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Positional Change

Posted on Wed Aug 28th, 2024 @ 1:17pm by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson

Attention all Crew,

With the departure of Notty, who we wish well, we are pleased to announce that Jess will be taking over as chief of Flight control with her character Maxine McKull with a promotion to Lieutenant JG.

Please make her comfortable in the new role, reach out for joint posts.


ATTEN: Ensign Maxine McKull
RE: Positional Change


Due to the fact that Lieutenant Derani has fallen ill and is in stasis for the foreseeable future, with an unknown timeline for recovery, you are being promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade and posted to the post of Chief Flight Control Officer.

Congratulations Lieutenant. Senior staff quarters are being prepared for you.

Commodore Lalor-Richardson



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