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The Unsightly Politics of Press Relations

Posted on Sat Sep 19th, 2020 @ 2:58am by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson

Mission: Season 3: Episode 5: Shoreleave
Location: USS Elysium, Communications
Timeline: Shore Leave
919 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure

A Blonde Woman continued to speak on a channel at one of the Auxillary Consoles on the bridge. She was new onboard and was dressed formally, yet elegantly. "And I will most certainly grant the press an interview. After Commander Westin's hearing." She noted. "As you may be aware, the situation involving the Elysium's latest mission has been deemed sensitive information by Starfleet Command and the department of Temporal Investigations. A full investigation is pending and slipping you information might do harm to all parties involved. You will get your interview after you get your press package concerning the Void mission."

"But... that could take weeks." The reporter noted. "I demand to speak to Captain Lalor."

"You demand?!? What if she does not want to talk to you, Dayton. This is not the Cardassian Union. You just don't demand to speak to people. Especially when you have an agenda." Vanessa noted.

"We will get the mission report eventually." Vanessa spoke. "I'm sure you will. And like any good reporters in FNN, you'll tell the truth, wouldn't you."

"You truly hate Freedom of the Press, don't you Consul. I wonder how interesting if would be for the Federation's people to know that." The reporter noted.

Vanessa responded. "I don't hate Freedom of the Press. You will find I am very forthcoming to FNN, and your colleagues can confirm it. Now that I've been transferred to the Elysium, one of my duties is to ensure this ship and crew are not compromised in any way. I you spin a smear campaign on a case that's under investigation by Temporal Affiars, I'll be obliged to inform them, then you will have to deal with them, and you will find that their authority exceeds some Admirals. Now I've promised Ms. Randall-Price a full interview concerning the VOID incident... after the hearing when the matter is declassified. She'll get everything that is declassified and the very first interview."

"But they may nev...." She turned the comm off abruptly. "Ugh... Muckrakers..."

"Indeed" came the soft voice from behind the Consul. "Problems with the press Consul?" Captain Lalor stood, in casual clothes, beside the center chair.

"Ah, Captain Lalor. Good to meet you. I am Vanessa Alcean an Vantar. I'm on exchange serving as a Diplomat here." She noted. "Unfortunately, Captain. The Media is sniffing around for more subject matter to use to attack you personally. I'm afraid their campaign against you is instigated by both internal and external elements. Suffice to say your relations only expected you to become an Ops Lieutenant, but Captain of the USS Elysium, at your age. Our ambassador to Hiran tells us that Pallas is cursing you night and day, as he expected you not to outshine him, and it's becoming harder for him to make the argument that you're inferior to him." Vanessa mentioned.

"Yes well, he has always been like that." Phoenix smirked slightly. "But then he could not find his way out of the birth canal first so, he is always going to be doomed to be relegated to second"

Vanessa spoke. "I have no doubt that these elements find it inconvenient that one of your age is in command of such a vessel. However, if this situation may grow out of hand. I'm trying to find out what your estranged family is promising the parties trying to relieve you, in order to slander you. I know you don't want to have anything to do with your relations, but the more Pallas looses influence in the Hiran court, the more unpredictable he becomes. After your mission in the void, my dear cousin, Arrianna, asked me to accept a diplomatic exchange posting here, and become an advocate for you." Vanessa mentioned. "I am well qualified Captain. I've served many years as my people's ambassador to Earth. I would be pleased to lend my skills to your vessel. And I may be able to help you keep your ship from being undermined by all parties involved."

"I appreciate that Consul. This ship and her crew, though are like a family, I have full confidence in their loyalty." Phoenix replied "As for Erisia and the court, I will be honest, my sister is the main reason I keep any eye on them."

Vanessa nodded. "That may explain a few things. If certain elements are maneuvering for a marriage alliance between your sister and their sons, since trying to seek one with you is out of the question. But I do know this; eventually they will lose the patience for subtle plots against you. That is why my cousin asked for me specifically. Arrianna is deeply concerned for you, even though she controls her passions well. Either way, I may help you in your observations, as I'll be able to pass along information from the Alindari Diplomatic and Intelligence Service that might be relevant in protecting your sister."

"Thank you, I appreciate that. And I highly doubt my sister will want to marry anyone from our home world. I think she has her eyes already set on a young man on board."

"Indeed, she should be free to live her life to her desires. Living life in the constant game of thrones, where treachery and lies prevail, is no way to live. I will not fail you, Captain." Vanessa gave a polite bow.

"I am sure that failure will not happen, I trust your cousin selected you for this due to the fact that you are very good at your job."


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