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Care Package?

Posted on Wed Jul 31st, 2019 @ 7:55am by Ensign Lunara Hol

Mission: Mission 2: Heaven On Earth
Location: On the ship
Timeline: Shortly after Lunara’s arrival
2759 words - 5.5 OF Standard Post Measure

"Cabin seven... cabin eight... cabin nine. This should be it..." She looked down at the directions on her PADD to make sure. 'It looks like it,' she thought to herself, but it was hard to be sure. The ship was absolutely massive, and she'd gotten lost several times on the way there. It would take her weeks, maybe even months to get to the ship layout. She straightened her uniform and pressed the doorbell, cradling a package under her right arm.

"Come in!" Anya called from inside. She was sitting at the table, several pieces of a Cardassian Keldon class ship in front of her, piecing the hull together around a core that held the functional components, including the anti-gravity drive that Liorga had helped her with for her previous model. She looked up as the doors parted and greeted, "Hey there." Wearing only shorts and a top, there was no indication of her rank or department, unless Lunara had already done the research.

Lunara smiled. "Hello there! I'm Lunara Hol, the new counselor. You're... Anya Neeze, right?" She hadn't done any research on who she was, she preferred to be surprised.

"Yes, I am", Anya said. She put down her toys and stood, a good few inches taller than the short Trill. "You've been assigned here? I was wondering when someone else would take up Liorga's bed, now that she's moved in with our surgeon."

She chuckled. "Oh, no, I'm not moving in here. I actually brought you something." She smiled and held out the package. "It's from your mother."

"Oh", Anya was surprised. "Thank you." She took the package and placed it on her table. "How do you know my mother?"

Lunara smiled. "She came by to visit me before I left, actually. She told me she wished she could give it to you in person, but the ship was delayed. I suppose this is still more personal than sending it through transporter mail."

Anya smiled. She bent down and gave Lunara a kiss on the cheek. "It is, thank you. So, how do you like it here so far?" She pointed to the sofa, above which was a model of a Constitution refit, U.S.S. Excalibur. "Would you like to join me?"

She blinked, blushing a tiny bit. This woman was certainly... friendly. "It's... ah... very nice, thank you. Much larger than I'm used to." She looked up, smiling. "Oh, a Constitution class? I can see you have good taste."

"My first finished model", Anya said, approaching the replicator. "My former roommate helped me build it. Some tea?"

"Oh, yes, please. You enjoy building model ships?"

"I do", Anya said. She grabbed a PADD of a shelf and pressed a few buttons. This caused the Excalibur to fly off her shelf and approach Anya. She placed the two cups of tea onto the saucer section and steered the ship over to the sofa. "Not the intended use for this saucer, but it works."

Lunara whistled. "You're good at this, are you a pilot?"

"Oh, no", Anya said as she sat down beside Lunara. "Section chief in security. This fancy flying is all computer subroutines, and a fine-tuned antigrav drive my friend made for me."

She took a seat and grinned. "Ah, you should have told me you were the best pilot in the fleet, too."

Anya grinned before sipping her tea. "Nah, I'm awesome enough, no need to brag about something I can't do."

Lunara took the tea from the saucer and sipped it. "That's fair enough. I bet your department's never bored on this ship."

"We'll find ways", Anya nodded. "Recently, we've had a bit too much excitement. Not me personally, but the higher-ups had it rough. I run training programmes on the holodeck, to keep everyone sharp."

"Really? I might have to join you, then. God knows I could use the training. Do you have any particular specialties?"

"Close quarter fighting, blades and blunt weapons", Anya smiled. "And I'm always looking for people who want to go on a holodeck adventure with me. In the Elder Scrolls universe, with mages and dragons and draugr."

Lunara tilted her head. "Mages? Draugr? Elder... Scrolls?"

"A fantasy realm, centuries old", Anya said. "Now playable on the holodeck, with just enough realism to not break character, but enough fantasy elements to keep it interesting, i.e. cut the boring bits out of gameplay."

She nodded. "I see... what's the goal of this game?"

"Survival, and then the scenario presents you with obstacles", Anya said. "Bandit raids, or monster hunts, or corrupt rulers you can topple. Or you play on the dark side and become one yourself. It's fun."

"Ooh, that does sound like fun!" Lunara chuckled. "Although... I don't plan on fighting off the Klingons with swords and magic." Wait, they were at peace with the Klingons now, weren't they?

Anya chuckled. "I've played this with some Klingons before, they were mighty impressed. Besides, it makes no difference if you fire phasers or throw fireballs. The gameplay is very similar, and it still is good training for the real thing, while also fun."

"There are Klingons aboard the ship?" She sounded surprised. She had heard of that sort of thing, but didn't expect to see it in person.

"Not at this moment, no", Anya said. Though what might not be technically correct, she was not aware of the Chief Engineer's personal circumstances and thus couldn't gossip about them even if she wanted to. "But this isn't the first ship I'm on. Besides, there's always shore leave. Klingons are fun, if you don't mind the bruises."

"I'm sure they are, but look at me." She smirked and gestured to her entire body. "A Klingon would break me in half."

Anya laughed. "Maybe. Though, I've learnt not to judge how tough someone is by looking at them. I mean, physically, sure, but what really matters is up here." She pointed at her head.

She smiled. "Oh, I've learned the same thing. A capable body certainly helps, though."

"You want my help to get you there?" Anya offered. "You're most welcome to join our sessions. It'll take a few months and you'll feel like a new woman, and all at the cost of an hour a day, on average."

She nodded thoughtfully. "An hour per day? That doesn't sound too bad..." She shook her head. "Tired of getting knocked around..."

"Well, there'll be plenty of that to start with", Anya admitted. "But Dr. Hertz told me she won't give us a hard time if we don't bother her in her sleep. I'll just have to schedule accordingly."

"Dr. Hertz? ...She's the CMO, right? What does she care what goes on in the holodeck?"

"The surgeon", Anya winked. She figured she'd led that information sink in for a moment.

"Oh, of course!" She shook her head and chuckled. "I hope you at least plan to keep the safeties on."

"Oh, absolutely. It's not like we're hurting each other on purpose", Anya said. "We're not Klingons, after all."

Lunara grinned. "Good, I've fought them enough times already."

"Oh, that's right, you can bring previous life experience to the table", Mona smiled. "So, what were you in your former lives, old soul?"

"Old soul? That's not one I've heard before." She smiled. "I was a Starfleet engineer once... and an actress, after that." She pointed to the model ship on the shelf. "I remember I used to see those ships all the time."

"I was planning on making a K't'inga to go with it", Anya said. "But then three bottles of Bajoran spring wine said I should focus on this Keldon first."

"I would have gone with the K't'inga, personally. At least they won't stab you in the back."

Anya laughed. "This is by commission, and for some rare and real alcohol, I'll do plenty of crazy things." She paused, then added. "Crazy fun, not crazy needs counselling."

Lunara clicked her tongue. "What a shame, I thought I already had a customer. No matter, I'll likely be busy enough already."

"Oh yeah", Anya said. "Four people who've just had a rather eventful time in a rogue Romulan's torture chamber. Soon as you're settled in, I'm sure they'll keep you busy for months."

Lunara leaned back, exhaling. "Yes, I heard about that. Sounds like I'm going to have my hands full."

"That's what I like about my job", Anya said. "Soon as the shooting was over, my part was done. I don't envy you yours."

Lunara nodded slowly. "Mm, I get to be the one who puts all the pieces back together after that." She snorted. "That is, when they want to get put back together."

"Who wouldn't want to be healed?" Anya asked naively. "I mean, they might not see a way, but deep down they would have to want it, no?"

"Not necessarily. Not everybody feels comfortable talking to a stranger about their problems." She smirked. "I'd know."

"Then they might not like the path to healing", Anya said. "But I cannot imagine anyone who wouldn't want to be healed."

"Oh, sure they'd like to be healed. But they don't like opening up. Or risk being taken off duty."

"That I understand", Anya said. "When I got my leg shot off me, having to sit around and wondering whether my career might take a nose-dive was the biggest issue. But then, that was a physical injury, I didn't need any counselling." Not that it had stopped her then-counsellor on the Joyeuse.

"Your leg was shot off? What happened?" Lunara decided it would be best to play dumb.

"You know, as firefights go", Anya shrugged. "Nothing out of the ordinary. I just couldn't get behind cover fast enough. But the new one works just like the old, all the sensory input and everything. You can't see the difference even if you know what to look for."

"You're quite nonchalant about it. I remember when injuries like that were career ending."

Anya nodded. "True. But before antibiotics and vaccinations, cutting your hand preparing food could be life-ending. It's got to be seen in relation, right?"

"True... but I wasn't alive before widespread vaccines."

"I've lived a life of luxury, so I can't compare to what it's like to have to struggle", Anya said. "All I'm saying is that I'm enjoying myself, and what else matters?"

Lunara shrugged. "Oh, Starfleet is a struggle enough." She decided to drop the subject for now. "So, what's a normal day for you?"

"Makes me happy I'm not an officer", Anya smirked. She knew going through the Academy demanded some serious smarts and, more importantly, self-discipline. "Me, all I have to worry about is routine drills, training programmes and the occasional skirmish."

"Sounds fun. You have skirmishes very often?"

Anja shook her head. "Only thrice this past year, these are quiet times."

She whistled. "That's all? I lost track of all the combat action ribbons I earned in my past life. Nice to know things have settled down."

"I was born just a tiny bit too late for the Dominion war", Anya said. "Not that I'm upset. Fighting is much more fun when you're on the holodeck."

Lunara smiled and shook her head. "No, not the Dominion War. Try earlier."

"Yeah, you", Anya said. "I'm just saying why my life is more quiet."

Lunara blinked. "Oh, yes. I'm sorry. Well, let's hope it stays that way for some more time, hm?"

Anya nodded. "Yes, you'll have your hands full anyway, and I don't want to add to your workload. I'll go easy on people. Now I'll have four weeks on Earth, maybe I'll pick up a date down there, have a bit of fun and come back refreshed and ready for action."

"Thanks, I appreciate it." She smiled dryly. "Sounds like I'll be busy enough with our imprisoned officers." She shook her head. "Anyone particular you've got your eye on on Earth?"

Anya shook her head. "Not yet. But it can't be too hard to find someone, now can it?"

"Depends on what you're looking for." She smiled. "Best of luck with that."

"Well, I've not had the best luck here, so I figure a hot holiday fling is just what I need", Anya grinned.

"Well, you have my blessing as a ship's counselor." Lunara grinned back.

"That's too kind of you", Anya laughed. "So having casual affairs is now seen as psychologically benign? That's good."

"Just... try not to break anyone's heart. For the good of my colleagues back on Earth."

"I'm always up-front about my intentions, don't worry", Anya said.

"Good, good. Just wanted to make sure. How long are we scheduled for? Four weeks, right?"

Anya nodded. "Yes. But I don't think most of us will get the full four weeks leave. But lucky me, since I was involved with the fighting, I do."

"Yeah, it sounds like I'll be busy. I hope I get at least some time off. Still, four weeks..."

"What do you want time off from?" Anya wondered. "You just got here."

Lunara nodded. "Yes, and before that, I was at OCS... and before that, I was busy getting joined... I'm eager to get underway, I'd just like to visit my- I mean Jalen's old ship before we head out."

"I'm sure you'll find time, inside four weeks", Anya said. "They can't work you around the clock, can they?"

Lunara smirked. "Here's hoping, hm? I've yet to meet a Starfleet crew that's the picture of mental health."

"What matters is that we're functional", Anya said. "Nobody is perfect, and health is no exception."

"Oh, sure, nobody's perfect," Lunara sighed. "I just want to make sure nobody's carrying too much baggage."

"Talk to Dr. Hertz, she's got a great way to reduce baggage", Anya advised. "She might teach you."

Lunara chuckled. "Let me guess, she gives you medicine to remove the bags under your eyes?"

Anya shook her head. "Maybe in ten years or so. I'm not old yet. No, I mean what I say. Talk to her, she'll teach you."

Lunara nodded thoughtfully. "Well, thank you. I'll be sure to seek her out. Anyone else I should see?"

"Depends, what are you looking for?" Anya asked. "A date for yourself? Or someone to help decorate your quarters? Or someone who knows a thing or two about drinks?"

"Honestly? If half the things I've read about this ship are true, I might need to find the last kind of person." Lunara smiled dryly.

"Jessica Clarke", Anya suggested. "She mixes drinks, and tends bar. Though she's new to this. You might have seen her in the news."

Lunara nodded slowly. "Is she the woman I saw on the refugee appeal last year? I'm glad she's doing better now."

"Yes, that's her", Anya said. "Commander Brett got her a job as waitress, and she's a natural."

"Mm. Real food, or replicated?" Lunara asked.

"Well, it's the lounge, what do you expect?" Anya asked. "I know Dr. Hertz sometimes cooks in the lounge, but she recites the witches from Macbeth when she does, so I'm not sure it's wise to try and of her food."

"Noted." Lunara snorted. "That's the earth play where the King tries to kill everyone, right?"

"Well, I suppose that's one way of putting it", Anya nodded. She opened the package her mother had sent her. "Now, let's see what mum packed." One by one, she retrieved an assorted mix of bottles. "A year's worth of alcohol, I see. So there is that much."

Lunara laughed. "She seems to enjoy that sort of gift. She gave me a bottle of... cognac?"

"She knows what is hard to come by on a starship", Anya smiled. "And what passes for hard currency when you're in need of a favour."

"I never thought of it that way." Lunara grinned. "Smart woman."

She retrieved an envelope from the bottom of the package. "And forgive me for opening this one in private."

Lunara raised a hand and shook her head. "Not at all, a woman needs /some/ secrets after all." She looked over all the bottles. "That's still... wow. No wonder it was so heavy."

Anya felt Lunara's upper arm. "A good start for your training programme, perhaps?" she winked.

Lunara grinned. "Something tells me the rest of it won't be this easy."

"Listen to your inner voice", Anya smiled. "Sounds like you've been through it before. It'll come back to you."

Lunara smiled. "It's been awhile, but... I'll try my best." She nodded. "Thank you."


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