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Forceful Diplomatic Negotiations

Posted on Sat May 11th, 2019 @ 5:26am by Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor & Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson

Mission: Episode 1: Hell is a four letter word
Location: Romulan Prision
Timeline: Current
686 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure


Khoal stood looking at the Federation Captain, two cells away stood Black Taam Sor'el IV and next to him the young pilot. Riov Valdran now appeared and walked over to Phoenix, "Captain Lalor isn't it" This was a statement, not a question. Glancing at Khoal she motioned with her hand, the power to Phoenix's cell was switched off and Mishka entered. "I hear from the camp Commandant that you and your people are being difficult, this can not be allowed to continue". Khoal looked on amazed, Valdran was never this polite the bomb would drop soon. Mishka smiled at Phoenix, "I need you to talk to your people and have them comply with our requests, or stricter measures will have to be taken". This crap was sticking in her throat, but Khoal had suggested it might work with the Captain. But looking at her, she had already pissed more than a few people off.

Phoenix stood after a monent and looked the Romulan in the eye. "I have been informed, that I have no authority here. What makes you think that my speaking to them would work? Why should I assist you? Where is the Mnhei'sahe in that? YesI know about Mnhei'sahe. And from what I see, there is none here. You kidnapped us. Beat us, threaten us, torture us, go ahead do your worse. Kill us even. None of us will comply."

Mishka took a step back, "Kill you? That's a very good suggestion Captain, who shall we kill?" She turned and looked to see what prisoners were present, it was all show as she knew already who was to die. "How about you Captain?" She paused then continued, "No, I don't think so. You have information we want. The Commander who now belongs to Khoal maybe?" Again she paused, "Again no, she to has information we want. Plus if Khoal can't train her, my crew will get a new toy to play with". Pointing to Black Taam Sor'el, "How about him? Is he important?" A quick laugh and she continued, "No, he has been identified as having some use. So that leaves Taylor the Trh'ill and the boy, how do I choose?" She looked at Khoal and signaled again with her hand, he now pointed at the young pilot and two Romulans entered his cell dragging him out and throwing him against the bulkhead opposite Phoeinx's cell. They were now joined by yet another two Romulans, and the four now pointed their disruptors at the pilot. Mishka now faced Phoenix, "This boy is useless to us, I was thinking about placing him in the normal prison, but your suggestion about killing people sound so much better". Khoal approached and stood next to Mishka, she gave a quick nod. Khoal gave the commands, "Faehor!" The four aimed at the pilot, "OCALA!!!!" As Khoal shouted the command the four Romulans fired, the pilot was executed without mercy. Mishka now turned back to Phoenix, "Only two of you are needed, Taylor and you Captain. The others are surplus, and since you made this happen it will happen again. Next time you will choose another of your crew to die, think on that before you make threats. As for Mnhei'sahe, criminals deserve no honour or courtesy". She exited the cell and power was reinstated, "Clear that shit up and continue as before". Khoal nodded, "As you command Riov".

Phoenix watched the woman leave and mentally plotted her demise. If she lived to see it, she hoped it would be bloody and glorious. And just what crime had she committed against the Romulan Star empire? None that she knew of. She shoved her sorrow deep down and kept her eyes averted.

Khoal now looked at Phoenix, "Did I not tell you? Did I not warn you? She is like a spoilt child, defy her at your peril". He pointed to where the pilot had been executed, "He faced death bravely, for all the good it did him. She will kill again Captain, beware of her". He watched as his clean up team finished and left with them.



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