Character Spotlight - Gareb Endilev

Created by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson on Wed Jul 31st, 2019 @ 9:13am

Character Spotlight

Ensign Gareb Endilev

Brief Interview with Selena Harris, on board reporter

SH: So, what does your job entail on the USS Elysium?

GE: First off, thank you for choosing me. As for my job, I'm basically a teaching Doctor. At least that's how I'd describe it. Mold cadets into future physicians and work shifts in sickbay as well

SH:How do you unwind after a tough duty shift?

GE: My kitten! Haven't had him ling but he's a cute little guy! When not doing that I'm in the holodeck

SH:Have you any pointers for those who want to do what you do?

GE: Stay in school for one thing. Also, seek peoples advice but follow your dreams. See where they take you

SH:Do you have any funny stories about your time on the Elysium?

GE:One time while teaching a medical class I hung my lab coat on the side of my monitor while I was doing my lecture. I was so caught up in proving by point about the effects of distraction and trauma that I walked into a see of white, my coat! I clipped my desk and my legs then shot out from under me and I landed in the most hilarious position imaginable.

SH:What about hobbies? Any strange hobbies?

GE: I'm very much into holo mysteries. Personal favorite is a recreation of the old show Quincy, M.E., Get to use my medical skills and solve a mystery. Best of both worlds!

End of Interview

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