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Use of the Personal Log feature and Post housekeeping

Posted on Tue Apr 11th, 2023 @ 4:31pm by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson

Hello All Crew,

As some of you are aware, as we are apart of Obsidian Fleet, we use their Word Count module to count and record word count for monthly reporting.

However this word count mod does NOT attach itself to the Personal Log Feature in Nova.

So again I respectfully request that you do not use the personal log feature, instead if you wish to write a personal log you write it in the Mission Post Feature.

Also please remember:

* A solo post is to be no less than 500 words. We have a word count mod to assist with this
* A joint post is to be no less than 500 words per character EG. If there are three characters in the post it should be a minimum of 1500 words.
* A joint post counts as a full post for all authors involved, as long as they have contributed more than two sentences to it. If not, then the others will gain recognition for the post and the player will still require to post a solo post to meet the posting requirements.
* Joint Posts: If there has been no reply within 7 days from your last response you may PM and nudge the other player/s. If after that, there is nothing in 5 days, then you may post the post as is.


Commodore Lalor-Richardson


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