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Delicate talks with an angry Ojnas

Posted on Thu Mar 24th, 2022 @ 2:40am by Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor & Legate Imik S'Niohun [Lia Taylor]

Mission: Season 5: Interlude: Darkness Abounds
Location: Shuttle Bay
Timeline: Present
756 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure


Lia stood by the door of the shuttle bay and watched as Imik prepared her fighter for departure, the Ojnas seems troubled and she kept looking around the bay. She paid particular attention to anyone who got to close, she didn't want her fighter interfered with. Walking forward, Lia now entered Imik's detection range for being to close. "Commander Taylor, I request that you remain where you are. I have a task which I must complete, and will brook no outsiders." Lia held up her hands, "I'm unarmed and only come in my duty as Security Chief, I need to check on what your loading on your fighter." Imik shook her head, "My fighter is Ojnas territory, as such unless invited you can not enter or check it." Lia nodded, "That's true Legate, but as I will be leaving onboard the shuttles with the other refugees. And I am also in charge of our small fleet, I need to know what you intend to do. As I don't want the shuttles endangered by any rash actions, is that clear Legate S'Niohun?"

Imik stopped and looked directly at the Chief of Security, "I find these actions distasteful, to simply surrender this vessel unchallenged is dishonourable. I am simply removing both my fighter and my belongings. Along with any Ojnas property that is aboard, which thankfully is not that much." Moving a little more forward, Lia continued to talk to Imik, "I fully understand that, and agree with your opinion. But orders are orders, and I must check that you have no intention of attacking the rebel ship or its crew." Stepping down, the Ojnas Legate now faced Taylor. "I gave you my word Commander, an Ojnas does not break their word." Imik picked up some small delicately carved boxes, "Religious artifacts Commander, but do not worry. I have no intention in converting any rebel to our religion, does that satisfy you?" Picking up the Ojnas's frustration, Lia simply nodded. "Yes Imik, it satisfies me."

Imik put the small boxes in the cockpit and turned to face the Security Chief, "Commander, why do you accept this shame? I have always found you honourable and brave, and yet now you run instead of fighting. Why is this?" Lia looked at the ground, "It comes down to orders Legate, I wouldn't join their little charade so I have to join the refugees in the shuttles. Also I felt at least one of the senior Officers had to be present so as to ensure the safety of the shuttles, I somehow think if this all goes south we might need to hide our little fleet quickly."

The Ojnas now nodded, "It is as I thought, your honour prevented you from deceiving your enemy. You would sooner face them openly, and engage them fully and with force." Imik turned to her fighter, "I also feel that way, but as an Ojnas I must not engage in Federation business unless authorised. My people did not approve of this mission, so I to must join the refugees."

Lia now looked up at the Ojnas, "Your people didn't approve? Did you tell your people about this part of the mission?" Imik simply nodded. Lia shook her head, "Oh boy, I sure as hell hope you used a secure frequency when you informed them." Imik turned back to her fighter, "I used Ojnas communications when I spoke to our Military Command, they are secure Commander." Taylor glanced at the fighter then at the pilot, "Legate, this mission is very important to the Federation. It can not afford to have it discovered by the enemy." Turning back to face the Security Chief, Imik's face said it all. "I am not new to covert operations, I have knowledge of such things and how to pass information without endangering security." Lia held up her hands, "Sorry Imik, but my husband is on that mission. I'm worried about him and his people." Imik now nodded, "Understandable."

Taylor now walked up to the fighter, "Legate, I want you to fly cover for the shuttles. No overt action just protective cover, can you do that?" Imik turned and looked into the cockpit of the fighter, "I think I could arrange that Commander, or may I call you Lia?" Lia smiled and nodded, "Sure Imik, and thanks." Turning she headed back towards the shuttles, now she had to make sure all those pilots knew what to do.

Commander Lia Taylor
Chief Security Officer
USS Elysium

Legate Imik S'Niohun
Ojnas Diplomate
USS Elysium


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