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Posted on Sat Mar 2nd, 2019 @ 6:34am by Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor
Edited on on Sun Apr 28th, 2019 @ 2:48pm

Mission: Season 2: Episode 3: Determination is not always a good thing
Location: Lia's cabin
Timeline: Current
451 words - 0.9 OF Standard Post Measure



Lia sat in her cabin, her lower back felt sore and when she moved pain shot through her. She was also suffering sever cramps, and she had noticed blood specks on her underwear. She decided to lay down on her bed, maybe the cramps would fade enough for her to go to sickbay. She stood up slowly and made her way to her bunk, but then felt something running down her legs. Lia sat down quickly and looked, blood. Dark blood at that, and what seemed to be tissue or clots in it.

Tears now rolled down her face as she realised what was happening, her first night with Gary had made her pregnant. But because of abuse suffered at an early age, Lia was unable to carry a child for even the first trimester. Added to the stress she had been under just lately, the poor kid never stood a chance. Should she call a Doctor? Of course she should, but she wouldn't. Gary needn't know about this, nobody need know about this. This never happened, she would deal with it herself.

Curling up in abject pain, she lay on her bunk. Blood flowed from between her thighs, her underwear around her ankles stained red and human tissue clearly showing on them. Her sheets underneath her were also stained red, and with every movement more blood flowed. Her face now streaked with blood tears and mucus, was screwed up in agony. How she never screamed out she didn't know, but perhaps the memory of her Father kicking her abdomen inducing her first miscarriage kept her quiet. "Oh god your a bastard, why me? What the hell did I ever do to deserve this?" She now aimed for the toilet, but the cramps and the back pain slowed her down. She left a trail behind her marking her passage, all the time crying and holding her self.

Her cabin looked like a scene from a horror movie, blood, mucus and clots littered the place. The smell was as unpleasant as you could imagine, and Lia herself looked to be loosing far more blood than even she thought possible. Making the toilet she sat on it as the flow just continued, her head felt light and she wanted to just pass out. But those damn cramps and the back pain stopped that from happening, finally she could stand it no more. Slipping to the floor, she pressed her comm badge. =^="Holmes to sickbay, assistance required. My cabin"=^=, if she got a reply she didn't know. She had indeed finally passed out completely, in an expanding pool of blood and urine.



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