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The Help

Posted on Thu Jul 21st, 2022 @ 1:30pm by Crewman Adelaide Kirkby & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Timeline: MD01 - ABOUT 1300
1281 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure



Crewman Apprentice Adelaide Kirkby entered the turbolift together with a dozen other people. She had just been transferred here this morning and was hurriedly processed and sent to the Elysium from the SFMC Division VI HQ. She had been on shuttle, starships, shuttles and transporters in the past twenty-four hours. And yet, deep down, she loved every minute of it. She wore her hair regulation style. Even though it was down past her shoulders when she wasn’t in uniform. For the past two years she had worked in what was called by Starfleet the “civilian service pool”. And she loved it. She had worked hard and proven her organizational skills and her talents and when a position came up for the “clerical service pool” for the Starfleet Marine Corps, she put in for that and landed a position. Now, she was here. Aboard a Federation starship and already on her first mission.

The crew was focused and there wasn’t a lot of chit-chat on the turbolift this morning. She said “Good morning” when she saw someone smile as they got on. But other than that, everyone was quiet and focused. When the turbolift was the most crowded, that’s when her stop on deck thirty-two came up.

“Excuse me, please? Oh, thank you. I’m sorry. I had no idea that I’d be in the middle. Have a nice day everyone” she said as she squeezed, twisted and plied herself out of the turbolift. People were giving her looks like the strangest looking marine person they had seen. She was just dying to turn around before the doors closed and say, “Oh, I’m not a marine; but I’ve slept with some!” just to see the looks on their faces.

But she snapped back to reality and focused on the door in front of her. The Colonel was Bajoran and so she should be addressed properly. Adelaide reminded herself. She tapped the comm and asked, “Crewman Apprentice Adelaide Kirkby to see Colonel Azhul?”

"Enter," Naxea called from behind her desk. She had received a notice that a new personnel clerk was being assigned and wondered where the hell the woman was a few months ago when she had no XO and all the admin duties had fallen on her. However, she was never one to be ungrateful for the assistance now.

Stepping inside the office Adelaide saw the Colonel sitting at her desk. She recognized her from the bio that she had skimmed on the morning shuttle flight. "Good morning Colonel Azhul. I'm your new clerical support from Galaxy Station? SFMC Division VI requested some support and I got assigned to MARDET 62." Offering the Colonel a PaDD she continued, "My background checks and other security authorizations are all on this PaDD for your review. I've been thoroughly cleared for work and I'm here to take some of the administrative burden off of your plate."

Taking the PaDD, Naxea skimmed over the information, not spotting anything that seemed out of place, except the psychological profile. She set the PaDD down on the desk. "Have a seat," she gestured to the chair across from her desk.

Adelaide took a chair and sat down saying, "Thank you."

"So what makes you want to work with Marines?" she asked, leaning back in the chair, looking the young woman over.

Adelaide inhaled and cast her eyes to the upper right as she thought a moment. "I think it's because I have a passion to want to help other people. And, I think that's what you all do. You help people, you help the Federation and you do things that many of us can't...or won't. And, in some small way, I want to help too. And, this is my way of helping."

Naxea continued to study the young woman. Adelaide appeared to be the complete opposite of herself. She wondered if Adelaide would be as against violence had she experienced the Occupation. However, it was an experience she wouldn't wish on anyone. She often wondered herself who she would be had the Bajorans never suffered through the occupation. Would Bajor still have a Caste System? "Yet, doctors and nurses help people much more often than we do," she stated. "I just find it odd that a non-marine with an apparent dislike of violence would want to join a combat-hardened Marine Detachment."

"That's true and I support medical type people as well. I mean I have supported them clerically in my job and I do support them outside of work. One of my brothers is a Search and Rescue deputy and he goes out quite a bit" Adelaide stated. "But I think the difference is, at least in my view, doctors and nurses and search and rescue people are intervening after the fact; generally speaking. But persons in Starfleet, such as Security and Marines. People that are cops and detectives are being asked to serve differently. I think so anyway. You are being asked to step into a hostile and problematic situation and that requires a different kind of person. The kind of person who runs into a burning building instead of away from it. And, if I can be one of the civilians who makes things just a little bit easier then I feel like I have contributed." She paused a moment.

Naxea nodded. The woman had a point thus far.

"Regarding my own personal position that you must have read on my file? Because I don't think we've ever mentioned it yet? Those are my personal beliefs and I will keep them personal. They are my choices. I chose not to pick up a weapon because I can make that choice for myself. Because, well, Colonel, because people like marines make that choice possible for me. You do, sometimes, some very unpleasant things. And the rest of the Federation benefits because of people like you. So, thank you. And...and...if I'm not your cup of tea; I totally get it. I'm just a number you know? You can send me back to the clerical pool and they'll pick somebody else and maybe that person will be more to your liking? It's not a problem and I don't want you to regret my being here. If you don't want me here."

Despite not impressed with the pacifist view of the woman, Naxea did however, respect her views and her courage to speak as she had. "First off, you are not just a number. You're a person and I can at least respect your views and yourself as a person. Second, I think you will do well here, Ms. Kirkby. Your office will be adjacent to mine and the XO's who is Captain Tonelly. Do you have any questions?"

"Oh? Perfect! Thank you. Please call me Adele? I'm ready to start right away Colonel. If you like, I can start by getting myself familiarized with the detachment personnel records? I've found that personnel records end up being the first place for disorder? And...yeah? I'll start there?" she said it all very happily. A big smile on her face. She was ready to start work.

Naxea grinned at the woman's enthusiasm. "Sure, if you want to get stated now, that would be fine. Just be sure to get your initial physical with Doctor Sthilg in Sickbay. Welcome aboard Adele," Naxea welcomed aboard.

"Thank you Colonel" Adele responded as she rose to leave.


Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea
Marine Commanding Officer
(signed off by Woolheater)


Crewman Apprentice Adelaide Kirkby
Marine Communications Specialist
SFMC Clerical Pool
(PNPC Woolheater)


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