Season 3: Yes I am Crazy, normal is boring to me

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The Year is 2396

Group Post Count: 1611

Included Missions

Season 3: Episode 5: Shoreleave

Post Count: 32

The Elysium returns to earth for 2 weeks Shoreleave

Episode 1: Hell is a four letter word

Post Count: 495

The Captain, First Officer, and other members of the Senior Staff go on a trip to Trill with bad consequences

Casperia Prime - A lesson in relaxation

Post Count: 246

The Elysium is mysteriously transported to Casperia Prime by the person known as Quinn.

Masquerade Back posts

Post Count: 37

INTERMISSION: Rebuild, Reuse, Recycle

Post Count: 82

Returning to Sol System, Starbase 1, the Elysium is put into dry dock for repairs and the crew released on R&R