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Tea with Parents, Marines, and Matriarchs

Posted on Sat May 29th, 2021 @ 12:07pm by Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: USS Elysium, Commander Vaii's Quarters
565 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Jess continued to speak with her new, adoptive, mothers. "So here i am, still whipping pilot cadets into shape."

"Good...." Lucianna mentioned.

"How is the diplomacy?" Jess asked.

"Irritating, trite, dull, and foolish." Lucianna mentioned as the door chimed.

"Enter..." Jessica called.

Entering the room, Naxea paused, looking at Jess and then the others in the room. "I'm here, Jess," she said before moving to take a nearby seat at the table.

"The Federation's Diplomats come to our new colony noticing a collection of newly constructed houses. And suddenly I am their leader." Matriarch Kessanna noted. "If my kin want a leader, they'll choose one. I simply lead them in war." Lucianna mentioned. "We look at these diplomats, and some of my younger huntresses wonder if these Federaton Bureaucrats even have a spine. We don't want war, but apparently they need some kind of documentation stating we're not at war. My handmaiden Sianni told them that 'if we were at war, you wouldn't be breathing.'" Lucianna sighed. "Me and my kin have spent too much time with bloodied hands. If I raised another generation of Kessanna, we would have been that much closer to becoming like the Terrans."

"I can understand your concerns but those Federation Bureaucrats are simply doing their jobs. My people underwent a similar situation after the Cardassian Occupation ended and the Federation moved in to help."

The Matriarch smirked. "Your version of Azhul Naxea is far more diplomatic than the one I once had the misfortune of meeting one time. I wonder if she is as strong as her alter ego. Maybe i should come to your vessel with a training baton to find out."

"I welcome the chance to show you, Matriarch Kessanna," Naxea replied. She had only heard reports about her alter ego, having never gotten the chance to meet her. From what she had heard however was that the woman was ruthless.

"Either way, I struggle with how to tell my daughters not to shoot first and negotiate later. Like your universe's Amazons. My daughters have been fighting for a long time. Even now, our next generation trains in the martial traditions we've adopted. Strength kept us alive. Does this ambassador they've sent us understand that we are survivors and fighters? Who have seen too much war." Lucianna mentioned. "My elder daughters understand this decision. I had to make a difficult choice to leave our universe. As your Klingons say; 'to destroy an empire just to win a battle is no victory.' I would have seen fields of my dead daughters by the time I would have defeated the Terran Empire. Some of the young ones call me a coward for doing what I've done, but they have not lived long enough to see their friends die in battle against the Terrans. That wisdom is not taught, only experienced. You are insightful, Major Azhul Naxea. It is no wonder my adoptive daughter values you as a friend."

"Thank you Matriarch Kessanna," Naxea said with a slight bow of her head. "I value her as well. War is an unforgiving teacher. However, you must see that remaining isolated will only be problematic for you and your daughters. You do not have to become Federation Members but you can receive a protectorate status which means if anyone threatens or attacks you, the Federation will respond and support you."


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