Starfleet Pay Grades
Created by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson on Sun Dec 27th, 2020 @ 12:52pm
Starfleet Pay Grades
Starfleet Personnel are paid on the First and Fifteenth of each month. So each month you get paid the amount twice.
833cr. C-1 Crewman Recruit (CMR): 900cr. C-2 Crewman Apprentice (CMA): 1010cr. C-3 Crewman (CM):PETTY OFFICERS:
1113cr. C-6 Petty Officer Third Class (PO3): 1194cr. C-7 Petty Officer Second Class (PO2): 1360cr. B-1 Petty Officer First Class (PO1):CHIEF PETTY OFFICERS:
1483cr. B-2 Chief Petty Officer (CPO): 1707cr. B-3 Senior Chief Petty Officer (SCPO): 1955cr. B-4 Master Chief Petty Officer (MCPO): 2265cr. B-4B Command Master Chief Petty Officer (CMCPO): 2701cr. B-4C Command Master Chief Petty Officer of Starfleet (CMCPO-SF):LIMITED DUTY OFFICERS:
1848cr. W-1 Warrant Officer, Junior Grade (WO, jg): 2110cr. W-2 Warrant Officer (WO): 2322cr. W-3 Chief Warrant Officer (CWO): 3963cr W-4 Senior Chief Warrant Officer (SCWO):CADETS :
850cr. C-1 Cadet, Fourth Class: 900cr. C-2 Cadet, Third Class: 950cr. C-3 Cadet, Second Class: 1010cr. C-4 Cadet, First Class:COMMISSIONED OFFICERS:
1725cr. B-1 Ensign (Ens.): 1987cr. B-2 Lieutenant, Junior Grade (Lt,jg.): 2279cr. B-3 Lieutenant (Lt.):SENIOR OFFICERS:
2452cr. B-4 Lieutenant Commander (Lt.Cmdr.): 2910cr. B-5 Commander (Cmdr.): 3638cr. B-6 Captian (Capt.): 3997cr. B-6a Line Captian (LCapt.): 4259cr. B-6b Fleet Captian (FCapt.):FLAG OFFICERS:
4909cr. A-7 Commodore (Comdr.): 5908cr A-8 Rear-Admiral (RAdm.): 6522cr. A-9 Vice-Admiral (VAdm.): 7360cr. A-10 Admrial (Adm.): 8660cr. A-11 Fleet Admiral (FAdm.): 11900cr. A-12 Commanding Admiral of Starfleet (Cmd-Adm-SF):Categories: No categories found