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The Elban Incident

Posted on Wed Jan 29th, 2025 @ 8:19am by Lieutenant Thor Magnus

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: USS Pittsburgh
Timeline: 2389
525 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure

“Captain,” Commander Daphne Alaine said as she just received the damaged report, “The Shuttle Cyprus was hit in the battle. Seven dead, one alive. The one who survived was taken hostage by the Elbans. It was Cadet Thor Magnus.”

Captain Mark Leifson clinched his fist as he breathed in long and hard. “Damn. We need to rescue him.”

“Not advisable sir,” Daphne replied, “They are holding out on an asteroid base near Ferengi space. To try, we would break a treaty with the Ferengis.”

“Contact the Grand Nagus,”the Captain said viewing at the screen, “The Elbans who are not part of the Federation have invoked a breach of war.”

“Which is why the Grand Nagus does not want to get involved,” Daphne replied, “He has already been contacted and he said to leave him out of the loop. We tried to broker a deal but to no avail.”

“Captain,” Lt. Nagi, the Chief of Security spoke, “I want to volunteer for the rescue mission. There are force fields around where they are keeping the Cadet. However there is one vulnerable place. We could teleport two people below the compound. There is an underground path into it. Plus one more thing you should know sir. This band of Elbans are wanted by the Klingon Empire. They do things off the books.”

Mark’s eyebrow went up. “What did they do to the Klingons.”

“They raided the Klingon Territory Koloff’s Honor. They killed the only two sons of Captain Kona” Lieutenant Nagi said solemnly.

Mark gritted his teeth. “Kona’s daughter was my study partner at the Academy. I will personally go with you to rescue the cadet.”

“Captain,” Daphne quickly interjected, “You are risking getting court martial if this goes south.”

Mark ran his hand through his hair as he said firmly, “Matter of honor. This is not only to rescue the cadet, it is to honor Kona’s sons.”

Daphne nodded in agreement.

Two hours later, Mark and Lt. Nagi was able to sneak into the compound, drop the shields, rescue Cadet Thor Magnus, shutdown the Elban operation and managed to contact Captain Kona and his daughter Starfleet Captain Jdella what happened.

Two weeks later, the USS Pittsburgh was hailed in space. The communication officer brought up the transmission. On the screen was a Klingon woman who was the Captain of a Starfleet ship.

“Captain Mark Leifson,” Captain Jdella nodded, “I wanted to tell you personally thank you for avenging the honor of my family. Your heroics are being shouted across the Empire.”

Mark grinned a bit. “You make it look …..,” he paused for a moment. “Thank you Captain Jdella. I heard your husband died with honor recently.”

“That he did,” Jdella said grinning a bit. “Heard your wife passed away.”

“She did,” Mark sighed. “I have some blood wine. How about you come over here and we drink to honor.”

“Qaplah!” Jdella exclaimed. “Starbase Olympus is thirty minutes away. Why not we give all honorable crew members shore leave and we can raise our goblets for my brothers , my husband and your wife.”

“Indeed,” Mark said as grinned a bit as well.


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