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Dinner & Shopping

Posted on Fri Feb 12th, 2021 @ 11:37am by Ensign Olivia (Carter) Voight

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Deck 10 Restaurants & Shops Area
654 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Olivia had just finished up her duty shift in Sickbay and decided to head down to get something to eat and then do a little shopping to get a few supplies for when she would get to have her next baking lesson with little Tayalas. She hoped that this time around they would get to do more than one batch of cookies and do the deliveries on the cookies. Some of the supplies she still had for the cookies, but there were a few that she needed to stock back up on for making the cookies. Plus, she wanted to see if she could find another little surprise for Tayalas that would go well with the duckie apron that she had gotten her for her first baking lesson.

Olivia headed down to Deck 10 to walk check out another one of the restaurants there and then do the shopping that she needed to do on that deck as well. Walking along the corridor, Olivia spotted an Italian restaurant that she hadn’t eaten at before and decided to check it out. Walking into the restaurant, Olivia looked around and smiled a bit for the restaurant reminded her a little of one that she went to while at the Academy. She was able to drag Casper there a few times while they were at the Academy. She even dragged a few friends there as well to just hang out and share a couple pizza’s while chatting about the guys they were dating and having a few laughs.

Olivia went over to the bar area and took a seat, picked up one of the menu’s to look it over while she waited to place her order. When the bartender came over, Oliva ordered a slice of pizza with peperoni and ground beef on it and a hot chocolate. She knew that it was an odd combination, but it was what she was in the mood for right then. While waiting for her order, Olivia continued to look around the restaurant a bit to check things out even more. When her order came, Olivia turned back towards the counter to eat her slice of pizza and enjoy her hot chocolate as well.

After finishing up her slice of pizza and hot chocolate, Olivia headed out of the little Italian restaurant and continued on down to some of the shops. Olivia found the little shop where she had gotten the little duck apron for Tayalas as her special surprise for her first baking lesson. Going inside to look around to see what was new in the shop as far as any duckie items that she thought Tayalas might like to add to her collection. Spotting the chef hats, Olivia walked over to look at them and spotted a child size duckie chef hat. Picking it up, Olivia looked it over and smiled a bit as she decided it would go well with the duckie apron she had gotten on her previous visit to the shop. Olivia looked around the shop a little more to see if there was any other items that might catch her eye before heading to the cashier stand to purchase the duckie chef hat. While looking around, Olivia found the section that had the small food storage items that would work for putting the cookies in when made to do the deliveries in once the cookies had cooled down some. Looking through the selection, Olivia found some containers that had different colored duckies on them. She grabbed a couple packs of them since there were five containers and figured that would cover the delivers on the cookies after the next baking lesson. Olivia then headed to the cashier stand to purchase her items. Once she had made her purchase, Olivia headed out then to one of the little grocery shops to get the items that would be needed for the next baking lesson.


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