The fewer... (Roll Call Post)
Posted on Sat Jan 4th, 2025 @ 12:35pm by Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Gunnery Sergeant Luxa Gami [Naxea]
Season 6: Episode 5: A church beyond heaven
Location: Marine Country; USS Elysium
Timeline: MD 2; 2230 Hours
539 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure
Marine Country, the fortress within the Elysium and home to the 62nd Marine Detachment. A unit Naxea was proud to be a part as she walked the deck. It was mostly quiet at the moment with majority of he Marines in bed or at least retired to their bunks and quarters until morning. Her eyes scanned the bulkheads as she walked. Several sections still bore scars and dents of their ordeal across the galaxy. A constant reminder of the dangers they faced.
Now they were a lifetime away from Starfleet...and there were fewer of her Marines left alive. She sometimes wondered if she was a fool for joining the Starfleet Marines. Not have to be on the front line every time some hostile species thumped their chest at the Federation. Always having a bed to sleep in. She traced her index finger gently along a damaged bulkhead, feeling a slight hum of the ship. It was a reassuring humm, a pulse even. To let you know the ship was alive and ticking--for now at least. She had seen too much death in her lifetime. From her time in the occupation to commanding the 62nd. How much longer could she and her Marines hold out? They had lost twenty during their ordeal so far. Combat ready Marines were counted at seventy five with five injured and still on light duty. quarter of her detachment was down. And yet, she knew they would respond to whatever the next emergency was without hesitation--it was what Marines did.
The sound of approaching footsteps broke Naxea from her train of thought. The sight of her long time friend, Gunnery Sergeant Gami approaching, dressed in a tank top and shorts with athletic shoes caused her to grin. "What are you doing up, Gami,?"
"Couldn't sleep after fucking Moses's brains out," she chuckled. "But I could ask you the same thing. Our fearless leader should be sleeping."
"You know I'm not fearless. To be honest, I'm scared that any moment, a catastrophe will hit," Naxea replied.
"Yeah but the troops don't know that and it needs to stay that way. Now, more than ever, the Marines look up to you as a beacon of strength."
"You know, you'd make a hell of an officer with that kind of talk "
"Ouch. You know I could never be one of you pansy officers. Sitting in your comfy chairs in your upscale offices, drinking your Earl Grey Tea."
"Ugh! I can't stand Earl Grey Tea," Naxea commented with a shake of her head. She was appreciative of Gami's company to keep her from her self doubts. "Anyways, I was just walking and thinking about the Detachment."
"Oh? Anything specific?" Gami asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Mostly about being stranded and down over a quarter of our total force," she admitted.
"Well, don't," Gami shot quickly.
"I can't help--"
"No," Gami cut in, holding up a finger. "Don't. You're a good leader and these Marines know that--they see how much you care everyday. Just focus on the next mission. Don't get bogged down by what ifs."
Naxea closed her eyes and nodded. "Yeah, your right."
Gami smiled. " Of course I am. Come on, let's grab some chow. I'm starving."