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Garbage signals

Posted on Thu Jan 5th, 2023 @ 1:53pm by Warrant Officer Gen'Terta CrystalCliff

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Science lab
823 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Mist waved around the Room as Warrant officer Gen'tetra Crystalcliff quietly stared down at her Console, her Sharp Green eyes standing out among her other wise, mostly Monocromatic Fur, matched only by the three Ice blue stripes across her muzzle. For Not the first time since she'd started her shift She glanced down at her Armors environmental regulator read out, ensuring that the mist wasn't a breach in her armors sophisticated life support functions. And it wouldn't be the last, she knew, as she got the same answer she'd gotten for the last six times she'd checked. All systems Green, as always. She sighed and turned her attention back to the Subspace Monitoring experiment she was currently working on. Partially with approval from her Star Fleet hosts, mostly for her own Curiosity into the matter.
For the Past fifty standard years there had been Dozens of proposed theories into the Arten Stellar Confederacies Intelligence gathering efforts, some that used the preciously limited supply of dilithium Crystals as a lens to peer into the mysteries of subspace like an ancient Telescope, but with far greater detail, And here she was, with a Vast quantity of Dilithium, and Whole science lab from which to endlessly peer into the cosmos aboard a Federation starship.
She turned her head slightly so that she could look over her shoulder at one of her fellow crewmembers who had just walked through the door and was now staring at her curiously. "So what do you think?" The Human Male said as she approached her, making her Tail flick in irritation as she looked up from her Console. "Think we'll actually get some lensing today or are we just wasting our time?"
Gen'tetra sighed, her breath coming out as mist as she turned her Armored form to look at him. "Part of the Joy of Experimentation, crewman Jiles, is that we get to see the Unknown." she said with a sharpness that Her particular subspecies were known for. Cold as snow, sharp as ice, the old saying went. But even they could feel the warmth of friendship. "And if we don't find anything interesting, then I'm sure we can always try again tomorrow, yes? Besides," she added with a smile as he made to speak again. "I have All of my assignment to do this, and I need far less sleep then you Humans do," she said with a chiding tone as the Console beeped queitly behind her, making her large vulpine ears twitch towards the sound.
"Yes Ma'am," He said turning away, his tone somewhere between embarrassment and admiration, and leaving the room without another word, leaving Gen'Tetra alone once more.
It was almost as if he'd left her in a state of contemplation, but she shook the thought off, knowing That all her research could be passed on to the Confederacy Via that Damn Fool Sandtails Diplomatic channels. She narrowed her eyes as she thought of him, her padded hands lightly dancing across the Consoles command protocols. It still shocked her that the confederacy council had named him an ambassador at large to the federation, instead of her, or any other Snow runner fleet personal. To think they'd put a damn Dunepaw in the role of ambassador, Ignoring the potential damage that could do the confederacies carefully crafted Image of civilization, it made her blood chill.
But there was nothing for it, not that she could do anyway. For now though, her attention was dragged back to the results of the Test. A small vibration rising up from the console, the console's display showing a series of green lights blinking slowly, as if they were being measured. Her fur prickled at that, as she took a moment to look at the results, While not a flat negative like she'd been expecting, the data the array had managed to gather was erratic and random, utter garbage information to even the full suit of the Elysiums main computer suit.

She'd expected something better, but perhaps her expectations were too high. With a sigh she pulled herself away from the Console and turned her attention to the door to the lab, wondering if she should take a break from the nearly twelve hours of experimentation she'd done already, or whether she should continue on. She shook her head as turned towards the door, her long tail flicking back and forth as the warm air of the ships interior hit her armored body. "I won't give Sandtail an excuse to order me back to quarters," she sighed as she stretched, a knot in her back protesting at the motion as her armor hissed out softly. As she stepped into the corridor however, the hiss of her armor changed to a low whirring whine as the Armors cooling system kicked in, whirring quietly as she made her way down the corridors, and towards the Lounge.

Maybe it was time to socialize with these Humanoids.


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