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Baby sitting

Posted on Sat Mar 16th, 2019 @ 7:36am by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson

Mission: Episode 1: Hell is a four letter word
Location: Elysium crew deck
Timeline: After arrival post
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Phoenix had timed her visit to Feyth's cabin. She carried with her a day pass to the spa on DS9. She hit the chime and waited.

The sudden sound startled the sleeping Bajoran woman on the couch, and she nearly fell off and onto the floor in her surprise. When had she fallen asleep? Where was Sedi? She jumped with a start, only to realize that her baby was lying there on her chest, cooing away happily. Breathing a sigh of relief, Feyth pulled herself up to her feet and walked to the door, baby in arm. Prophets but she was sore.

When the door opened to reveal her caller, Feyth's brow furrowed with concern. "Captain? Is - is everything okay?"

"Yes it is" Phoenix smiled and put her hands behind her back to stop herself from begging to hold Sedi. "As you know we are docked at DS9, and I have something I think you can use." She shoved a hand into a pocket and pulled out the card. "And to make sure you do use it, I am here to assume Babysitting duties." Phoenix held out the card to Feyth.

Feyth blinked. And blinked again. Her first reaction was a profound sense of relief. Since she had first begun this journey with Sedi, the hours, days, and weeks all blurred together into one long unending moment. Of course it was often a rewarding, joyous moment. But other times it was not unlike slowly trudging up a bleak stone staircase, one that seemingly had no end. The idea of just being able to sit and breathe for a moment. She felt tears welling in her eyes. "Captain, I don't believe this. Are you sure?"

"Hand over the cutie Feyth. She and I are going to spend the afternoon together. We are going to go to the arboretum and see uncle Ken and maybe auntie Liselle as well." Now Phoenix did hold out her hands. "Come on Sedi. Come with me and we can go to the bridge and annoy Commander Taylor!"

The Bajoran spit out a laugh at that last remark. "I almost don't want to leave just so I can see that for myself!" she chuckled. Nonetheless, she handed the baby over as ordered. "Almost. But not quite."

Immediately Feyth went back into her room, calling over her shoulder. "Just give me a second to throw on something that isn't covered in...whatever this is...oh, gross..." her voice trailed off as she peeled off her shirt and whatever gift of Sedi's it contained.

Cradling Sedi Phoenix smiled and said "Where is her baby bag Feyth?"

"It's over on the --" her voice cut off. With her arms halfway into a clean shirt, she walked back into the main room. She spun this way, and then that. "Where is her baby bag?" she echoed Phoenix's question.

Phoenix laughed softly. "Breathe Feyth." She said settling the baby on her hip. "I can replicate things. Its ok."

She slapped a hand against her forehead. "Prophets alive! I forgot it in the Observation Lounge! Where is my head lately?" She finished pulling her clothing on. "I'll go get it."

"No you won't." Phoenix replied. "Sedi say bye bye mumma and we will go get your bag, won't we cutie" she tickled Sedi. "You Feyth are going to go to the spa and relax."

Feyth opened her mouth to protest, but quickly realized that she absolutely did not want to. She loved Sedi, of course she did. More than anything. But the precious little miracle was draining the Prophet blessed life straight out of her. She needed this.

And so, instead of contradicting her Captain, Feyth hugged her instead, squeezing the baby between them. "Thank you, Captain. I won't forget this."

Phoenix smiled. "Go. Now." She said as she and Sedi headed for the door. "We got things to do, this provisional ensign and I."

Feyth stopped a moment. She knew the Captain had meant her words in jest, but something about them, about that possible glimpse into her daughter's future made her smile with pride. Her eyes glittered with tears and she reached out to stroke her daughter's cheek. "You'll call me at the first sign of trouble?" she asked. Before Phoenix could answer she held up an apologetic hand. "I'm going, I'm going."

And true to her word, the Bajoran woman started down the corridor, leaving the Captain alone with her newest crewmember.

Phoenix grinned and did a spin making Sedi laugh. "Come on cutie. Lets go!" Carrying Sedi she headed in the other direction to get her diaper bag.


Captain Phoenix Lalor
Commanding officer
USS Elysium

Chief Petty Officer Railli Feyth
Flight Control Officer
USS Elysium


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