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Tell ya man chill on me hang loose like litcherallyyyy

Posted on Wed Dec 1st, 2021 @ 12:16pm by
Edited on on Wed Dec 1st, 2021 @ 12:29pm

Mission: Season 5: Episode 3: CAPETOWN
Location: Observation Lounge
Timeline: MD13 1100
841 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure


"This is-unexpected," the voice came from behind Kaeya and prompted him to turn around, and once he saw who it was, his whole bearing exuded warmth and joy.

"Rael," he enthused. "Fancy seeing you here." He wasted almost zero time getting up into the Vulcan's personal space, laying a hand at the crook of his arm and squeezing gently. "Tell me how you're doing?"

A huff. They'd never stood on ceremony. You don't mind-meld with someone and walk away from that experience clinical, so he didn't bother hiding it. "My liver is failing. I feel like I've been time-warped into a bad Terran 70s show." It was accompanied by an intolerant eyeroll.

Kaeya's fingertips spread over his lips, a genuine expression of stunned shock. "I'm not certain I understand the reference-" Rael was always fucking esoteric. "But-that is-" he blinked a little, swallowing. "Come on, have a seat. I've just finagled a decent haisha out of this thing." He elbowed out toward the replicator.

"I didn't know you drank haisha."

"It turns out an old dog can still learn new tricks," Kaeya laughed, light. "Lieutenant Redal did all the work. I mostly stood there and looked pretty, which in my opinion was highly necessary." He struck a little pose.

It made Rael snort. "Just as histrionic as ever."

"You take that back or I'm getting out my fainting couch."

"They had one of these viruses, you know. I did the research, at the Academy. Killed, oh, millions of people. U2 sang a song about it. Everyone was very sad."

"You'll have to send me the song. I'm always looking for new music." Kaeya winked. It was a silent entreaty, to go on.

"They developed these MRNA vaccines and they seemed to work, and it stopped being a big deal. This has been epidemic for centuries, all over Rigel, and the closest thing we have to a cure is-is nothing. And you try and you try not to be pissed off-" he spat it, glaring at his coffee cup.

"And you fail," Kaeya filled in the blanks. "And why shouldn't you be pissed off? It's your life. It matters."

"Please-I apologize, you didn't need this," Rael pinched the bridge of his nose, groaning. "I have a perfectly nice therapist."

"We both know I'm neither perfect, nor nice." Kaeya smirked. "And I'm not your therapist. I'm your friend. Difference," he patted Rael's hand. "I get to tell you fuck TII."

"Fuck TII," Rael repeated solemnly with a nod.

"What's your prognosis?"

"I'm on navelsol. Supposedly it can repair the damage, but if it doesn't, I'm looking at a transplant." Rael straight up sighed. "In the grand scheme of things it's resolvable. I'm throwing a tantrum." He had to laugh a little, head shaking. He raised his mug to his lips.

"OK, first of all, this isn't a tantrum. This is a conversation. Second of all, even if it were, you would be absolutely entitled, Ray. I'm a smart guy, you've never been very opaque, I can connect the dots."

"Rhize," he swore in Nayah. "Good thing I'm literally a clinician, then."

"It is a good thing," Kaeya agreed, even though the remark was caustic. "It's easy to treat patients. It's hard to treat people. But you do it, and that's just one of the reasons why. Don't sell yourself short."

"What about you, Kaeya? How are things with you?"

"I'm going on a date later today." He leaned forward. "With a very handsome forensic psychologist."

"Stop hitting on me."

"I have never hit on a single person in my entire life. Name one time."

Rael promptly listed like, thirty-five times.

"OK, name thirty-six times." Kaeya's canary-like grin was immensely shit-eating. "I'm serious. I'd love to take you out again, it's been a long time. You could use it." His brows bounce, hopeful.

"I'm supposed to be in bonding negotiations," Rael told him.

"Welp, maybe not, then. I wouldn't like to be at the wrong end of some guy's spear."

"We only use the spear on Wednesdays."


"If you say maybe with the right kind of spear I will punch you in the face."

"Wink-wonk." His dimples flashed. "Aside from my wounded heart, I really am doing very well. I'm looking forward to this assignment. The Elysium is a big place, with a lot of people, and I'll be grateful to provide assistance where I can. And it is good to see you again."

"Likewise, Kaeya," the Vulcan replied softly. "Now drink your haisha and stop ogling me."


Lieutenant JG Rael
USS Elysium

Dr. Kaeya Shari
USS Elysium


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