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"History of Violence Part 5: Taunting"

Posted on Tue Oct 26th, 2021 @ 3:48pm by

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: USS Endeavour
Timeline: 2382
768 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Captain David Wayne
Lt.jg Liam Borgia (played by Jillian)

=/\=Brig =/\=

Liam Borgia had come around in the small brig cell. Growling low in
his throat he sat up. Brigged. All because of his stupid wife and
those bitches of counselors. He stood and paced out the cell. He had
to get off this ship. He would NOT go to jail because of those ...
women. He heard footsteps heading his way but did not stop his
plotting as he resumed his seat on the bunk.

David walked into the brig area and shot a look at the guard who
wisely rather then face the full wrath of his captain turned on his
heel and headed out the door. "Hello Mister Borgia. I hope you
realise exactly what it is that you have done. You can kiss your
career in starfleet goodbye as well as your freedom. you will be
remaining on this ship until we get to a starbase. However effective
immedately you are striped of your rank and privilages. you will have
nothing more then the barest of access to only a limited number of
items. Oh and be damn thankful that they outlawed the death penalty
cause for what you have done to three members of my crew I really
should shove you out the nearest airlock without a suit." Said David

Liam merely snorted coldly while the captain spoke. When he had
finished he said coldly. "Captain Wayne, why you support such
weaklings like that counselor, I will never know. They caused this.
Sorcha Kavanagh and Jordan Kline stuck their noses in where they were
not wanted and they are the cause of my wife's demise. I do not care
what you do to me, I am content that Kline is dead and Kavanagh will
be haunted for the rest of her life for her role in my wife's death."
He pulled his rank pips off his neck and dropped them to the floor. "I
would have killed Kavanagh as well, but I was rudely interrupted on my
way to kill her in medical."

"You sorry excuse for an officer and a human being. Officers like
Kline and Kavanagh are some of the toughest people we have on this
ship. they deal with crap that ou and I could not even begin to grasp
now unless you really want me to make good and have you join your wife
for all eternity I suggest that you shut up. If not well let's just
say I have seen what happens to a person who is exposed to the vacuum
of space and it is not a pretty sight." Said David coldly he was only
begging the man to give him a reason and that was all it would take.

Liam rolled his eyes. "What ever makes you think you are correct
Captain. Blasted women should not have stuck their noses in to begin
with. Being counselors does not give them the right to do that. They
had no cause."

"Actually Liam they did have cause I checked on your record before I
came here. It would seem that there had been numerous reports filed
against you for battery though no charges were ever brought against
you. seeing you know though I know why that was you held a position
of authority. One that few people would have been willing to confront.
Heck man you were on your way to being a chief but your temper got the
better of you. you just could not keep from trying to beat up women
no matter what the rank. Just be thankful that you never laid a hand
on my late wife or my kids cause I would have torn you apart." Said
David coldly he then turned and headed for the door he had wasted
enough time on this particular person and he did have a ship to take
care of.

Liam laughed. "I will never be convicted Captain. So I am sure you
will see me again."

"Unlikely you see you made two mistakes you left a witness alive and
you are bucking a starfleet captain. at the very least I will see you
court marshaled from starfleet. Though I would love to see you spend
the next 40 years in a prison colony on mercury." Said David as he
walked out the door. indeed he would do everything in his power to
protect sorcha and to see that man put away for the rest of his
natural life.

Liam laughed at Wayne's back and sat down. He was so going to escape. And soon.



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