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A Meeting of Minds

Posted on Mon May 6th, 2019 @ 2:32am by Captain Garrett Lovejoy [ Taylor]

Mission: Episode 1: Hell is a four letter word
Location: mess hall
1154 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Estelle was in for a quick snack before returning to sickbay, and saw last night's prank victim enjoying a meal. She decided to join him, so she pulled up a chair and sat down. She didn't want to ask, he might just say no. "Good afternoon", she greeted. "I hope you're not too hung over from that Russian alcohol?" Estelle never did get a taste for vodka. She preferred more flavour, such as in Scotch, but she wouldn't tell Anje.

Garrett looked up as a woman dressed in the teal blue of medical sat down across from him. He looked her up and down before replying with a shake of his head added in, "Good afternoon." He answered as he leaned back to look at her better. "Your one of the pranksters." He stated, "And no I'm not. The vodka was good but it's not my favorite. However, from what I've gathered, I'm not everyone's favorite either."

"I'm sure that's part of the job", Estelle shrugged. "But you found my tea-rex, so that's a plus in my book. I'm not fully behind the idea of inspections on starships, as I believe that when some people foul up, the department heads themselves will bring that to the attention of the higher-ups in their own best interest, but then again, I'm sure they exist for a reason and I won't hold that against you."

"I applaud your open mindedness. It's definitely in the minority. Most think we're here on what was the term? Oh, a witch hunt. That isn't the case at all." He paused for a moment, "I assure you that they do exist for a reason. They help identify problems that the command team and departments don't or aren't aware exist. A fresh set of eyes if you will. it's not an indictment."

"That witch hunt is hugely annoying", Estelle said. "I was hoping you could help in laying that to rest, perhaps?" She sighed. "We're obviously going to need to get our people back. But there's that tabloid journalist who, for some reason I can't fathom, seems to have an axe to grind with our skipper. She'll find a way to spin this to her disadvantage as well. I'm all in favour of freedom of the press, but surely slander isn't covered by those laws?"

"I will see what I can do. Yes, we're going to get your officers back." He tilted his head. "A journalist and you say she has an axe to grind against Captain Lalor? While I appreciate your loyalty to Captain Lalor are you sure it's slander and not just her interpretation of the facts and how she presents them that have you upset?"

"It's not presentation of facts, it's rumours and unsubstantiated claims", Estelle said. "And it's not just for her that it has me annoyed, it reflects badly, in a very public way, on everybody who's serving on this ship. At the very least, once you're done with your inspection and have found everything in order, as I'm sure you will, make sure there's no way these results can be misrepresented? Don't redact anything, don't have someone else be a spokesperson who doesn't know what's going on here."

"Doctor. It is clear you hold Captain Lalor in high regard and it's refreshing and rewarding to see. I agree if this journalist is misrepresenting the facts, it does indeed reflect badly on all who serve aboard this ship and we can't have that." He gave a slight smile, "Bad for public opinion." he was silent for a moment as he thought over her request. Then he spoke, "Yes, I will." He answered, "It seems only fair to repay your loyalty to your Captain and ship by doing this."

Estelle smiled. "Thank you. You see, I'm sure the reason most people are upset about this inspection business is because they probably think it's been brought on specifically because of this public slander. As if what we've been forced to do on Cortic alone wasn't enough to prove that we're an effective team despite not always seeing eye-to-eye on personal matters."

"Doctor, you and I both know it doesn't work that way. The tail wagging the dog. Our inspection has nothing to do with what this journalist is reporting. I'll even see what I can do to have her issue an apology to the Captain." He continued, "I've read the reports on Cortic and saw the role the Elysium played in rendering aid to the people affected. Most impressive."

"I wasn't accusing you", Estelle said. "I'm just trying to explain why there's been some hostility from some people. I'm sure last night's little demonstration proves we're not all angry."

"I know you weren't. I was merely explaining. As for last night's demonstration yes, not all of you are angry. Likewise I hope it proves I'm not some boogeyman out to get your Captain or XO. I do appreciate good jokes."

"That's good", Estelle said. "When we're in a good mood, there are lots of them. Did you know I'm a senior officer, unofficially? If it were on the roster, I'd be listed as Chief Instigator."

"Yes. I ran the manifest and saw you listed as Chief Surgeon and Assistant Chief Medical Officer." He looked at her, "You look like an Instigator." He said not unkindly, "Someone who appreciates the art of a good joke."

"When this is over", Estelle said. "When we've got our people back, and moods have improved, I'd like your help to do one on Gallia Norris, one of the engineers, and usually my partner in crime."

"Doctor. Nothing would please me more. You have yourself a partner." He answered with a smile.

"Excellent", Estelle said. "Collecting ideas will help me put my mind on something else, as there's nothing we can do in sickbay to aid the search."

"Perhaps not in the actual search." He agreed, "However you can make sure your department is ready to treat any injuries the missing officers may have suffered."

"We always are", Estelle said. "There's only so much readiness you can maintain. If we were looking to treat hundreds, like on Cortic, we'd have something to set up. But as it is, we're ready and waiting."

"Very good. Lets hope your services aren't needed. Nothing personal Doctor but I'd rather get our people back in one piece."

Estelle nodded. "There's this piece of paper that I keep in a drawer in the operating theatre, it reminds me I'm not supposed to refer to my patients as test subjects. It'll try my patience if they all come back and I get nothing to do, but I'll get through the disappointment eventually, no worries."

He gave her an uncertain smile, "Yes, for everyone's sake do remember that. I'm sure your patients would be most appreciative."

"I'm getting better at it with age", Estelle promised.

Garrett chuckled softly, "Hope springs eternal." He quipped.


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