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The Void

Posted on Sun Aug 1st, 2021 @ 12:23pm by Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea

Mission: Season 5: Episode 2: Operation Save Humanity
Location: Naxea's Quarters
Timeline: MD 07 0300 Hours
520 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

"We will meet some Naxea of Bajor," she heard the Bajoran Prophet Laan's voice in the darkness between consciousness and sleep.

Naxea tossed in the pit that she had made for her and S'hib. It was filled with sheets and pillows and was rather comfortable. Sighing, Naxea woke, more to the dull ache in her new arm than to hearing Laan's voice. Seeing the empty space next to her made her feel alone as she blinked the ceiling into focus in the darkened quarters. She lifted her arm, slowly making a fist, taking into the account that the hand and arm was new. Her mind was on a dozen things, namely missing S'hib. Sitting up, she tossed the blankets crimson/purple satin sheets covering her off and climbed out of the pit, sitting on the edge, dressed in a green tank top with black running shorts. She buried her face in her hands.

She needed for S'hib to be here for her, though she understood he was ordered back to his homeworld--at least she wanted to understand. With her still undergoing physical therapy, she wanted--no, needed--him here with her. She still had nightmares about being hit with that explosive projectile that took her arm and would have killed her outright had it not been for her armor. What was even more unnerving was that Starfleet hadn't heard or learned anything more about the unknown aliens that they battled.

Raising her head up and looking out at the planet of New Canaan past her viewport. Getting up, she walked over to the view port, instinctively crossing her arms as she left the warmth of her bed. Below was a planet of xenophobic humans with the mindset of a Terran madman. She recalled how the humans reacted just seeing her Bajoran nose. It truly amazed her that humans didn't truly wipe themselves out with their xenophobia and racial bigotry. Now she was questioning what would happen next.

'Good question,' she thought as she turned away from the viewport and made her way over to the replicator. She felt like she was in a void that would swallow her up. "Moba Juice," she ordered. A moment later a glass of crimson colored liquid materialized. She took the glass into her hand, taking a sip. The juice was soothing with a sweet taste to it. The juice always seemed to make her relax. Her mother often made it by hand, saying the replicators could never get the texture right. She looked down into the glass, seeing a darkened reflection of herself caused by the faint glow of New Canaan which was the only source of light in her quarters at the moment.

She took another deep breath, turning to walk back over to the viewport. She took another sip from her glass. 'Focus on one thing at a time,' she thought to herself as she closed her eyes. She couldn't afford to lose it now. She opened her eyes and looked back to the empty bed and then back out at the viewport. "Damn you S'hib. Where are you?" she asked quietly.


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