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Posted on Fri Sep 1st, 2023 @ 10:02am by Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Chief Warrant Officer Man'darr [Naxea]

Mission: Season 6: Episode 3: Far From Home
Location: Marine Country Cargo Bay
Timeline: MD02; 2130 Hours
576 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Although it was late, Naxea wanted to check in on Chief Man'darr. Since losing Commander Vaii, Man'darr hadn't been himself. With a nearly 300 lb, walking wrecking ball, that worried Naxea as she entered the Marine Detachment's cargo bay. The computer had given this area as his location. "Chief Man'darr?" she called out, her voice echoing slightly in the room. She heard an incoherent noise from the rear of the bay. Approaching the source, she spotted the large muscular Capellan form of Man'darr slouched against a cargo crate, holding a nearly empty bottle of Romulan Ale.

"Colonnnel," Man'darr greeted sloppily, raising the nearly empty bottle in salute.

"You look like shit Chief."

A laugh came from Man'darr. It was a laugh void of any joy. "I am shit, Colonel. I am nothing --no one."

"That's not true, Chief," Naxea said, keeping her distance from the man. She could tell he was emotionally unstable and she didn't want to be near such aan, especially when he had the strength easily equal to a Vulcan or Klingon if not stronger. With Man'darr's build, she would guess stronger.

He took another long swig of the Romulan Ale, draining the bottle. He stated at the empty bottle, catching his reflection. He had found love. Someone he could see spending his life with only for her to be killed by that psychotic bitch Arri. As anger built up in him, he chunked the bottle at the bulkhead across the cargo bay, causing it to explode, sending glass shrapnel everywhere.

Naxea looked at the glass remains scattered on the deck and then back to Man'darr. "Feel better?"

"No, I need another bottle," Man'darr replied, his voice full of anger.

"Is this about Commander Vaii?" Naxea asked softly.

"What the hell do you think...Colonel? I lost my fucking fiance to a psychotic bitch on this crew! We're lost in space, I am banned from my planet of Capella Four and I spent twenty three years in the Corps without a damn thing to show for it!" he was now screaming as veins seemed like they were going to burst through his skin. With a primal sounding yell, he got up, staggering from the alcohol and picked up a cargo crate before tossing it several feet across the cargo bay before collapsing to the deck.

"Control yourself, Chief!" Naxea ordered, her voice stern. "I am very sorry about
Commander Vaii," she continued in a softer voice, taking a few ginger steps forward and kneeling down in front of Man'darr. "She was my friend as well and I miss her. But don't tear yourself down, Chief. You are one of the best Marines that I know. And certainly one of the bravest. You may be banned from Capella Four but you have people on this ship, namely this detachment that care about you. Hell, some even look up to you."

Man'darr remained quiet on the deck as he reached. What has he done to pit the galaxy against him? "Then I pity them," he said, standing slowly and staggering as he did so. He soon moved towards the exit.

"Yes, you should get some sleep," Naxea said as she watched Man'darr.

"Nope. Going to find another bottle of... something. Not nearly drunk enough," he said staggering out of the cargo bay.

Naxea knew she could order him to his quarters but she felt that would make things worse. She only hopes he would be ok.


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