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Sim Awards from Last Mission

Posted on Mon Aug 12th, 2019 @ 6:47am by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson

Good Morning,

Just so everyone is aware, below are the awards from the Last mission:


All crew get a Mission Star: If you participated in over 50% of the current mission as a player-character, you are entitled to a Bronze Mission Star.

Crew Choice Award:
* Lieutenant Commander Anje Brett - As nominated by the Crew, Commander Brett is an exceptional writer who flung herself into the mission and helped us immensely

Collaborative Post Excellence -
* Commander Gary Taylor - Yet another person who has worked his butt off interacting with a host of other characters, without his non stop activity I think this mission wouldn't have been as good as it was.
* Commander Liselle Qwyyn - For her interaction with several characters. both of the Command Staff and Romulan. I feel she should be awarded for her sterling service, and great writing.
Commander Aurelia Holmes -For her efforts in writing with a myriad of other writers to bring people home! As well as her interaction with Several characters during the mission and a killer badguy!
* Lieutenant Commander Anje Brett - For her efforts in writing with a myriad of other writers to bring people home!

Purple Heart:
* Captain Azhul Naxea - For her injuries sustained in the rescue of Captain Phoenix Lalor, Commander Gary Taylor, Commander Aurelia Holmes and Commander Liselle Qwyyn

Outstanding Volunteer Award -
* Lieutenant Commander Anje Brett - For taking on the task of writing with Willow, Lia, Jeff and Jill and trying to keep them all in the right frame of mind!

Meritorious Newcomer Award -
* Captain Azhul Naxea -The captain has thrown herself into her work eagerly and has earned her stripes.

Rose Award -

* Lieutenant Kara Hoffman - How do you write romance at such a dire time? Easy, have people think you are cheating on your fiancee. The player of this character has shown a depth in their writing and skill in making people eager for a resolution and for the couple to reunite.
* Lieutenant Gallia Norris -How do you write romance at such a dire time? Easy, have people think you concerned that your fiancee is cheating on you. The player of this character has shown a depth in their writing and skill in making people eager for a resolution and for the couple to reunite.

Zefram Cochrane Writing Award -
* Commander Aurelia Holmes -Watching Lia's descent into the darkness was interesting and well written and showed depth of skill and character in the portrayal.
* Commander Gary Taylor - The posts around Gary's imprisonment and escape were wonderfully written and expanded on the Character of Gary in different ways.
* Commander Liselle Qwyyn -How do you make a Trill sweat? Well just ask this player. This player can write anything she puts her mind to and watching Liselle react to the circumstances that were dire was wonderful to watch.

Outstanding Antagonist -
* Commander Aurelia Holmes - For the creation and writing of Captain Mishka Valdran. A pain in the whatsit if there ever is one.


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Category: Sim Announcement
