore and anyone whom mind be connected.. She was waiting on the chief councilor, to assist and get her family settled so she could at least get to her department and get That started up.. So much going on.. She liked it... After Micheal had left, she'd made a Very Personal decision.. She could be with The Marine.. Long term. He was indeed Imzadi material.. She was tracking him now.. Since he'd agreed to it.. His strength of being was Amazing and a Massive turn on... She took one of her protective pills. Cause if he came for her,, She was getting drilled for damned sure... She had denied herself long enough...

Michael returned to Sickbay. Just being near Jessinia brought back certain things. Things that needed to be addressed. But that could be done in private. It wouldbe difficult enough as it is without an audience. "Lt. Kopl, I've got my marines starting a sweep in Engineering then moving outwards. We'll need to coordinate things with Security and your Intel people" he said.

Jessinia hid her smile. "I'll be getting my littles settled for awhile, let me know if you find anything... {lounge this evening be in leathers if you want this...}

Michael has his marines thoroughly search by only found a few derelictions. 3 officers playing cards on duty and a still of alcohol. Such offend were escorted to their department heads for discipline and reports were made to CO and CO.


temptation turns to confirmation... Warning HIGHLY SEXUAL CONTENT

A Mission Post by Lieutenant JG Jessinia Kopl-Johnson & 1st Lieutenant Michael Andrews

Mission: Episode 0: History Speaks



It was early evening.. She'd gotten a helped from the medical department. Now she was on her way to her "date.." her heart was so ready for this.. he mind all over the place.. She wore a form fitting black sweater with a leather mini and glossy black heals.. She got all the looks and strutted it.. The lounge on a ship this size was extensive and the owner/operator seemed to know their business. She was escorted to the bar. she'd arrived early to get the vibe and flow of the evening.. Being in orbit of Risa, the mood they were trying for was cool and breezy, romantic with a hint of mystery.. Very accurate.. She had no mystery, if Micheal fulfilled his desires she would be manhandled, Finally!!! It made her smile..

Micheal.. A beast of a man a New Imzadi.. It wasn't unusual to more than one in your life, but this far out in open space,, It was just that more special and real... She didn't drink,, so she had a simple soda... She kept her senses tight, Him "surprising her with a dramatic entrance.. That would be fun.. She waited...

Michael decided on letting loose a little. He showered, shaved and dressed: loose, open chested white tunic, leather vest with a pair of leather pants that were so form fitting he couldn't wear anything underneath. He lit some incense (lavender) and headed to the lounge.

It wasn't crowded so they wouldn't be missed if they slipped away. He looked around, seeing new eyes but made a beeline to Jessinia. She was his target and he never missed. He strutted up to her, all man and alpha.

"You're coming with me" he said in a tone that oozed dominance. He was about to burst out of his pants, he was bulging so much.

Ohh My Gods!!!!! {YES!!!!!!} She totally over reacted.. He recoiled for a moment.. Jessinia might have wet herself had she been wearing underwear.. She had the barest of bras on, She was that certain of her fate this night... "You sir are Amazing.. Take me away.." "Food" could wait till later or early morning... Hopefully.. She coiled off the seat brushing her huge mams into his torso...

{I hope you're REAL hungry and had plenty of sleep} he thought to her as he wrapped a massive arm around her shoulder, palming one glorious globe as he led her out. When they reached the turbo lift, he couldn't hold back, grabbing her and kissing her passionately, pressing himself into her.

As the human phase goes.. "A Hard Man was GOOD to find..." He had to bend to get at her,, Why Make him do that?? She gripped his neck and climbed up his massive bulk hooking her legs around him and looking him in the eyes.. "Is this better?? {You have all mighty warrior.. But you will Never conquer me!!} he renewed his assualt from this better angle..

{Is that so? We'll see, she devil} he thought back to her, as he devoured her lips. He'd have to wait til they got back to his place to go much further. But she was worth the wait. It has been 7 years.... what was a few more minutes.

He carried her easily and commandingly through the ship. Marine country was on deck 20 his quarters at the forward end.. Each turbolift was a makeout/gropping session.. By the time they reached his door. It was a foregone conclusion that the ship was gonna get Rocked this night... The door had barely shut behind him before he had her dress off, laying on the floor. He assaulted her bountiful breasts eagerly as they went to his quarters. "7 years was too long to wait for this, Jessinia " he said, laying her down on his bunk.

Her marriage had been Wonderful.. And to Another chance at such passion and power??!! Whatever she was doing she was being greatly blessed.. She pulled her sweeter over her head Arching to give her huge breasts a commanding angle of attack.. Since she almost Never wore panties anyway and her nude shade bra was cut perfectly to hold her rack,, All she needed was for him to take control and this night was going to be Loud and fierce...

Michael sucked, licked and nibbled on her breasts hungrily as he slid his powerful hands up and down her long, luscious legs. He was fully hard and ready to get out of these leathers. But he'd let HER do the honors.. like she should have 7 years ago.

After a wonderful show of power and hunger, Micheal pulled her sweater from her arms, standing and tossing it over his shoulder.. {Holy Hell??} His member was pinned against his right thigh,, It Looked painful.. Manhood!! It would hurt like hell, Duh, she hadn't had one even Half it's size.. In Far to long.. Not that she minded that.. She squared up in front of his amazing hardness.. His warpaint tatoos a turn on as well.. She pulled the zipper and tugged the slacks from his thighs.. "Hhhh Ooohh.. Hello there.." She panted to a Ramrod... She tried to stay in control,, Really she did, for all of three heartbeats.. Than she attacked Micheal's foot long...

As Jessinia tried inhaling his manhood, he went to work in her womanhood. She was definitely wet and amazingly tight. He made circles around her clit as he slid a finger inside. "Christ! You're fucking tight!" He said as she tried to take as much of his rod down her throat as possible.

Sure it hurt, but it's the kind of hurt she wanted.. He worked her flesh commandingly.. It was wondrous.. She got him 2/3rds down before she gagged a little.... So some work to do, yum.. She worshiped his mighty manhood and he took her flesh eagerly. She looked up at him..{Take the rest of me..}

He took her in both tender orifices, gently at first, then with increasing depth and speed while he stepped out of those leathers and began force feeding her that object she desired. "All in good time, Jess " he whispered, knowing she would pick it up.

It felt So good.. Micheal was working her body with growing intensity.. She wanted it So much.. Hell with the social/public reaction.. This was Her life, desires... After he dropped the leathers she threw herself back.. Closing her knees wiggling her hips.. She pulled her hair over her face.. {Conquer this you mighty beast...} He moved over the bed...

He wasted little time in taking her, DEEP THRUSTS into her tender, willing womanhood. {Ffuuucckkk... you're.... so tighttt} he thought as he PLUNGED 10 inches DEEP inside her. He was throbbing do much. Her sheathe barely able to fit him in.

Jessinia cried out.. Micheal turned her legs to the left before hammering inside.. She felt the expected tearing.. Like Virgin.. It would have been embarressing.. But it felt So damn good... She bled.. But she pulled at him.. {Don't you Dare stop.. Use Me...} He took a second before commencing his conquest..

He quickened his pace, increasing his depth. He clawed at her breasts, caressing and squeezing them, pinching her nipples. {You want to be used! Like the slut MILF you are! SO BE IT!} He commanded back to her with furious passion. He battered her pussy MERCILESSLY, FUCKING her full THROTTLE!

She went from crying out to singing out.. She was thoroughly overwhelmed. She shuddered nearing orgasm....

Michael kept his pace up, FORCING himself DEEPER, HARDER inside her. He wanted her to scream out his name in the throes of passion. {BEG FOR IT, SLUT!!} He pushed his thoughts into her mind with a raging lust that had been building since that night 7 years ago.

It was happening. She chocked as she was overwhelmed... A few more thrusts.....

FADE TO BLACK.............

Hell is empty, all the devils are here! - And here is where the fun begins Part 1

A Mission Post by Commander Phoenix Lalor & Lieutenant Jaeih t’Noramei-McKinley & Avalon & Selena Harris & Miran Lalor Ms & Lieutenant Commander Liselle Qwyyn & Lieutenant Commander Gary Taylor & Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Holmes & Lieutenant Matias Grronkil & Lieutenant Sthilg & Lieutenant Dyhei Liducca & Lieutenant JG Jessinia Kopl-Johnson & Lieutenant JG Shiannah Shannas & 1st Lieutenant Michael Andrews & Lieutenant Jonathan Graystroke & Lieutenant Alfonse Stiegalle & Senior Chief Petty Officer Ken Waters & Chief Petty Officer Feyth Railli & Sergeant James Raynar & Cadet Senior Grade River Waters & Lieutenant Protector Lambada & Lieutenant Protector Beta & Lieutenant Protector Delta & Lieutenant JG Protector Epsilon & Lieutenant JG Protector Gamma

Mission: Episode 2: Hell is empty, all the devils are here!

Location: Various

Timeline: MD 4 - 02h00

--Main ShuttleBay Deck 13 - Lower Level--

Gamma was not happy. Gamma had wanted to blow up the shuttle bay to discourage any chance of being pursued if and when they got off this ship. So, Gamma had stolen away from the group. She hated this ship. This ship had cost her a lot over the years, and more recently her secret lover. That loss had hurt her more than anything. And there had been no recourse for the person who had been responsible for her loss.

She walked silently into the main shuttlebay and looked around the area. No one was around which was perfect. She found a shuttle which was open for maintenance but no one was inside. She smiled. Then she sat at the controls. And sealed the hatch.

5 minutes later the shuttle exploded in Shuttle bay 1. Alarms blared through the ship, as fire suppression systems went to work.


--Main Armoury Deck 43--

Lambada and Epsilon were the easiest to get into the Main Armoury. They snuck in and planted the charges around the room. "Gamma is missing." Epsilon muttered as they finished up. "Beta thinks she is going to do something rash."

Lambada nodded. "Lets get this done and out of here before she does so."

They had just returned to the Security bullpen when the decks rocked and alarms began to peel. They exchanged looks, their bombs were not set to go off just yet!


A security officer ran into the room. "Everyone to the Main shuttlebay. A shuttle just went kaboom!"

Alfonse jumped up, "Stand fast you lot, you just can't go charging in there. You don't know what's waiting for you, now break into sections. First section will secure the area, second section will search the area. And the third section will patrol the rest of the ship, just in case". This he didn't need, Holmes was still on the planet, and he was rapidly getting out of his depth.

--Main Cargo Bay Deck 9--

Delta finished planting the bombs in the main Cargo bay when the deck shook. She instinctively dove for cover and waited. No one came running in, so she slipped from hiding and out into a corridor now teaming with people. Something had happened and she needed to get clear before things went completely pear shaped.

---Captain's ready Room Deck 18--

Phoenix had retreated to her office after the return of the away team to consider options. With no joy in the hunt, she needed to consider if she was going to send more to the planet in clear force or in secrecy. She had all but fallen asleep at her desk. And she was jolted from her half doze as the alarms blared through the ship.

She stood up and looked around in a daze even as the alert blared through the office. Phoenix didn't stop to think, she snatched up her phaser and as she ran for her office door, slammed it into its holster on her hip. She burst through the door onto the bridge and skidded on her heels as she took in the chaos that was her bridge. Taking a breath she got to work.


---Lalor's Quarters Deck 16---

Miran rolled from her bed with a groan. She hated red alert. There had been too much of it over the past 7 months. She stood and grabbed her bed robe. She was not running out of her quarters until she knew what was going on. From the sounds of the Alert, which was somewhat muted in the cabin of the Commanding officer, it was to do with the Main shuttlebay. Until the evac call happened, Miran was not leaving. She curled up on the couch and closed her eyes as she waited.

[Marine Country- MDCO Barracks]

Michael woke with a start. Red Alert meant only 1 thing... imminent danger. He rushed on his BDUs, strapped on his type 2 and shouldered his type 3. =^= All Marines to Main Shuttlebay! Condition Alpha! MOVE YOUR ASSES!!=^= be ordered, rushing to Main himself

As the two sections for the shuttle bay arrived at that location, Alfonse looked around for a senior Officer. "Where are the Marines?" He stated to one of his guys, he looked at the state of the bay and ordered his guys in. "Ok first section secure the area stat, second section start your sweep. But be careful, just in case there's booby traps", he was surprised the CMO and his staff hadn't arrived yet either.

---Sthilg's quarters.--

The sound caused the gorn eyes to shoot open and he was on his feet in moments. Grabbing a uniform he was out in the corridor in munites and calling into his com badge. =^= Sssthilg to sssickbay usual drill I want full trauma gear ready for operationsss." =^= He yelled as he thunded down the corridor.

[Liducca quarters]

It took until late the third or forth announcement for Dyhei to register she needed to be awake, to be fair she had always been a heavy sleeper, and despite one arm hanging over the edge she still rolled over the wrong side, landing on the deck with a thud. Which turned out to be the jolt she needed, scrambling up she bolted to the closet, grabed clothes, then turned for the door as she hopped into a pair of pants. "Liducca to Sthilg, heading to the shuttlebay to give you bit of triage support, that okay?"

" I'll meet you there." Sthilg replied as he finished packing the necessary gear into a medical kit before he headed off for the shuttle bay.

She received the reply as she burst into the corridor, juggling tank top and jacket, as much like those around her she dressed on the move

--- [Holodeck 2]

Shiannah fingers deftly plucked the violin strings then she gently touched the bow-string to the cat-gut violin strings while, with her left hand she tenderlytested the pegs and fine tuning. She rarely got the time to practise while 'on mission' and she hoped that, during her time on the USS-Elysium she would get more "me time". She nodded to the grey-haired conductor on the rostrum while the whole ensembled orchestra seemed to hold it's breath as they readyied to begin play...

[Red Alert! followed by klaxon echoing through the Holodeck as the orchestra and surroundings faded from view...]

"Damn and sh*t!" Shiannah hissed between her teeth as she placed the antique Santo Serafin violin in it's place. Exiting the now darkened and deserted holodeck Shiannah went to the nearest wall-mounted board and checked through the location of the warnings. She felt a worrying pang as the deck layout was lit up like the fourth of July!

(Lia's Cabin)

Lia was in the sonic shower when the alert sounded and rush quickly to get dressed, her mind raced as to what the hell was going on. "Holmes to Taylor, meet me on the bridge. I have a feeling this is just the start, please respond". She headed for the turbo lift, hopefully that wasn't out of action.

(Taylor's quarters)

Since returning from the planet, Gary had spent his time reviewing what the away team and he specifically could have done to find and catch the Commodore. He was currently lying on his bed when Lia's call came in. He was up and moving in an instant. "I'm on my way. I'll see you on the bridge."

[ Cadet River Waters' Quarters ]

He lay on his bunk, his hands behind his head, and he stared at the bunk above him. He wasn't sleeping a lot lately. After the late night drinks with Feyth had abruptly ended, he found himself wondering what he had done wrong. Night after night he wondered.

His communicator chirped. He reached over to the nearby nightstand and tapped it. "Waters," he said.

"River, it's Feyth."

He nearly fell out of bed in his effort to pick up the comm badge. His bunk mate stirred. "Feyth? What's going on? Why have you been avoiding -- "

"We have to talk."

He stared at the comm badge in confusion. "Okay..." he said, and then he looked up at his bunk mate. "I don't have a lot of privacy here. Meet in your quarters?"

"I don't think that's a good idea. Let's meet in Shuttle Bay 1. Say, five minutes?"

He wasted no time in getting himself presentable enough to hurriedly make his way to the main shuttle bay. Finally, he was going to get some answers as to exactly what was going on.

He stepped out of the turbolift and was instantly thrown against the wall as the ship lurched violently.


Being flung off her feet as she dressed was bad,, Her baby let out a nasty gutteral scream in terror.. It took All of her disepline to keep from casting out of her quarters. Jessinia actually had awaken shortly before the first alert. What the hell had she brought her family into??!! Someone was going to pay for terrifying her baby.. =^= Intel division, to station!!..=^=

[Grronkil's Quarters]

Matias was shocked out of sleep by the first sound of the red alert, even as the ship lurched. He dressed in a hurry and ran out of his quarters He listened to the chatter and went to the shuttle bay himself.

[Main Shuttlebay]

Michael arrived to discover the shuttle in a heap of fire and debris. "What the blazes?" he asked as a group of marines arrived, all stunned at the destroyed shuttle. "No time to gawk. Seal off this section til Security arrives. I want 3 man teams at every turbo lift door and J-tube access " he ordered.

A Jeffrey's tube hatch spilled a certain hybrid science officer on to one of the corridors that surrounded the shuttlebay main floor level, Dyhei had elected this route anticipating and not what ingredients to add to a turbolift jam. Grended by several rifles, she stuck her hands in front of her, announcing loudly and clearly. "Lt. Liducca Chief of Science, I'm also emergancy triage trained, here at the permission of the CMO, where's your wounded?

Alfonse looked at Liducca, "What the hell are you doing Lieutenant? We're sweeping for any other devices and you just appear on the scene, you could have been killed if there was a booby trap. As for wounded, I believe their over on the far side of the bay. But for Christ sake be careful".

Her eyes followed the lieutenants indication, although she wanted to react badly to his usual 'security' manner, Dyhei smiled and replied "Thanks for the pointers Lt. I'll be sure to watch my step, once it's secure can I hat a pair of my guys though to help with the 'what the hell happened?' bit."

The unmistakable stench of burning plasma, deutireum, and the odd but distinct background smell of heated deckplate, along with the suppression compound filled the air, Dyhei started quickly towards the access and encountered the Gorn doctor along the way, "Okay big guy, I'll follow your lead, fewer questions that way, also maybe insensitive but we can save burnt of otherwise contaminated clothingmy guys can start processing ." She stated calmly falling in step as they made the access for the shuttlebay.

The gorn nodded as his massive bulk thundered down the corridor a medical team trying to catch up. wheeling the corner a scene od carnage spread before him. At least a dozen wounded lay scattered across the area with a few marines trying to help them. " Right find out who's ssserisuly damaged and get them to medbay." The gorn said calmly as he knelt down next to one of the wounded one fo the onboard cadets. He ws breathing which was always a good sign. " Dyhei grab a ssscaner and ssstart ssscanning. Head to his feet." He said calmly.

Knewline at his feet Dyhei popped open her tricoder and started the medical sweep, focusing just above his head and then dragging it slowly down, "Looks like a concusion posablly, chest is fine, limbs and extremities look in tact, okay to bring him round, send him on his way?"

" Bring him round ssslowly and get him up to sssickbay for a full ssscan. " Sthlig responded as he looked at the scan before moving onto the next patient an ensign suffering from a massive amount of burns.

"Will do." Dyhei responded quickly, loading a hypo and pressing it against the young cadets neck and waited for him to stir, a quick sideways glance was enough to remind her that still more needed attention, "Come on sunshine wake up, no time for napping now, come on tell me your name and where you are?" She asked observing him coming round in responce to the injection.

River groaned as he brought up the heel of his hand, barely finding its way to his forehead. "Cadet River Waters, sir."

"That's a good sign, but you have suspected concussion, I need you to head to sickbay bay for a scan can you move?" She asked it quite a straightforward manner, but with a hint of caring behind her words.

With her help, the Cadet was able to find his feet again. "I think I'm okay," he said, taking his weight off of her shoulder. "Did you see Chief Petty Officer Feyth? She's in flight control with me. Bajoran."

"Your the first injured I've come across, Waters, were gonna start triaging others soon, I'll keep my eyes open for her." Dyhei said kindly, but with a slight shake in her voice as her current situation sparked a conection with old, unpleasant memories, to help focus herself she repeated the basic details. "Bajoran, Feyth, Chief PO, "I'll do all I can, now get yourself to Sickbay." She admonished firmly, but the a sympathetic smile.

"Yes, sir," he said with a nod, still cradling his head against the sensation of persistent pounding from just beyond his right temple. "And thank you, sir."


Phoenix had taken charge easily as she stood before her seat. Reports were coming in.

"Avalon, Holoview." The AI shimmered and reformed before the command well as a large globe. Images flitted through the globe of the destruction in the Shuttlebay one. And the chaos around the ship. "Commence sealing all decks." She ordered. "Security and Marines to assist with this."

Avalon's voice came through the speakers "Yes Captain."

Lia emerged from the turbo lift, "Commander Holmes reporting Captain, what the hell is going on?" She went to her station and began internal sweeps, "Security detail in shuttle bay and patrolling other decks, it appears the Marines are also doing the same. No intruders detected as yet, bridge is secure and no damage to exterior hull". She turned to the Captain, "Sir were we attacked by the Ferengi?"

Gary arrived on the bridge a moment later, his eyes darted between Lia and Phoenix. "What is it? what's going on?" he asked in a controlled voice. He had learned long ago to control his emotions in situations such as this. He asked as reports from other parts of the ship flooded onto the bridge. In the background he could hear the excited, scared voices demanding information.

[Deck 2 - Lounge]

Liselle jogged to the end of the corridor, passing by a number of people scurrying in all directions to try and find their stations as quickly as possible. Unable to sleep, she had been going over the preliminary data gathered from the away mission. Looking for something, anything, that she could use as a clue.

Her thoughts screamed to a halt as she nearly crashed into the turbolift doors -- the opening mechanism not responding to her presence. Qwyyn reached down and tapped the door control. She was greeted by an angry buzz.

"Computer, open this door."

[[Unable to comply. Lockdown in effect.]]


[[Lockdown override requires authorization by the commanding officer or the executive officer.]]

This was serious.

Qwyyn tapped her badge. "Commander Taylor, I'm trapped on Deck 2 due to lockdown. Can you authorize a site-to-site to get me up to the bridge?"

Gary received Liselle's call. "Hold on Liselle. I'm on it. Transporter room, this is Commander Taylor initiate a site to site transport of Commander Qwyyn from her present location to the bridge."

"Aye sir." Came the quick response. "We're transporting her now."

Michael made his way to the Bridge, leaving SSgt James Raynar in charge of the marines down in the Shuttlebay. As he stepped into the Bridge, he looked around and spotted the Security station. "LtCmdr Holmes? Im 1LT Michael Andrews. We'll be assisting you on the ship" he said with a crisp salute

Lia turned to face the Marine, "Welcome aboard Lieutenant, how many sections have you detailed to search the ship? And is your 2/ic talking to my 2/ic?" She returned to the internal and external scans, "I'm showing nothing unusual on the scans, if we weren't attacked by someone then this has to be an inside job". She faced Andrews again, "Recommendations Lieutenant? Ideas notwithstanding, even a good old shot in the dark will do?"

"With the 120 marines under my command, we covered half the ship, from Engineering through Main Security. Ive got them securing turbolift doors and J-tube access. SSgt Raynar should be in communication with Lt Stiegalle" he said. "Based on your analysis, Cmdr, I'd have to agree. Someone on board has a grudge. But who? And why?" He said.

Placing her hands on the console Lia hung her head, "That Lieutenant is our problem, this is a big old bird. And she has a large crew, suggestions on where to start? And can you vouch for all your men?" She stood upright and turned back towards Andrews, "I'll be relying on you greatly Lieutenant, so if you have any ideas. You get the picture".

Michael thought for a moment, considered the size of the ship."if it were me, Lt, I'd start with Main Security. It's a logical and strategic choice, being hooked into the Armory, And I'll vouch for my marines" he said. "Lt, I'd have it no other way" he smiled.

Lia nodded, "Right then Lieutenant, you have your start point. Proceed as you have suggested, my Security Officers will comply with any reasonable request, any questions?" She knew being military some question was bound to be asked, she had dealings with military types before and they always had just one more question.

------ Matias found himself blocked in every direction. "Grronkil to bridge. Permission for a site to site transport to the bridge."

"Mr. Grronkil, permission is granted." Gary answered "Or would you rather go to main engineering and see how it looks?"

"I would rather go to main engineering, my beta," said Matias.

"Very well Mr. Grronkil. Transporter room beam Mr.Grronkil from his presence location to main engineering."

"Aye sir.Beaming him now."

(Diplomatic Office)

Jon was in his quarters when the explosion rocked him awake. A moment of fuzziness was instantly replaced by sudden clarity when he heard the red alert broadcast. Jumping from his bed, he quickly dressed and went to exit his quarters. Unfortunately on the way out a secondary explosion occurred and threw him into a wall, stunning him to the floor.

[Main Shuttlebay]

SSgt James Raynar way as the marines and Security guards sealed and secured the area. "Lt Stiegalle, I'm SSgt Raynar. How can we assist you?" He asked with a salute.

Alfonse smiled to himself, "Well S/Sgt, you could detail extra patrols to search for further devices in other locations. I have one section doing this already, but we could do with some help". He held out his hand as he spoke to welcome the S/Sgt.

James shook Alfonse's hand. "Call me, Jim, Lt. We made up to Main Security in the initial sweep. Maybe a more detailed search of there and the Armory might be in order" he said.

Looking around the shattered shuttlebay Alfonse shook his head, "Jim you got any explosives experts with you? We need to work out what was used and how they put it together, sorry to say my knowledge is kindda limited on that". He looked back at the S/Sgt, "That's unless your keeping secrets of course?" He laughed as he spoke.

Jim went through his roster. "Corporal Dulaney would be our hook" he said then looked at the young man holding his cheek. "Dulaney! Front and center" he called to the corporal.

Don Dulaney rushed to Jim. "Aye, Sarge " he replied with a salute.

"Help Lt Stiegalle with the POI" Jim said.

Alfonse glanced at the Cpl., "I need to know what was used, how they put it together, and just where they may have got it from? Think you can handle that Corporal?" He looked at Jim, "We need to clear this bay, just in case there is something here and we miss it. Think you can usher them out?" His own men where busy keeping the main blast site clear.

As she moved between wounded, Dyhei foiled her tricorder to environmental scans, starting to look for the how, it started register readings which gave her an idea. "Liducca to Shuttlebay Search Teams, the deuterium in the air got me thinking, why bring in stuff when a shuttles engines are an explosion, just a well managed one, back up the fuel at the right spot, ignite, and it's good night shuttle. If im right you should pick up increased deuterium readings closer to the point of ignition."

The message from Liducca made Alfonse think, "Nice idea Lieutenant, but as far as we know the shuttle wasn't even active at the time of the explosion. No launches were scheduled, but we'll check it thank you. Stiegalle out". Could this be an overload? He doubted it but everything was up in the air, he'd keep an open mind.

"Fair enough, I'm still helping out with wounded, but if you need a second opinion on reading give me a shout." She said with a shrug while crouched next to a petty officer, readying a wound pad with loaded with burn treatment to slap on a nasty arm and shoulder wound. "I'very had a lot of practice with data crunching."

---BRIDGE Deck 18---

The alarm on the bridge had been muted and now only the red lights flashed in dim lighting.

Phoenix half listened as senior staff were beamed to the bridge or to duty posts thanks to her lock down. But she had other things on her mind. "Stop" she said to the holographic view that was before her. The main viewer still showed the external view of the ship, watching all ships around them. But the holo viewer image stopped on a woman in teal, entering a shuttle. "Forward." she said and the image rolled on and the hatch sealed and then a few moments later, the image showed the shuttle exploding.

"Avalon, please run facial recognition on that crewman. I want their name and department."

"Yes Captain" the disembodied AI replied.

Phoenix turned to the senior staff who were gathering around. "This was an internal attack. A shuttle in the main shuttlebay has exploded, with one person on board. No external threats as yet. I have initiated a lockdown. Medical personnel are on their way to the Shuttlebay where I have been informed, Marines and security are working." She looked at those gathered. "I do not believe we are finished with the explosions. The timing is rather off." She paused. "I want suggestions from you all. I also want you to be aware that I believe we are facing something more than someone suiciding."

Avalon appeared beside the large globe in the Command well. "We have identified the crewman. Miranda Siommers. Medical Officer. Aged 27. No known family. Has been on board the Elysium since 2392. Was injured in the Andromeda Galaxy. Returned to duty, just before the attempted assassination of Admiral Sharr."

"Thank you Avalon. Any known friends?" Phoenix asked.

"I am still searching that. Have sent this information to Intelligence and Security." the AI replied then vanished.

Phoenix turned to the others. "Well?" she asked.

Gary listened in stony silence as Phoenix relayed her opinion. Knowing what he knew of the situation,he finally spoke, "I agree. This was an internal attack and that means we have one or more than one traitor in our crew. Until such time as we know who they are, I recommend that we implement a full security lockdown completely restricted to only department heads with only information released on a need to know basis." He looked at her, "This is a wanton act of terrorism make no mistake about it.The gloves need to come off and come off now. We need retaliate with extreme prejudice. I also recommend you implement full martial law in regards to the crew. Restricting both access to information and ship vital areas to only the most trusted and senior crew."

Having been beam traded out for her family caretaker. Jessinia was very aggressive. "If we're going to lockdown.. Cut me loose!!! I'm more than able to find Everyone involved..."

"And how will you do that Lieutenant?" Phoenix asked. She was not impressed with the way she was being spoken to by the Lieutenant.

Jessinia sat at a console. "People leave traces of intent Everywhere.." "It's unavoidable.." She put her hands over the console.. "LT. Stiegalle Show me your suspects.." They showed themselves but no one saw it.."

Jaeih spoke up from the Operations console. "Commander, I think the Lieutenant is speaking of using her ... mental abilities to look for the offenders... which in itself poses a risk.. to the Lieutenant"

Phoenix held up a hand. "Hold." she said to Kolp-Johnson. And then she looked at Jaeih. "Explain"

"If those who oppose us have a telepath on their side, they could latch onto the Lieutenant's mind and that could have bad side affects." The half romulan half human responded. "Also, it could tip our hand."

"We don't know if they have one on their side." Phoenix replied.

"No. But they have remained hidden for a while now I am assuming and that is not easy to do in the fleet. I would postulate that they may also have Psi-Blockers." She gave a small smile. "And those are fairly common."

Gary looked at the others. "First rule. don't underestimate your enemy. Second rule. Proceed with what you know of them. Don't make assumptions. Those will get you killed." He glanced at Jaeih, "I disagree. It's extremely easy to hide in the fleet as well as this ship. It's clear they are well organized and extremely close knit to have avoided detection for this long. They keep their secrets. I think we need to use the old card of poker here." He looked from face to face of the assembled group. "We bluff."

Phoenix looked at Gary. "Bluff with what?"

Gary looked at the others before motioning Phoenix away from the group so he could talk to her in private and explain his idea.

Lia overheard the senior staff talking, "Ah, Captain! May I interrupt? Could this attack be running along side our investigation of the Commodore? I mean it's a hell of a way to miss-lead us, but is it possible?" Lia knew Ferengi were past masters of placing devices on ships, their attack on the famous Jean Luc Picard proved that.

Phoenix gave Gary a nod and held up a hand "One moment" and then she turned back to the CSO/TAC "I fully agree with that assessment Commander. Can you find that vessel and run a few scans please?" What more she would say was broken off by the chief of Intel loosing her block.

Jessinia slapped the console in frustration... She could still feel her baby.. Marnie was frightened, Stiff.. It was harder than she'd thought.. Jessinia WANTED BLOOD... "Who's our suspects!! She demanded... She pulled her self back in.. The ancient warrior ways of the Betaziod, one of their gravest secrets, was welling inside her.. She closed her eyes and sent soothing energy through her to her baby... Someone was going to PAY,, Dearly...

Phoenix's cool snapped then. It was nearly 3 am in the morning, she was operating on little rest and her ship was being attacked from within, and the chief of intelligence was letting off steam and demanding answers?

She drew herself up, cloaked herself metaphorically in her upbringing and stated, knowing only one person in the current senior staff had ever seen her loose her cool totally before and without Parish and Monz to assist her in holding back the Erisian Princess, Liselle would be hard pressed to stop the volcanic eruption about to happen if the Lieutenant persisted, which suited Phoenix just fine.

She had, had enough from this woman who treated her like she was the Lieutenant's subordinate. And disrespected the command of the Elysium as she did.

"Lieutenant Kolp-Johnson Kindly remember who you are yelling at. I expect better from members of my command team and if you speak to me, or anyone else again in that tone of voice, you will spend the remainder of this mission in the Brig. You are NOTI repeat NOT helping the situation by going off your head. If you can not add anything constructive to the conversation I suggest you go back to your quarters and stay there. Doing that however will say that you do not wish to be here, and I will arrange your transfer to another posting. I am sure Admiral Carter can arrange for you to be posted to a nice safe and quiet planet side posting. Now, as stated unless you have anything constructive to say, be quiet!" So saying, Phoenix turned her back on the Lieutenant and walked towards her executive Officer. She wanted to hear what he had to say.

Seeing her Captain was as firey as she did wonders.. Jessinia took a breathe. "Forgive me Captain. My children have next been in the line of fire. They lost their father in a ship incident, it still hurts. Tell me what you want me to do.. Jessinia would not let her ship or her family hdown, ever again, if she could help it..

Liselle had materialized in before the exchange, having finally made it to the front of the transporting queue. She was wary of approaching Phoenix and Gary. It had been a long time since she had seen the ship's captain get so angry. She took a breath and stepped forward, holding out a PADD. "I've started accounting for everyone in my department who could have accessed the shuttlebay during Gamma shift. I've got three unaccounted for: Feyth Railli, Leena DeSoto, and Arla Jens. Should I work on pining down their locations, or do you already have a suspect?"

Of those names, one, Phoenix would never believe as being apart of this was Feyth Railli. Mainly because the woman more apt to do things in the open rather than secrecy.

"Avalon, please scan for their bio signs." She ordered

["Yes Commander."]

Gary waited as Phoenix gave Avalon the order to search for biosigns. This all might work out even better for their ploy to work with this order being given. "Captain?" He interjected. He wanted to move on his idea while they had the opportunity and before those involved had a chance to establish alibis or talk among themselves.

Phoenix nodded And stepped to the side with Gary, out of earshot of the others.

===Main Engineering===

Matias materialized within Main Engineering. He saw security and marines posted at all entrances and some inside. "Report!" he said.

"All is in order, sir," said one of the crew. "It all seems to be happening in the shuttle bay."

Matias went to a console and did a diagnostic. So far, Engineering hadn't been attacked, but he wasn't about to let his guard down.

===[Main Shuttlebay]===

Shiannah entered the Elysium's Main Shuttlebay, her eyes stung by the acrid metallic fumes and smoke from the gutted ruins of the Shuttle. To one side a squad of Marines were setting up a security cordon while one very young looking Marine walked over to her.

"Excuse me, mam" the Marine [NPC] said and held out his phaser side-arm in a gloved hand "You may need this". Shiannah looked at the weapon as if he'd tried to hand her a dead fish.

"Thank you, my dear, though I don't think so" she replied tapping the well-meaning boy on the cheek. She put a hand on her own PaDD "This is the only weaponry I require for the moment" she said smiling. [God I feel like his mother, she thought].

=^= "Computer please access all security feed and data pre and post incident to my PaDD... Intelligence authorisation Aurora Alpha One" =^= she commed the Elysium's AI...

"Acknowledged. This data is already being viewed by the Command team and senior staff on the bridge." The response came through to her.


Selena Harris, had been through it all. She had been on the Elysium during its tenure under Admiral Sharr, during the BORG mission, during the Andromeda Galaxy and the death of Commander Magnolia. So when the explosion had shaken the ship and the Alarms had clarioned through the ship, she had rolled from her bed and dressed swiftly. She had gathered a small satchel of items including her holo-recorder and headed out to do some reporting.

Chief Petty Officer Ken Waters nearly collided with her outside her door, and he took a hold of her elbow to ensure she kept her balance. "Sorry," he said breathlessly. And he continued on his way down the corridor towards the turbolift.

Selena smiled and followed him. She had heard rumors about the man she was following.

Moving Forward

A Mission Post by 1st Lieutenant Mark Matthew & Lieutenant Commander Gary Taylor

Mission: Episode 0: History Speaks

Location: USS Spain, Wing HQ Office

Timeline: Present

Mark had spent the morning flying a routine patrol in the surrounding space. He had a couple of fresh academy graduates and he needed to check them out in the Valkyrie's. He could have the wing training officer do all this but he like to do it himself. It gave him the chance to get to know the pilot's under him. It was also a bad habit too but his mother has always told him to take a more hands on approach.

He would have loved to spend a lot more time out in the Valkyrie but he needed to get back. He turned over the greenhorn's training over to his training officer. It would appear he was needed back in the Wing HQ, but no one would say why. He was actually really nervous for the first time in a long time, as he powdered down his fighter in the fighter bay. It didn't take him long before he was stepping into his office inside the Wing HQ. Mark stepped into Commander Jessica O'Donnell looking at him from a crossed his office.

“Sorry Commander I didn't know you were waiting for me” he said as he looked at her hoping he was not in trouble.

“No not in trouble 1stLt I just have news that I wanted to give you in person. I am here to tell you that you are being transferred out. It would appear that the USS Elysium under the command of Commander Lalor is in need of a CAG. I don't know how but your name came up and you leave at once.”

“Yes ma'am, can I just say this is all strange to say the least” he said looking back at her.

“Yeah I know but the word came down this morning and you can take a fighter. I will get a replacement next time we are at dock. Now 1stLt Matthew I don't know what the status of the Elysium is, so you are going in there blind. The last known location is somewhere near Risa and that is everything I have for you. Do you have any last questions for me before you go.”

“No ma'am” he said looking back at her.

“Now Lt just remember you are welcome back at any time”

“Thank you ma'am” and with that Mark did his last minutes briefing. He passed command of the Wing over to his XO and headed for his fighter. It would take him a little over half a day to get to Risa and see what is going on. He told the Spain's Comms Officer to give the Elysium a head's up that he was coming. After Mark had everything done he left the Spain in his Valkyrie and made his way towards the Elysium.

** A few hours later**

Mark dropped out of warp and started to scan the surrounding area. He had no idea where even to start looking for the Elysium. He meant as well start by looking at Risa first he told himself. He did a 180 with the maneuvering thrusters and started heading for the planet. It took him a little bit but he finally found the Elysium and opened the comms.

“This 1stLt Mark Matthew in Valkyrie 1-1 to the USS Elysium”

On the bridge, amid all the chaos Gary was alerted by the tactical officer they were being hailed. *What now?* He thought to himself. Even as he replied. "This is Commander Taylor to Valkyrie 1-1. We read you five by five. How can we be of assistance?"

"Commander Taylor I am here to report in to the Commanding Officer. I have transfer order's sir" Mark replied getting ready to transmit the order's if asked.

"Understood Valkyrie. Transmit your transfer orders.and that's a negative on reporting to the CO. she is unavailable at this moment." Gary covered. "Further, we require you to fly a combat patrol about the Elysium until further notice."

"Understood sir Valkyrie 1-1 out" Mark replied as he transmitted his transfers orders to the USS Elysium. He then turn his sensor display and started a full sensor sweep. Mark cut his engines down to 1/4 impulse and proceed with a close combat patrol.........

LTCMDR Aurelia Holmes's Personal Log - A Hurried Thought

The following is a personal log from LTCMDR Aurelia Holmes.

"Computer, record log entry. This entry will be short and sweet, as I'm looking for the Captain while I record it. The ship has been hit by several explosions, and so far we have only caught on person. A Vulcan. Our XO has taken command as the Captain is missing, stupidly I have allowed feelings for the XO to cloud my judgement, he has yet to say if its a one way love affair. How do I get myself into these problems?

I have not seen so much trouble in one place for quite sometime, but I have a feeling this is all a rouse for something bigger. The Security section is doing its duty well, but we're still to reactive for my liking. I will close this log now as things are starting to become worrying, computer stop recording and place this log in my personnel file.

Episode 2: Hell is empty, all the devils are here! - And here is where the fun begins Part 2

A Mission Post by Commander Phoenix Lalor & Lieutenant Jaeih t’Noramei-McKinley & Avalon & Selena Harris & Miran Lalor Ms & Lieutenant Commander Liselle Qwyyn & Lieutenant Commander Gary Taylor & Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Holmes & Lieutenant Commander Tate Sullivan Ph.D. & Lieutenant Matias Grronkil & Lieutenant Sthilg & Lieutenant Dyhei Liducca & Lieutenant JG Jessinia Kopl-Johnson & Lieutenant JG Shiannah Shannas & 1st Lieutenant Michael Andrews & Lieutenant Jonathan Graystroke & Lieutenant Alfonse Stiegalle & Senior Chief Petty Officer Ken Waters & Chief Petty Officer Feyth Railli & Sergeant James Raynar & Cadet Senior Grade River Waters & Lieutenant Protector Lambada & Lieutenant Protector Beta & Lieutenant Protector Delta & Lieutenant JG Protector Epsilon

Mission: Episode 2: Hell is empty, all the devils are here!

Location: Bridge and Various

Timeline: MD 4 0300 aprox

=/\= And now... =/\=

Gary waited as Phoenix gave Avalon the order to search for biosigns. This all might work out even better for their ploy to work with this order being given. "Captain?" He interjected. He wanted to move on his idea while they had the opportunity and before those involved had a chance to establish alibis or talk among themselves.

Phoenix nodded And stepped to the side with Gary, out of earshot of the others.

"Captain." He began without preamble, "I believe we can use this situation to our advantage and flush out some if not all the mutineers. Have security round up the three names Liselle came up with. Take them to separate detention rooms so they can't speak and get their stories together. Then you bluff. You play cold and hard, you overstate what information you have. Hope you're a convincing enough actress that they believe you and decide to sell the others out to save their own neck. I'm willing to bet that at least one of them is a mutineer."

"And what if those three officers are not who we want? What if they are missing the chaos down there because of injuries or haven't had a chance to log in?" Phoenix asked softly. "Are we going to arrest innocent people? While I agree we should bluff, I worry about how. And one of them, I know personally."

"Captain. I didn't say anything about arresting them. I said detain and question them." He countered. "As far as knowing one of them, is it written somewhere that mutineers can't be people you know? I refer to the Maquis for example. Many of them were Starfleet officers that betrayed their oath and used their friends."

Phoenix considered it for a moment. "And even if we are wrong, it will make our real prey think they are safe. Do it." She said softly.

Gary nodded and touched his combadge. =^= Security this is Commander Taylor. Pick up the following crew members. Feyth Railli, Leena DeSoto, and Arla Jens. Place them in separate detention rooms and tell them nothing as to why they were picked up. The Captain and I will be by to "interview" them later." When he was finished he looked back at Phoenix. "Security is handling it as we speak. Now we let them wait and sweat."

"Or see if chaos continues" Phoenix muttered.

==== Below is the next act in our drama ====

The Chaos had ebbed, and the crew were settling into their red alert, watchful and nervous.

It was in this lull, that the next act opened..

===DECK 9===

The wall of the main cargo bay on deck 9 exploded inwards, spewing fire and hot molten steel into the corridor and into multiple crew members. The Alarms blared again. And Medical was summoned to Deck 8. Emergency Medical transporters allowed them to beam directly to the scene.

Jim was just going to send a team in with Cpl Dulaney when the second explosion hit. "Holy..." he exclaimed as debris went spewing over his head.

Dulaney grabbed his scanner and headed to some of the debris. He did a wide spectrum scan. "Sarge. This isn't a widely used explosive. Let me tighten the band a bit" he said, adjusting the scanner.

=/\= Bridge=/\=

Phoenix cursed in her native tongue "ed' i' Seldarine!" Which if the translator worked on High Erisian, would have translated to "By the gods" but as Phoenix had never taken the time to make sure it would translate her native tongue -She had never gotten around it as the two Erisians in the fleet spoke Federation Standard- all everyone heard was the lyrical language of her home world with an angry over tone.

She spun away from her conversation with Taylor. "Holmes, Andrews! I want security and marines to re sweep the decks. Deck 9 now. First deck 13, I am not going to even try to guess where next." She gave Jessinia a look. "Lieutenant Kolp-Johnson. I want your team going through the evidence being collected, and the video feeds." She waved a hand to the holo globe. "I believe that is your assistant chief in the Shuttlebay with Lieutenant Alfonse Stiegalle and Sergeant James Raynar."

The image was showing a split screen now, one of the corridor on Deck 9 and one of the Shuttle-bay.

Michael nodded. "I'll head down to deck 9 and get started. Then work my way up to 13, deck by deck, Commander" he said with a salute. {You be careful, Lt. We're not done yet} he though to Jessinia as he headed out.

Lia had only just finished giving the orders to pick the three personnel up when the ship rocked again, She heard the Captain give yet another order, "Captain, your spreading both Security and the Marines extremely thin. If there are other devices on board, we will attempt to find them. Lieutenant Andrews, I believe you mentioned the Main Armoury. Perhaps you better start there, I will go to the shuttlebay". She turned and left for the turbo lift, she only gave Taylor a sideways glance.

"Be careful" Phoenix replied as she turned to the holoview to see the carnage.

"Roger that, Commander" Michael replied, heading out.

Jessinia turned back to the console tyed it into the intel net and got her people all four of them to starta a galactic search pattern for the evidence they'd found.. How did it get to the ship? there were plenty of other questions...She slowed her mind as best she could.. "Does any of the debris have DNA??" She asked in general...

"Dammit!" Gary cursed. "Fire control teams to deck 9 on the double! Contain the fire, don't let it spread!"

"They should have soon." Phoenix replied to Jessinia.

[Main Shuttlebay]

Alfonse glanced at the Cpl., "I need to know what was used, how they put it together, and just where they may have got it from? Think you can handle that Corporal?" He looked at Jim, "We need to clear this bay, just in case there is something here and we miss it. Think you can usher them out?" His own men where busy keeping the main blast site clear.

Dulaney nodded to Stiegalle. "I'll find out whatever it is, Lt" he said.

Her people started finding oddities in route, specifics in connections that had history, but the persons identities were still hidden.. Not normal.. "We have moles.. from the last command structure.. no identifier as yet.." Now that she qas working on the problem she felt in greater control.. Only a mater of time before she got her mind and hands on someone that deserved to die...

Jim nodded to Alfonse. "I'm on it, Lt." He replied, having his men usher out anyone not a marine or Security.

As the second explosion rocked the Elysium Alfonse ducked, "Sugar honey ice tea!!!! What the hell have they hit now?" He stood up and looked around, "Jim! I'm gonna divert my search section to that new blast site, can your boys take up the slack?" He contacted his men and sent them to find the blast site, =^="Stiegalle to Holmes, I've sent a section to the new blast site. But things are getting hectic down here, any further orders?"

Lia heard Alfonse's message, =^="Move your butt to the new site, I'm coming down to the cargo bay"=^=. She looked at the side of the ship, and hoped it didn't breach.

Jim and Don both made sure the area was cleared before noticing Lt Dilucca. They noticed her Science blue and shrugged as they made their way to the remnants of the destroyed shuttle.

=^= "Computer please access all security feed and data pre and post incident to my PaDD... Intelligence authorisation Aurora Alpha One" =^= she commed the Elysium's AI...

"Acknowledged. This data is already being viewed by the Command team and senior staff on the bridge." The response came through to her.

Shiannah nodded as she understood that others would be looking at the data as she tapped and scrolled down the screen of her PaDD and transferred the secured data to the holodeck for more detailed perusal later.

With all of the wounded now cleared out Dyhei had switched her attention to the shuttle remains, with her deuterium theory out, she changed tack moving towards the it while keying her tricorder to look for chemical signatures. As the alarms blared once more as another trempress rocked the ship, another explosion another part of the ship, concern and old memories flared up again as she put her attention back on the wreck in front of her. If she could find answers here maybe connect them to reading to be taken at the new blast site they would have answers. Dyhei moved right up to the wrecked shuttle aservice her scanner flaged up a trace compound but no exact reading. Time to narrow her scan, "Corporal Dulaney, you see the odd reading lower Aft compartment? I've a couple of filters that might help, I can send them to your scannerves if you like?"" She queried to the Marine who seemed to be leading the search, as she readied herself to climb onto the wreck, although the spot she was at wasn't ideal as loose debris shifted above and to her right.

Just as they reached the blast site, Jim noticed a piece of debris that was teetering before it started to fall, heading straight for her.

"Move!" Jim yelled as he ran up to Dyhei, getting her clear of the debris just as it crashed into the spot where she was standing. "Lt, do you understand imminent danger?" He asked her in a take charge kind of voice, even though he was smiling at her.

Dulaney started scanning the area she had been in. "Sarge. I think I got it" he said, kneeling by the aft section of the shuttle. "Scanner says it's deuterium... about 86 isograms" Don said.

Jim made sure Dyhei was ok before addressing the corporal. "That puts a different light on" he replied then turned back to Dyhei. "Lt, do you have any suggestions?" He asked.

"I believe I'm vaguely familer with the term." Dyhei responded with a smirk, not quite sure how it was meant, but chose to make light of it, making herself feel calmer. "I'm us all a little more quicker on my feet, but I guess no ones perfect." She added with a shrug bracing herself for an argument over if she should still be there, this gave way to an expression of supprise over the compound used. "Wow, that's quite exotic as explosives go, nice catch." She offered genuinely pleased at her inclusion and as her opinion was asjed for, she started to find her usual data crunching flow and aply ot to this rahter unique situation. "I'll apply another filter to the scans to identify the specific type, a plural zed indigo EM filter. We can pass that of to the second blast site and bridge get them to scan for morent supprise packages." She paused and offered the Marine Sergeant another smile, before another though occurred to her. "Is there anyone from intelligence in the bay? "

Jim released Dyhei's hand and let her go help Cpl Dulaney. "I don't think Intel made it here yet, Lt" he said.

Dyhei gave a little smile at the Sergeants throughness at ensuring she was okay, she would have stopped to chat if things went so life and death, as it was she moved round to where the corporal was located, but shot friendly backwards glance as she did, defiantly had to get a name before she left.

Shiannah overheard the statement and looked up, a dark eyebrow arched.

"I believe Intel are, indeed, here!" Shiannah said with a throaty chuckle despite the circumstances. "We may not have been introduced. I am Lt Jg Shiaanha Shannas, the new Assistant Head of Intelligence aboard the Elysium... reward, no doubt, for my many sins".

"Dyhei Liducca, Chief of Science." The Hybrid responded, a little puzzled as to why she seemed to be refering to the ship as a punishment, but that was one ffor another time " were working on the what and the where regarding these explosives," She stated gesturing to herself and the Corporal and Sergeant Raynar."But science struggles with the how and why they were planted, could use you help in that regard."

"Got it! Ultrinium 282! It's an industrial mining variant." Dyhei exclaimed with a start, now they had a confirmed substance it was time to test a theory. "Liducca to Deck 9 Cargo bay, we gave evidence Ultrinium 282 was used, if you retune scanners to upper band emissions and apply Plural-Zed-Indigo filter that should narrow things down. Request conformation from your location."

Shiannah listened to the evidence from Dyhei with interest as Ultrinium 282 was a resticted substance and would not be easy to get into the hands of by non-ranking personnel... The Intelligence Officer made a note and a quick check on if any of the substance was on-board and who had access?

"Obviously we are dealing with highly skilled people who set this up" Shiannah explained. "It is not in every crew-members skill-set handling U282 and succesfully making an explosive device with it. Especially without blowing yourself up ito your componant atoms in the processs. I will run an inventory of the substance onboard... It may also be possible to check transporter records for spec-chemical analysis... though I'm no technichian. Would that be possible?" she asked.

"I believe so. Now we know what we're looking for, a straightforward comparison algorithm should do the trick, if I send you the spec-chemical analysis, could you set that going Lieutenant?" Dyhei responded with a pensive look as her head bobbed in agreement, as another thought came to her. "Also, Sergeant Raynar, how well do you know the ship? Is there a docking hatch in the affected Cargo Bay for direct transfer?" She queried, her short spell as part of the quartermaster scetion a few years ago, suddenly becoming relivent. "If there is we may have another way access for the explosives, and as we've had to do quite a bit of mods to scanners to pick it up it could have been missed back then."

"I'm sorry, Lt Shannas. Forgive my inattentive approach. I'm SSgt James Raynar, Alpha squad leader" he said then Turned to Dyhei. "I've been around awhile. There should be a docking hatch over on the side of the bay" he said, pointing to the hatch by wall panel on the other end.

"Okay double prong approach then I think, Shannas, how much access do you have to Security systems? Enough to double check the entry and exit logs from back when the Elysium was in dock I hope?" Dyhei suggested still with a pensive expression,

"That shouldn't be a problem..." Shiannah replied. "Though dock-side security is notoriously lax when in a friendly port" she added after a few moments thought. She ran a long finger, her black nail varnish glimmering in the half-light of the Shuttle bay light, down the touch-sensitive PaDD screen and pulled up the Security Access Database Matrix which, at least in theory, should have recorded all access too and from the USS Elysium since it was built in the shipyards.

"With my Security Clearance I can forward you a list... Though as a new-comer to the Elysium I'm afraid I'm not, as yet, fully aware of the full security arrangements and clearances for the crew and non-crew members. Apart from common sense as to who should and should not have open access and such-like" she explained with a slight shrug.

Shiannah looked over to Raynar. "I might add, the little I know about U282, is that it's a notoriously unstable element" she continued. "So I can't see how it could be left here for very long length of time without it either being detected or exploding prior to this?"

Dulaney piped in. "It must have been shielded when it was brought on board" he said.

Dyhei was used to devising data measuring programs and parameters, but not for a major incident that affects an entire starship, as she tied to work a way though the problem in front of her. "Okay can I borrow you and a working console, that one over there seems a good choice." Pointing to a station away from the wrecked craft. "Shannas, If we link to your database for the know how, and one or two for the science labs for processing power, we should be able to at worst rule out a method of transfer, at best point us in the right direction. Raynar would you mind sticking around with your boys, I got a feeling your squads work isn't done yet?

"I can direct link with my PaDD over a secure link" Shiannha added..

Jim nodded Dyhei and Shiannah. "That shouldn't be a problem, Lts. We live but to serve" he said with a disarming smile and offhand chuckle.

"I feel safer already," She added with a smile, as she continued to make her way.

Shiannah walked over to the console while checking that the tight-link was in with her PaDD place and looked over to Dyhei.

"The transporter records would show any anomalies with U282 or other possible trace elements of a dangerous substances being brought aboard... There should be security protocols and screening in the Transporter sub-routines in place to prevent someone transporting an explosive device on board... Though I'm not technical enough to spot if these logs have been tampered with or, perhaps, if someone is covering their tracks?" Shiannah said looking to Dyhei. "Do you have any suggestions?" she asked.

"Your in luck, I spent eighteen months as part of Operations, specifically the quartermaster section, I've got a few tricks if I remmber them." She stated with a smirk, interlocking her fingers and flexing her palms out and away from her. "Corporal I like your linear of the compound being shiended, can you think of what would proxide and adequate Shield for it, we could supercharged for that, lieut antitype, might be a time to put a call to your DH, she may have greater access, also all of my previos DH threw a his system fit if they were left out of things."

===Deck 12 - Entrance to Shuttle Bay 1, Upper level===

Ken Waters had his nose buried in his tricorder as he followed the faint life-sign reading that ebbed straight ahead. Lt. Commander Qwyyn had ask her department to try and account for their missing members. While other parties were searching out the other two missing crewman, he had been told that Feyth Railli would likely be near the shuttlebay. A general call had come in from sickbay from River Waters, reporting that she certainly wasn't at Shuttle bay 1 ground level, and so that left the deck above.

He turned his attention to a point over his left shoulder, noticing only know how intently Selena Harris followed. "Can I help you with something?"

She smiled rather slyly. "I was wondering what you are up to that's all"

A thousand responses to her coy little excuse raced through his mind. He picked the one that felt the least abrasive. "Just don't get in the way of anybody doing their jobs," he said. He took hold of her arm. He tried his best to be gentle in the action, but he was driven by instinct and adrenaline now, and he wanted to make sure that he drove his point home with the gesture. "I mean it. Don't get people killed for a story."

"Me? I have been on this ship since before our adventures in the Andromeda Galaxy. I would never do such a thing."' Selena protested.

A few more meters down the corridor, Ken found exactly what he was looking for; exactly what he didn't want to find: the body of Feyth Railli lying crumpled in a heap just outside of the doors to Shuttle Bay 1 - Upper Deck. He fell to his knees next to her, pressing two of his fingers to her neck. "She's alive," he said to Harris. "But I don't think we should move her." He studied the readouts from his tricorder. His brow dug a trench in the center of his forehead. "What. The. Hell?"

Selena leaned over his shoulder. She studied the read out. "Hmmm Pregnant" she said softly. "And are you the father as rumor puts you as?" She mused. But she drew back as security pounded up to them.

A Security guard looked at the crumpled form of Railli, =^="Security to Medical, we're transporting a wounded prisoner to sickbay. Lock on to my combadge and transport now"=^=. Both forms were transported away. The other Security guard turned to Ken, "We may want to talk to you later sir, you to ma'am". He then turned and walked away, leaving the pair behind.

Selena sniffed. "Typical security. Hmm why did they call her prisoner I wonder?"

Ken looked to the retreating security officer and back to Selena. And back again. His mind was undergoing information overload. Pregnant?! Prisoner?! It took a few moments of stammering before he could find words to shout out at the officer. "Hey! Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing!" Before he could stop himself, Ken tapped his own comm badge. "CPO Waters to Captain La --" he double-tapped his badge instead, cancelling the call.

Phoenix would be flooded with thousands of fires to put out right now. The last thing she needed was to have to deal with a request that did an end run around the chain of command.

"I need to get to sickbay," he said.

Selena considered it for a moment and the said brightly "I'll go with you."

===Main Sickbay===

All hell had broken loose, but despite the chaos and the solemn undercurrent, the medical staff moved with practiced efficiency to address the incoming injuries. Tate made a point to receive advanced medical training for just these sorts of scenarios. She wasn't a medical doctor, but in times of crisis, the counselor needed more than just calm words to be effective.

As such, she was assisting with triage and taking note of the medical personnel that were tasked down to the main shuttle bay. "What do we know?" Tate asked the CMO even as she kept moving.

Feyth Railli materialized in sickbay alongside a security officer. Cadet River Waters blinked as the image of her appearing registered in his brain. He sat up abruptly on his bio-bed. "Feyth!" he called out to her, panic overtaking him as he saw that she was unconscious. He slid down to the floor and ran to her side. "Doctor! Somebody! Do something!"

With speeds that people were always amazed by the gorn was at the side of the security officer. His mobile computer was already scanning her and his eyes widened. " Internal bleeding. Get her into sssurgicol sssuit three right now. " He said to the security officer who nodded and began carrying her to the suit. " Lieutenant Commander can you pleassse look after the cadet. I need to get to work." The gorn said already heading in the direction of the surgical suit.

Ken Waters came into sickbay, Selena close behind, just as Feyth was being moved into surgery. "What's wrong with her?" he asked a passing nurse, grabbing him by the shoulders. "Is she okay? Is she going to be okay?"

River Waters turned at the sound of his older brother. "I think she was caught in the blast," he said uneasily. "The Doctor said there was internal bleeding."

Ken released the nurse and crossed the distance to stand in front of River. "What are you doing here?"

The Cadet looked down, his neon green eyes focused on his boots. "I was outside the shuttlebay during the explosion, too."

Ken looked him over, aside from light bruising, the young man seemed fine. "Neither of you work Gamma shift. What the hell were you doing?"


"Nothing?! Prophets, River, you haven't changed. Not at all. You've got a fancy uniform on now, but you're still that same kid that sits around doing 'nothing' while the rest of us take care of you. And as always we're the ones to suffer the consequences of your actions."

River looked away from him.

Ken was too overcome with frustration to say anything more. He turned his attention instead to the doctor and nurses preparing for Feyth's surgery.


Delta had retreated to her duty station in Science and was watching reports flow through.

Lambada and Epsilon however had retreated into the crowds, shedding pips and jackets as they did so. They managed to get to their bolt holes and swap tunic colors with spare uniforms. Lambada exited in Engineering Yellow, and Epsilon in Gray. They exchanged looks nods and then vanished into the crowds.

There was one of the group unaccounted for though. Beta, had been keeping quiet, and feeding information to the group from the heart of the ship. Though not physically present on the bridge, Beta had full access to the systems. His post in the Emergency made him the key contact for his three allies. Slowly he shifted his hands on the console and it changed to the Transporter layout. Emergency Transports only were activated at the Command Team's orders. But he had a plan for when they got too close to their real targets.

What better way to sow confusion and delay. He got a transporter lock on an officer on the bridge. He gave it a five count and hit the transport button.

==== Bridge====

Phoenix was standing beside Gary watching as reports rolled in around the vessel. She wanted answers and wanted them now. "Have we got tracking on that Ferengi Vessel yet?" she asked as another thought came to her.

From Operations came a "Yes we are on it now." And on the main viewer the vessel appeared. "Keeping pace with us."

"Commander Qwyyn, break us out of orbit." Phoenix suddenly said, "If we loose engines or anything that keeps us in Orbit, we could be in big trouble. Get us out of the shipping lanes as well"

"On it." The Trill crossed the bridge to the conn in exactly four steps, her console rocking hard to one side as she slid into her seat. Her fingers moved like a torrential downpour of raindrops across her board as she brought the Elysium out into open space. She looked up at the view screen to confirm what her readings told her. "We're clear."

Phoenix's next words were not said, she opened her mouth to thank her Chief of Flight, when the bridge vanished from her view and she was transported to another section of the Elysium. Leaving the Bridge crew stunned.

Gary reacted instantly. His training taking over, "Avalon! Lock down all transporters and place inhibitors on them on my orders. Next due a complete sweep of te ship for the Captain. Use both her combadge and individual biosigns to locate her."

He turned to Lia,but she was gone "Security.This is Taylor, get some people looking for the Captain, I want every inch of this ship searched. I mean every room! Don't take for granted it's empty or it's just supply closet. Have your teams open and actively search . Do an eyeball test."

Avalon appeared. "Commander, Location of the Captain's comm badge is now 300 meters off our starboard bow. No Biological remnants are with it. Her biosigns are scattered across decks 40 to 47." The AI paused. "There is an officer within the Operations Office on deck 30, who is currently hacking my system"

Gary tapped his combadge, "Taylor to Holmes, Lia, head to the Operations Office and arrest who's ever in there. They've hacked into Avalon's systems.''

Stopping to listen, Lia realised that all hell had broken out on the bridge. =^="Holmes here, Ops Office deck 30. On it, hey check hull integrity will you. I got a funny feeling, and I never ignore these kind of feelings"=^=. She turned and headed for deck 30, problem was with all the explosions and people milling around could she tell if she saw him?

The reply was quick in coming back. =^= Will do. Watch yourself.=^= Gary then turned to the AI, "Avalon, do a complete scan of hull integrity. Look for any hull ruptures as well as any potential problems that may occurr from the explosions we've already experienced ."

Avalon nodded and the AI formed into a holographic representation of the Ship. Certain parts were flashing red, others yellow and Green.

The red were the main shuttlebay, the main cagobay, and a part of Engineering. They formed an almost triangle. A bright orange section was between all points. And it was flashing.

Words appeared above the orange section. Main Armory.

seeing all of this new info Jessinia had to ram down fresh panic. She looked toward the sensors.. That Ferengi ship was easily in range for transwarp beaming... "We need to raise the shields they may be trying to escape/kidnap or steal our weapons?!!" Commander Holmes Let me look for the Captain.. The soul can't be scattered across a sensor grid..."

Gary looked at the Intel chief, "We have more pressing problems." He informed her and the others. "Look at the schematic. We have several possible areas where the hull integrity is severely compromised. "There's a very real possibility we can lose the ship."

Jessinia gripped the console, hammering down more panic.. She only held So much... "WE have to go on the offensive!!!" Her children, her new Imzadi, her Captain, the ship.. The triangle was the key.. their HAD to be targets there.. "People focus on the triangle, Look at Everything.. there Has to be a subject there, a controller of Some kind.. Find it..." She ordered her team..

Before Gary could engage further with Jessinia, Qwyyn called back to him from her console, shaking her head at her readings as she spoke. "Sir, structural integrity is fluctuating. We're spiking beyond tolerances. I recommend all stop."

Gary moved away from the emotional Intel Chief and over to Liselle. He looked at her board, saw what she saw and knew what it meant." Very well Liselle, all stop. Keep me posted on the field's integrity." He replied, his voice firm, in control

A few minutes later her team found a connection.. No names but a verifiable trail.. She was angered All the More.. Damned Ferengi!!! "I've got an outside connection to a Ferengi.." She said with disgust.. "No names yet.. That explosive appears to be a special blend.. untraceable.." "Put up the shields!!"

Gary glanced at Jessinia, "You've been warned by the Captain about your outbursts Lieutenant. Now I'm warning you. Control yourself. I've got far more important matters to deal with than you flying off the handle every five minutes. So one more outburst and you will be confined to quarters and I will personally see that you are transferred off the ship." He looked back to Liselle, "Raise the shield. It'll calm our Intel chief though they won't do much good if we have multiple hull breeches."

Qwyyn blew out a heavy breath, long held as she listened to the debate between Gary and Jessinia. "Aye, sir. Shields up."

"Liducca to Bridge, we have a conformation on the compound used. Ultrinium 282! Recommend isolate anot internal sensor pallet, retune to upper EM band with a Plural -Zed -Indigo filter. Beam all high concentrations as far into the outer system as transporters will manage." Dyhei stated reasonably confident of the results and the course of action suggested.

On the bridge Gary listened to Liducca and the finding of Ultrinium 282. "Transporter room, Beam all high concentrations of Ultrinium 282 off the ship and as far away as possible." He paused before tapping his combadge. "Taylor to security, any luck finding the Captain?"

Jessinia plugged in the new information.. The explosive linked many things,, "Sir the Explosive links to the outside, still working the people angle.." And smiled cruelly.. That was the outside connection.. "We have their contact And he's got a connection with our wayward Conmmodore. I'll put together a report, That ship out there is deeply involved... "I still recommend going on offense.." She was cooler, almost Cold, they were zeroing in on the target.. This was where she thrived...

"Lowering the shields to allow for transport," Qwyyn advised, entering the reverse of her last command into her console.

Avalon commented. "All Materials have been removed from the ship Commander."

"Shields back up, Commander," Qwyyn advised.

[Main Security]

Michael knew that Security and his marines would be spread thin during this emergency so he did the search of Security and Armory by himself. He scanned, listened and watched for anything out the ordinary. All phases were signed out to Security officers and marines. All explosives were accounted for.

Then he noticed the extras. They were planted in such a way as to remain inconspicuous. {Inside job is right} he thought.

=^= Andrews to Holmes. Security and Armory checked. But I found something. Extra explosives not in the ship's inventory. Possibly the same as the ones used in Main Shuttlebay =^=

As she walked she heard Andrews calling, =^="Lieutenant, why am I not surprised. Ok check it for fuses and trip switches, then beam it off the damn ship. We got enough problems with out that going off, and can you spare a couple of Marines to meet me on deck 30 Ops Office?"=^=. She continued walking but her unease continued to grow, oO Somethings not right, we're being played here Oo she thought to herself.

As the Marines looked at the device, a screen lit up on it. And began to count down. From 60.

Michael swore. "Get the hell out of here!!" He ordered as marines went bolting from the Armory. He locked down the ordinance lockers to try ans contain the blast then ran like the hosts of Hades were after him.

Lia was finding it difficult to keep up, =^="Hey Taylor!!! Make your mind up, am I going after the bad guy? Or am I going after the Captain? Because I can't do both, I'm good but not that bloody good"=^=. She continued towards the Ops Office, oO Damn people running and screaming, worse than being a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs Oo she thought to herself. She approached the Office but there were no Marines, that could make tings a little difficult. Drawing her phaser, she put it on heavy stun and hit the entry button. She knelt down as she twisted to the centre of the door, a Vulcan had his back to her as he operated the controls. She fired and brought him down, "Got you!! You son of a bitch!!!" Standing up she approached slowly and kicked his feet, "Guess you 'aint for talking right now, but you will. Believe me, your gonna be singing like a canary when I'm finished with you". She checked the controls but couldn't see where the Captain was, =^="Holmes to Taylor, I have one in custody. But I can't seem to find where he stashed the Captain, can you send extra bodies here I need help to move this guy"=^=.

On the bridge Gary hears Lia's exasperated call."Lia, calm down. You are going to Ops to catch the bad guy that is your primary objective."

Moments later he received another call from Lia, this one had a note of triumph in it. "Excellent! Good work Lia. I have Security and Marines going deck by deck in search for the Captain. I'll send some security personnel down to your location to help you with your suspect."

He tapped his combadge, =^= Taylor to Security, send a couple of security officers to Deck 30 and the Ops Office to help Commander Holmes with a suspect =^=.

Alfonse heard the XO call for Security to help Lia, =^="Stiegalle To Commander Taylor, I'll take one man with me and report to Commander Holmes. You did say deck 30, Ops Office?"=^= He called one of his men over leaving the other three to secure the Cargo bay, then made his way to Holmes.

On hearing she had back up Lia relaxed, =^="Holmes to Taylor, how's the search for the Captain going? I think she's going to want to question this guy, unless your going to do it? He's Vulcan, it could prove interesting"=^=. She waited for a response.

=^= We're still looking for her. So far no luck. As far as our suspect. I'm sure she will want to question him. I haven't decided if I will question him. I'll wait and see what the Captain says.=^=

54 seconds,....

On reaching deck 30, Alfonse quickly located Holmes. "Commander, are you all right? you look like you've been through a rough patch?"

Lia shook her head, "Alfonse get your Boxtop butt in here and secure this guy, less talkie talkie more workie workie". As the Security guard placed handcuffs on the Vulcan Lia was somewhat surprised, "Where the hell did you get those things?" He pointed to Alfonse.

Shrugging his shoulders Alfonse responded, "Hey he's Vulcan, those guys can knock spots off anyone. I didn't want to take chances, so I replicated them".

Scratching her head Lia looked at Stiegalle, "Whatever Alfonse, whatever. Just put him in the brig and hold him there, make sure you don't leave him unattended. We loose him, you go for a space walk without a suit".

"Ok, I get it. Don't loose the prisoner", Alfonse and the guard headed for the brig.

Watching them leave Lia decided to go look for the Captain, but where to start? She opted to start on deck 30.

===Somewhere on Deck 43===

Phoenix re-appeared in a small locked storage room. She frowned. "Eithel sina naa il-thel!" She grumbled in her native tongue.

A quick survey of the small room had Phoenix cursing even more fluently in Erisian as she bent down and pulled her ankle knife from her boot. She stalked to the door panel and examined it. Then she jammed her knife into the door access panel and watched sparks fly. The Door jerked open. But only an inch. It let fresh air in but would not budge further.

The ship rocked again from another explosion. What in the Gods names was happening now? She tried to look out through the gap in the door but could not see anyone or anything near by.


As Michael ran, he heard the knife and saw it sticking out of the partially opened door. He drew his type 2 and went to the disturbance. "Who's there?" He asked

The voice was not familiar. But Phoenix reasoned if it was the bad guys she could at least try to give them a run for their money. "Commander Lalor. I was beamed off the bridge." She replied.

45 seconds...

====Main Engineering===

Matias was looking over the console, analyzing each and every component in Engineering. He noticed that the transporters were locked down and inhibited. The warp core, his main worry, was clean, no sabotage there. Something was wrong here, though, something didn't smell right. He sniffed around, trying to find the source of the smell as it got stronger. It led him to a console near the warp core where one of his crew was working. He rushed over, grabbed her away from it, saying "RUN!" He ordered a class three force field around the console. It was just in time. The field just barely contained the explosion which shook Main Engineering, but it held. "Matias to Bridge," he said, "There was just another explosion here in Main Engineering, but the force field contained it. If it hadn't, the warp core would have been breached." He saw Security racing in and saw the damage within the force field.

Gary took the news in stride, he couldn't afford to get flustered or mad. There would be time for that later. "Quick thinking and good work Mr. Grronkil. If anything is left of the explosive device, save it so we can examine it later." He complimented the CEO. "Did your department suffer any injuries?"

Qwyyn couldn't help but eavesdrop on the conversation, turning her ear slightly toward Taylor. She was eager to hear Matias' response and that he was okay. While she wouldn't welcome news of anyone in engineering being hurt, she was particularly concerned for the Chief Engineer, having grown quite fond of him during their last away mission.

"The blast area is sealed off until Security can look at it, sir," said Matias. "There are no injuries, but people down here are understandably shook up by it. It could have been a lot worse."

"Very good. Mr. Grronkil, keep your people calm and focused on maintaining power throughout the ship. We need you and your department ." Gary told the CEO.

"Thank the Gods for tiny miracles," the Chief of Flight Control added.

"Understood, my beta," said Matias. "Grronkil out."

He then called Security "Grronkil to Security. Main Engineering is under lockdown. Nobody comes in or out without the approval of Command or myself." He said "Let's keep power going through the ship, people. You know your jobs."

==== Deck 43 ====

"Commander Lalor? It's 1LT Andrews. Step back and I'll wedge the door open" he said, jamming his type3 rifle in the opening and putting his body behind it for leverage. "But we have less than minute. I found more explosives in the Armory" he said as the door began to grind open, slowly and unforgivingly.

Snagging her knife, Phoenix drew back. "Lieutenant... you might do best to run for it." she suggested but with no response she waited for it to open. Once opened enough, she ducked out beneath the rifle and stood. "Thank you Lieutenant." She said calmly.

"Save the thanks for later, Commander. The Armory is about to get renovated by some smuggled explosives in less then 45 seconds " he said prying the butt of his rifle from the door.

"Then lets run." She said as she turned and then she began to run.

As they ran, an announcement came over the ship wide Comm. [ Attention all crew. All explosive material has been removed from the Elysium. Please check in with your command line officer.]

Phoenix skidded to a stop on her heels. She took a breath and said "That is some good news." She had noticed her comm badge was missing. "Lieutenant, please contact the bridge and let them know our situation."

END of Post



"Eithel sina naa il-thel!" - Well this is not fun

Episode 2: Hell is empty, all the devils are here! - Double Cross

A Mission Post by Avalon & Commodore Jasper Heling & Lieutenant Jackson Heilong

Mission: Episode 2: Hell is empty, all the devils are here!

Location: Unknown

Timeline: MD 4 04h00

Commodore Heling sat quietly in the wonderfully appointed office in the well hidden bunker and watched the recorded feed from the Elysium. The Watch had the Command crew scurrying like rats on a sinking ship. It was... amusing. They were doing very well. They were not under his command, and they were obeying orders from their previous commanding officer.

And by doing so, they were distracting the Elysium's Command team from their search for him. His thought broke off as an officer in gray appeared in the doorway. "Commodore" he said coldly.

"Ah Lieutenant. What can I do for you?"

"Ah commodore, that is very easy. You can come with me and surrender to the Elysium's crew." Jackson Heilong raised a phaser rifle and aimed it at the Commodore. "You see Commodore, you are a loose end, and they do not like loose ends as you know."

Jasper Heling laughed. "Oh Lieutenant, what makes you think I will go quietly."

"I am hoping you won't." Came the cold reply. "The others, they do not know, what you did to the Elysium, which trapped us in the Andromeda Galaxy. All in the name of revenge on a man who didn't know you existed."

"And you think you do know?"

"I do indeed know. I also know that if Commander Lalor gets her hands on you, she will show you no mercy. She may pay lip service to the Federation laws but you are a traitor and she hates traitors, and I am sure if you are delivered alive, your brig cell will lose oxygen somehow and you won't make it to your trial. After she unleashes her crew onto you in an interrogation." Jackson smirked.

Jasper studied the young lieutenant before him. He had been assigned to the Elysium as a contact to Magnolia. And had led the cell after Magnolia's demise at the hands of Admiral Sharr.

"And just how do you think this is going to go?" He asked Heilong.

"Well, two ways Sir. One you resist, I shoot you and leave your carcass where the Elysium crew can find it. The other, we fight and I still leave your body for discovery. Either way Commodore, your life is over."

Heling stood up and brushed his hands together. "I doubt it. You are not a murderer Lieutenant."

"You do not know what I am Commodore." Jackson coldly replied. "I have done things in the name of the Watch, that would give nightmares. This, is just another duty."

"They will kill you, you know."

"Who? The Federation? Or the Watch?" He smirked.

"Both." The Commodore replied.

"Ah commodore, the Watch may try to kill me, but they are not my true masters. Come along now Commodore, let's do this.." He waved the Phaser rifle and followed the commodore out of the office.

The underground bunker was well shielded against all scans and there were all types of different blocking devices around. Jackson had evacuated the base hours earlier while the Elysium was in orbit and now was going through the chaos his so called team was causing.

The Commodore noticed that they were alone now. Helong was efficient he would give the young Lieutenant that. At least there was no one around to watch the event that the Lieutenant had planned.

Jackson was not sure he would get out of this himself but he had a plan. Already he had sent the needed clues to a locked box in one of the Main resorts. A message addressed to the chief of security of the Elysium would be delivered within the next few hours. It was very concise in its instructions.

He counted the steps and then said "Halt."

Heling stopped and turned. "And now what?"

"You die" Jackson snapped the rifle into position. Two swift shots later, the commodore was dead on the ground.

"That was for Andromeda." He said to the body with two smoking holes in its chest. Then he turned and walked away.

The body would remain there until the Elysium crew got there to recover it and the information from the Watch computers.

Episode 2: Hell is empty, all the devils are here! – Interogation

A Mission Post by Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Holmes & Commander Phoenix Lalor & Lieutenant Commander Gary Taylor & Lieutenant Protector Beta

Mission: Episode 2: Hell is empty, all the devils are here!

Location: Brig

Timeline: MD 4 - 05h00


Phoenix had, had time to grab a cup of tea, and review all documentation around the issues that had plagued the Elysium over the past few hours. She was feeling rather grimy though and wanted at least an hours sleep but that was not going to happen. Now she had a crew member to question.

Draining her tea from the mug she entered the Main Brig, to find her XO and chief of Security awaiting her. "Commanders" she said calmly as she stepped inside.

Gary was leaning against a wall, his arms crossed over his chest as Phoenix walked in. He still hadn't answered Lia's question the one she posed to him while they were on Risa. He owed her an answer but that was for later.... when they were alone for now there was work that needed to be done. "Captain." He acknowledged solemnly.

Sat on a chair, it's back resting on the wall. Lia glanced at the Captain as she entered, "I guess this is where you take over Captain, but just remember. This is my brig, due respect".

"Of course Commander" Phoenix assured her. "I understand the officer is from the Operations department?" she asked carefully as she moved to stand between her XO and the security chief.

Lia nodded, "Yes sir he is, a Vulcan of all things". She leant forwards and the chair now stood on all four legs, "I'll leave the entire interrogation in your hands, if needed I'll be over here. Watching".

"Now we need to understand his logic behind this.'' Gary added from his position. "Even if it's twisted logic."

Phoenix stepped up to the forcefield and froze. She stood silent for a moment and looked at the Vulcan before her. Hand picked,. She had picked this officer herself! "T'Vuk" She said her voice like the ice field of Andoria.

The Vulcan stood at attention. "Commander Lalor."

"I will dispense with the pleasantries Lieutenant. I have a few questions, but the first is WHY."

Tilting his head the Vulcan known as T'Vuk studied his former senior staff member, and now the Captain of the vessel. "I was following orders... though that said, my orders were to beam you out into space."

That sent a chill through her.

"Who gave those orders?"

"Commander Magnolia."

This all sounded like a trashy spy novel to Lia, but somewhere in the back of her mind. She knew that this was all to real, and that scared her a little.

Gary's eyes narrowed at this latest bit of information. "Wait. I thought Magnolia is dead. Are you saying your orders to beam Commander Lalor came from a dead woman or theses orders were given before she died?"

"Before she died. You never trusted her Commander. She knew that."

"Of course I never trusted Magnolia." Phoenix said calmly. "But I did my job and worked with the woman." Which had made her betrayal and attempted murder of Sharr harder to take. "So is Magnolia's orders the only ones you are following?"

T'Vuk studied the former chief of Operations. "You really do not know what you are facing do you Commander?"

She frowned "Tell us."

The Vulcan crossed his arms. "No. I do not think so. It will spoil the surprise. Magnolia? She was just a link in the chain. We? The rest of my team and I? We are just those who will cause more pain. You won't find us all."

Lia bit her tongue at this point, she so wanted to question this Vulcan. But the Captain and XO knew more about the case than she did, common sense said leave it to them.

Gary stepped forward. "Oh, that's where I think you will be surprised "T'Vuk." He said cryptically.

T'Vuk raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

Gary's face was as unreadable as a Vulcan's. It betrayed absolutely no emotion. Nothing to give away his thoughts. "Indeed." He returned.

Phoenix let them stare at each other for a moment before saying. "I am sure if you will not tell us everything, one of them will. After all, not all have a Vulcan's training in resisting ... such things. Commander Holmes, You have my permission to commence the Interrogations as you see fit within the proper boundaries of course."

The Captains statement caught Lia a bit off guard, "I take it, Lieutenant T'Vuk, you know about mind melds?" She stood up and approached the cell, "I have a contact in Star Fleet Intelligence, who like you is Vulcan. He is on his way here to do a meld with you, he's a master at extracting just the information we need. Is it logical for you to loose your mind resisting this meld, or more logical to give us what we want freely?" This was a fact Lia knew well, all she had to do was call and her Vulcan contact would arrive. But she hoped T'Vuk would see sense, even logic in what was said.

T'Vuk looked at Lalor and considered the woman's face. "They were wrong about you. They said you would not have it in you to order such a thing."

"Lieutenant, I ordered a smart arse Ensign to Rura Penthe for disobeying an order from Admiral Sharr. He is still there, working with the Klingon security forces. I have it in me to do much worse." Phoenix replied coldly. She looked at Lia. "I want it all. Names, places, ranks, postings. I want to know who else on this ship is involved."

Gary decided to play 'bad cop' "If she can't. I assure you I can." An evil grin on his face.

A quick glance at the Captain and Lia made eye contact with T'Vuk, "So lets start shall we, names first. Or am I going to have to wait for my associate from STI?" She fixed the Vulcan with a look that would sink a battleship, "He really is very good, in the seven years I worked with him he crippled at least ten Vulcans mentally. Your choice, Lieutenant".

He crossed his arms. "Look Commander, I do not care what you do to me. You want names? Easy. You just need to look at the command roster of this vessel." he smirked. "Those are the only names you are getting from me."

Phoenix stood silent for a moment and then she turned on her heel and headed for the door.

Gary watched Phoenix exit the brig he would be following her shortly but first. He walked over to the force field. "Bye T'Vuk. I love a martyr." He whispered to the Vulcan before strolling out of the brig.

"Ok Lieutenant, if that's how you want it. Not a logical choice, more an emotional one. Master Kunne will be interested in that, have you heard of Master Kunne? He lives in the northern desert, I know you will have heard of that". Lia turned and headed for the door, "Oh by the way T'Vuk, live long and suffer". She left the brig, hopefully Master Kunne had received her message and would soon arrive.


Outside the brig, away from prying ears, Phoenix was waiting for both her XO and Security Chief. She leaned against the wall. She looked up at both as they exited. "Tell me, have you learned anything else in the investigation Commander Holmes?"

As she exited she thought about the damage Master Kunne could do to T'Vuk, outside she faced the Captain and replied. "To be perfectly honest Captain, not a great deal. I don't think either of the Water brothers are involved, but that's an ongoing investigation. As for the female CPO, again I'm not sure what to make of her. My gut say's no, my head say's she might know something. I'm still waiting to talk to her, without upsetting the medical staff". She looked at Taylor, "How do you read this sir?"

Gary didn't reply at once, rather he was going over what little facts they had at their dispersal. "I'm not sure Commander, I am reminded of the fact that there is no better hiding place than to hide in plain sight. I feel the three should still be questioned even if it is routine..... that is if the Captain feels it is warranted."

Phoenix frowned as Lia spoke about the Waters brothers and the Female CPO but she kept her mouth shut. Once Gary had spoken, she gave a slight nod. "Even thought I believe they have nothing to do with it, it would be best..."

Just then a figure appeared in the corridor, Lia knew who it was. "Master Kunne, your visit here is welcome. The one with the information we seek, resides within the brig". The large unkempt Vulcan stared at Lia, "You shall have what you seek, remain here". He brushed pass the three Officers and into the brig, Lia looked back at the Captain, "Sorry Captain, I should explain. Master Kunne lives alone in the northern desert, when needed a ship transports him from the surface into a empty room. He remains there until they arrive where he's required, he's then beamed to where the person is". She glanced between the Captain and the XO, "Don't ask how he knows where they are, after seven years of working with him I gave up asking. What's happening in there". She pointed at the brig, "Again is unknown, in seven years I never saw him do what ever he does. But he gets what is wanted". A muffled moan issued from the brig, "Don't even think of going in there, I only know of one person who tried it. He came out basically a gibbering wreck, I hope you both understand that after this the Lieutenant will have to be placed in a secure mental institution".

The brig doors opened and the large Vulcan came out and stood in front of the Captain and handed her a PaDD, "This PaDD contains the knowledge that once resided within your prisoner, he has no further use of it. I will take my leave now, I can be of no further use to you or him". With that he was beamed off the Elysium. Lia guiltily looked to the floor, "This is the part I hate, because the person we left isn't the one in there now. I would get one of the senior medical staff here to remove him, that's if he can even walk". She looked at the other two, "You wanted names, places, ranks, postings, and who else was involved? Well Captain you got them, it cost our prisoner his mind and possibly his life. But you have what you wanted, I hope it was worth it". She turned and walked down the corridor, she knew what awaited anyone who entered the brig. The blood, the mess, the smell. And a husk of what was once a living being, lost for ever in a world of madness.

Gary wondered just what had transpired in the brig. One thing he was sure of was that he had no guilt over obtaining the information concerning the mutineers. He looked up at Lia as she made her past the Captain and himself. "It is. Rest assured it is." He intoned solemnly.

"For the 815 souls we lost" Phoenix said softly. "It is. For the Admiral who sacrificed himself, it is." But was she saying that for herself or them she did not know. "If their names are on the list they are to be questioned."

She briefly closed her eyes and took a steadying breath and then looked down at the PADD.

Miranda Siommers. Medical Officer. Lt. JG

T'Vuk, Operations Officer - LT

Jackson Heilong, Intelligence Officer - LT

Jasper Heling, Starfleet Command, Commodore

Xaxx Shiatan, Security Officer - LT

Deetu Saiecar, Security Officer - Lt JG

Lauren Carr, Science Officer - LT

Faye Magnolia, Commander, Executive officer

There were other names, but all had duty posts throughout the Federation. Phoenix mutely handed it to Gary.

Gary looked at the names on the PaDD before handing it to Lia. "Pick up these officers now! I want them all in the brig and under close security watch."

"The two Security Officers could be anywhere on board, if you remember we were spread out pretty thin, the others should be no problem. Computer, using DNA. Locate and secure the following crew members", she placed the PaDD next to the port. Almost instantly locations were given, save one. Jackson Heilong was reported as being planet side, but a location just south of where the away team had been was given as his location. "Now that I didn't expect, do we go after him Captain?"

Phoenix considered it. "Track him. Get the ones ship side first. If he tries to leave the planet we will take him."

Lia nodded, "Right then, I'll go to the Security Office and co-ordinate the round up from there. Can I use the Marines to assist?" She had a feeling the Captain was keeping information back, possibly important information. But how do you challenge a Star Ship Captain?

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