Character Spotlight - Arrianna Salannis an Vantar

Created by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson on Wed Jul 31st, 2019 @ 9:19am

Character Spotlight

Lieutenant Commander Arrianna Salannis an Vantar

Brief Interview with Selena Harris, on board reporter

SH: So, what does your job entail on the USS Elysium?

ASV: (Light Snoring, the last mission exhausted her, poor Arri.)

SH: Excuse me Lieutenant?

ASV: Yes, I'm up. I apologize, the last twenty four hours have been exhausting.... I am the Chief Operations Officer. I ensure the smooth operation of all the personnel and systems on-board the Elysium...

SH:How do you unwind after a tough duty shift?

ASV: I take a great interest in the arts. I enjoy painting a great deal, and usually I can be found painting the next nebula or astronomical phenomenon from the lounge. I also enjoy playing a piano in the Officer Lounge.

SH:Have you any pointers for those who want to do what you do?

ASV: Indeed, Reconfigure the transporters so that small paper invitations cannot be beamed into your quarters.

SH:Do you have any funny stories about your time on the Elysium?

ASV: I have not been on the Elysium very long, but I do have a story from my cadet cruise. We once had a Tellarite Admiral named Trogar onboard the Talleyrand. Apparently the Admiral decided to loose his cat as part of a cadet training exercise and gave the cadets the task of locating his white persian. To complicate matters, Captain Kox disabled the internal sensors as part of the exercise.

Well apparently, Admiral Trogar 'lost' his cat and ordered the entire ship of cadets to find it, with the reward being anything the cadet desired in a posting when he or she graduated, and the whole ship began searching for that damnable creature. In a strange twist, Captain Kox used the holographic projection system to create multiple holographic cats. So there I was, watching cadets trying to find that cat while I was attempting to repair the internal sensor grid.

SH: *Raises an eyebrow* And then what happened?

ASV: I succeeded in getting a few cadets to focus on repairing the sensors rather than trying to search hi and low for the cat. And we found the cat, and also the person who 'sabotaged' the internal sensors. Admiral Trogar wanted to know what we wanted, so I told him. 'Mind your cat.'

SH:What about hobbies? Any strange hobbies?

ASV: After the last mission, I do have a strange interest in Orions and Food. I'm not sure why though. It's quite ill-rational and illogical. Then again, It has been a strange few..... (Light snoring again.)

End of Interview

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