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Gunpoint diplomacy

Posted on Thu Sep 21st, 2023 @ 2:58pm by Warrant Officer Gen'Terta CrystalCliff

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: 24 Vulpeculae System Oort Cloud
Timeline: 2287
835 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Captain Arg'Tangtet Greenriver stared hard at the view screen of the Command Information Center of the ACDF Knife in the Dark , his brilliant green eyes narrowed to slits. “No response to hails?” He asked, his voice thickly accented and deep. He was clad in the dark black, armored Uniform of the Arten Confederacy Star Navy, a white border near his neck denoting his command Rank. Arranged in a Semi Circle, with the captain’s station acting as the rear most point the CIC Was buried beneath layer upon layer of Thick, honeycombed Titanium armor, serving as the nerve center of the sleek, angular Arten warship, The one location on the Assassins Blade Class Stealth cruiser where space wasn’t at a premium, though even in this place the ship was cramped in comparison to the larger Cruisers, or even the Smaller, but more diverse Assault Frigates.
Constructed out of a special Sensor baffling The warship’s sleek and slender frame Vaguely resembled a United Federation of Planets Star fleet ship, though with more sharp angles, and a matte black Coating that absorbed almost every wavelength of visible light, and most of the non-visible light. While not as advanced or as effective as The cloaking devices the Romulans and Klingons, the Stealth systems of the Assassins blade Class Stealth cruiser rendered the ship nearly invisible to all but the most intense Sensor scans, though her dark silhouette did serve as a quiet literal stand out feature if the opposing ship new to look for them
“No sir, ACCS Orehound Has yet to Recive any hail, or conformation of communication, In all likely hood, we’re looking at the same Pirate craft that’s been raiding our Oort cloud miners for the last few years,” The officer at the sensors station said. The tall Snow runner female glanced at him. “Decrypted logs from the federation identify the ship as a Miradorn Theta class Raider,” she added with a tilt of her head, her gaze flicking back to her display, as her long tail swayed slowly behind her against her seat.
The captain nodded slightly as he ran his fingers through his short brown fur. He had heard about these Miradorn ships, they were small, fast, and deadly. "Helm, line us up with them, reactionless thrusters only," He said as he leaned forwards. “Tactical, Operations, on my signal, break stealth and Fire the Heavy Railgun, full charge, target their reactor core if you can, if not, any tactical target is a good target,” He said quickly turning his gaze towards each officer in turn. “Comms, Route a Hailing frequency through the ACCS Orehound.”
He Got silent nods from both The tactical and Operations officers, before the Comms officer, a Short, tan furred Dunepaw Male gave him a crisp nod. “Backdoor comms hailing established sir,” He said, in his pleasant Desert Accented voice.
Arg’tangtet stood slowly and stared into the Camera he knew was hidden among the sophisticated communication and relay Displays of his main viewscreen, his armor shifting on his body. “Miradorn Ship, this is the ACDF Knife in the dark, This is your one and only warning, Depart the system or be destroyed.”
There was a brief shimmer of static as the Hailing Frequency was answered, the Viewscreen displaying a Humanoid being That Arg’Tangtet decided must be a male. “Arten cargo vessel,” He said, his voice sounding tinny and high pitched through the straining Universal Translator. “Prepare to be boarded, your bluff has Failed, you’re no Warship, and you’re shields are down. Don’t resist, or your pathetic crew May be injured more then nessecary.” He said before the signal went dark.
“I suppose that’s their answer,” The captain sighed as he sat back his hand coming up to rub his muzzle.
“Captain, their shields are down, they’re transporting personal to the Orehound,” The sensor officer called.
“Fire,” the captain said as he braced himself, the ship Violently shaking despite the oversized Inertial dampeners as the Heavy Rail gun Fired its Lethal payload at a significant portion of the speed of light, sending three tones of Ferric tungsten and depleted uranium Shot through the ships spine, and out towards the Miradorn raider. Moments later the ship moved to react to the threat that had just appeared on its sensors, only for the Slug to rip through the Hull, rupture the magnetic containment fields of its antimatter Reactor, and retain enough velocity and mass to crash into the warp core, Detonating the ship in spectacularly brilliant ball of light and rapidly dissipating plasma and shrapnel.
“Target destroyed,” The Tactical officer replied, as the ship continued it's steady course.
“Send a message to the Orehound, informing them of the success of our firing mission , and that the Marines may begin Clearing the ship of hostiles.” The captain sighed as he slumped back into the command chair, his triangular ears flicking and twitching about as he too a moment to savor this momentary victory.


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