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Someone To Watch Over Me

Posted on Sun Sep 1st, 2024 @ 3:32pm by Lieutenant Thor Magnus & Lieutenant Athena Magnus

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Various Locations
Timeline: Various Times
521 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

Lucas Magnus was looking at the family pictures on his mother’s desk. His head cocked a wee bit. “Mom. I know this is your mother Georgina and this one is your father Phillip but who is this one of mother?”

Athena grinned a bit. “That is Georgina’s mother Addison. She is a Starfleet Captain.”

“Tell me more about Addison,” Lucas asked very patiently. “I seem to recall vaguely meeting my Great-Grandmother.”

“I am surprised you remember Lucas,” Athena said wisking her son’s hair a bit. “It was when we were at Starbase One. Addison and her ship is one of those ships that work off the grid of Starfleet. She is not Section 31 but something else. I always felt she was my Guardian Angel. She is not immortal or anything like that but the way she looked when I was four is the same way she looks when we saw her last. I asked her about how she manages to look so young and her reply was I was so sweet to say that.”

Lucas thought how a person could manage to stay so young and he felt it was just due to technology beyond his comprehension. Lucas was still trying to figure out how replicators replicate. “So has she saved your life before?”

“Many times,” Athena said with a sigh. “First time I was seven or eight. Several of the children I was on including me were taken hostage. She showed up and she and her husband, my step grandfather Nick single handle rescued us. I saw her wrestle to the ground a guy weighing more than a hundred pounds to the ground by jumping up and wrapping her legs around his neck and tossing him over. I will show you later how that is done.”

Lucas grinned because it sounded like fun.

“Five years after that,” Athena said continuing her story, “Father got into some trouble because a man whose brother he had arrested decided to frame father. Addison was able to prove father was innocent.”

“Oh my,” Lucas replied.

“There are other times and some I wish I could tell you what transpired but Addison told to keep it a secret. I can tell you only one more and it was when I qualifying for the Olympics, she showed up as she prevented a militant group from killing the Greeks like myself who were trying to qualify.”

“Why did they want to do that,” Lucas asked.

“Because they wanted us out of the competition so their country to win,” Athena reply with a deep breath. “This is where your father met her for the first time. He was with the Norwegian delegation. Your father and his cousin Leif helped Addison. Addison said something to your father like she kind of knew that he was the one for me.”

Lucas smiled big time because he idolized his father. “Mom, so you and Dad watch over me now.”

“Of course but do not be surprised if she rescues you one day,” Athena said hugging her son. “I love you son.”

“I love you too Mom,” Lucas replied.


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