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Get him off me!

Posted on Sat Jul 27th, 2019 @ 8:52am by
Edited on on Sat Jul 27th, 2019 @ 9:18am

Mission: Episode 1: Hell is a four letter word
Location: corridor
Timeline: damage control period
1207 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure

The firefight on the Elysium had been intense. Jessica had tried her best to stay out of the way, but falling debris had decided otherwise. When she woke up, she didn’t feel any pain, though there was a sticky substance all over her face which she could feel was blood. What she couldn’t see is that it was green, from the Romulan who had tried to kill her right when the roof collapsed over the two of them. Jessica groaned, then swallowed. She tried to move but it was useless, she was stuck. “Hello? Anyone?!”

Liorga and her team had been going deck by deck, corridor by corridor, doing damage control and looking for survivors, from either side, for a couple of hours when she heard the voice, at least she thought it was a voice…

Sami Justice, tricorder in hand, moved to the Chief’s side, “Looks like we’ve got everything…”

“Just a second, Sami.” The Deltan instructed, “Listen.”

Jessica heard footsteps in the distance. She took as deep a breath as she could, given the restraining conditions. “Help!” she called.

“You hear that?” Liorga asked.

“Yeah, Chief, I heard it.” Sami nodded, pointing to the pile of debris that seemed to be leaking some green substance, “It came from over there.”

Milla, assigned to the damage control teams with a few other cadets, had heard it, too. What’s more, she recognized the voice, dashing towards the pile, “JESSICA!”

Dorso, stopped between the cadet and the debris, “Whoa! We don’t know what that is, Cadet.” He said, pointing towards the green flow, “It could be radio…”

“I know exactly what it is, Dorso.” She said, not shouting or angry, but definitely annoyed, “I see it by the gallon five days out of the month.” She pushed past Dorso, beginning to pull debris off of Jessica, “Jess, can you hear me, baby? Say something, please.”

“Oh thank you!” Jessica sounded more relieved than she herself realised. “I can’t move, can you get me out?”

“Yeah, honey, we’re coming.” Milla reassured her, looking to see Liorga, Justice, and Dorso heading her way, “Lots of help coming.”

Sami, having analyzed the green spill and finding it to be Vulcan or Romulan blood and free of disease nodded to the others, indicating that it was okay, though that damn cadet had just taken a ridiculously unnecessary risk and she planned to tell her about it after this was over.

“Okay, muscle twin powers activate.” Liorga ordered as she began to pull debris off of Estelle’s Turkanian friend, “Stay calm, okay, Jessica? Manage your breathing, that’ll make it easier.”

With the debris moved, the dead Romulan above her slid deeper, Jessica was now face-to-face with the man, or what was left of him. She let out a startled yelp. “Get him off me!”

“Him?” Liorga stopped dead, “There’s somebody in there?”

“About to be a former somebody, Chief.” Dorso snarled, unslinging his rifle and leveling it at… “Okay, already a former somebody.” He yanked the dead Romulan off of that cute chick from the lounge and tossed him against the wall, “Like it’s gonna hurt him now.”

Jessica was trying hard to breathe normally but failing. She had his blood all over her and it was not a pleasant experience, and that coppery taste was sickening.

Milla pushed past Dorso, tearing at the pile of debris, “Hold on, Jess, I’m almost there…”

Liorga stepped over to the cadet, the only woman around who had nearly as little hair as she did, and took her shoulder, “You’re doing this the sucker’s way, Cadet.” She shook her head, dropping a microtransporter badge in the debris, “Jessica, attach this to your clothing and let me know when you’ve got it secured.” She turned back to Milla, “Lt. Norris will go over all of this later, Cadet, but this is what she calls Aberdeen Express.”

“What?” Milla asked, wondering why they weren’t still trying to get Jessica out of there.

“Because you don’t leave home without it.” Sami laughed, apparently the cadet was blinded by her feelings for Ms. Clarke; I hope it works out better for you than it did for me, she thought.

Jessica strained and almost dislocated her shoulder as her hand reached for the device falling past her. Noises of discomfort accompanied her efforts to stick the thing on her somehow, but at least the focus on her task meant she got her breathing under control. “I’ve… got it.”

“Cadet, get your tricorder out.” Liorga ordered.

“Okay, but we’re wasting…” Milla began, the Chief cutting her off.

“No, we’re not.” The Deltan shook her head, “Now, I want you to scan for that microtransporter’s signal and establish a skeletal lock on Ms. Clarke.”

Milla did as she was told, though she still thought they were wasting time, “Okay, lock established.”

“Activate the transporter, Cadet.” Liorga ordered, smiling broadly as a frightened and blood soaked Jessica Clarke appeared on the deck in front of them, “Good job, Cadet.”

Milla didn’t even hear Liorga, she just dashed to Jessica to help her to her feet, “It’s okay, you’re okay now.”

Having lain stiff for so long, and with the shock, Jessica was sore and weak. She held on to Milla for dear life. Only the fortunate coincidence of Milla being twelve centimetres shorter than Jessica spared her the volley of stomach contents she hurled over Milla’s shoulder and right in front of Dorso’s feet.

“Not a word, D.” Sami warned, he had done that to her on Cortic.

“Okay, but now we’re even.” Dorso laughed, stepping back from the mess.

“Take me where I can clean myself?” Jessica whispered. She was feeling terribly self-conscious, now that her initial shock was receding.

“Okay, I’ll take you to my place.” Milla offered, turning to Liorga for permission.

“By all means, take care of your friend, Cadet.” Liorga said in way of dismissing her, “Make sure she gets to sickbay though.”

“Right, Chief.” Milla nodded, “Come on, Jessica, we’ll get you a shower and then get you checked out.”

“Thank you”, Jessica said. She seemed to be saying those words a lot, and often in situations she’d rather not find herself in. “And to you, too, Liorga.”

“No problem.” Liorga smiled, “I’ll let Estelle know to expect you.”

“I’m okay, no need”, Jessica said. “I’ll come by tomorrow.”

“Or how about I have Estelle come over.” Liorga said, “Just in case, okay?” Right now, Liorga was asking for a favor, she was hoping Jessica would grant it so she didn’t have to go all CPO on the poor woman.

“Just tell her it’s not urgent?” Jessica asked. “There are many others who need her more, I’m sure.”

“Okay, just make sure you see someone before the night ends.” Liorga stated, adding, “Please.”

“I’ll take care of her, Chief.” Milla pledged, taking Jessica’s arm, “Come on, let’s get you somewhere safe.”

Jessica nodded, letting Milla take her anywhere, as long as it was away from that dead Romulan.


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