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Shore Leave Denied

Posted on Thu Dec 5th, 2019 @ 7:39am by Quinn [ADMIN NPC]

Mission: Casperia Prime - A lesson in relaxation
Location: Flight Deck
Timeline: Current
797 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Jessica continued to fix a fighter when a group of pilots walked up. "Hey, El-tee. I heard we just arrived at Casperia? Can we go on leave?"

"No, because we need to discuss the circumstances of our arrival here." Jessica mentioned. "Apparently one moment we were engaged with the Dominion, and the next moment. Ms. Tinkerbell Q decides to pop us a couple of sectors to Casperia. You wanna know what annoys me more that you Cadet Lander. Goddesses-damned Q popping around and screwing with people. Well that pisses me off. Furthermore, we may still be at war with the Dominion, and until we get the all-clear from Starfleet Command, all of you are on combat rotations."

"Um, it's Q.... shouldn't we like not do anything to antagonize her."

"Cadet D'Var. I have, and always will, do things to antagonize everyone up to the goddesses themselves, and I don't intend to stop. Shore leave denied until we get the all-clear from command, and I'm not going to give this little bitch one inch of rope." Jess went back to work and the pilots dismissed.

"Wow, Kiss your mother with that mouth?" A voice said from behind her. "Gee Vaii, I knew you had a temper but really?"
Behind Vaii, stood a figure she knew from her time on the Nogura. Sha'nae Ba'au, stood in civilian clothing watching Vaii.

"First... If you knew my mother, you wouldn't kiss her either. She'll give you a disease. Second..... You're out of uniform. I wonder why...." Vaii mentioned with her arms folded.

Shae smirked. "I am on Vacation. That and I hear there is a warrant out for my arrest."

Jess walked up to Shae and smiled. "You're not Ba'au. One; She loves herself too much to take vacations, and she's literally married to her warp core. And second; if she did have a warrant out for her arrest, she wouldn't visit me. Because I'd arrest her and my mood would improve today. Who are you?"

"1, She does have a warrant out, 2, she was framed by Cardassians and 3" the glamour faded and the tall red haired Q stood there. "I am Quinn."

Jessica stared at her and then smirked. "That red hair is so fake."

"Probably but I like it. Its the color I wore when I was in human form" The Q shrugged. And then she studied the angry woman. "You need time in a spa my dear, so tense and angry."

"There's one thing that confuses the hell out of me. Why do you need us? You're on top of the whole damned universe. Anything you could possibly want, just a finger-snap away. If you wanna be an Empress." Jess snapped her fingers. "If you want to recreate the universe." She snapped again. "There is nothing, you could do, that would mean a damned thing Quinn. Because it's all just a snap away. Q don't grow don't they, you just are."

"We have rules, just like you do." Quinn replied unfazed by the attitude. "And if one breaks the rules, then we are punished. I need this crew to fix what is happening. I am sure your captain will figure it out. I have great confidence in Captain Lalor."

"Why don't you just snap your fingers, Tinkerbell." Jess mentioned.

Quinn smiled at that. "Because of the rules I spoke of." She said without rancor. "Tell me Jessica, if you had the power would you use it?"

"No....." Jessica mentioned. "You're a Q. You know what Lucianna Kessanna was like. 'Power is power' She always used to say. That's why I'm not so quick to trust people with power." She noted. "Even now she maneuvers, plans, and plots. She sees herself as something above a goddess. My line has been seduced by power for nine generations. I won't make that mistake."

"A wise lady you are." Quinn stepped away. "Well then you know why I let people sort their own issues out. And I have faith in mortals, more so than the rest of my race."

"Surprisingly Mature for a Q." Jessica mentioned. "But I'm still waiting for the all clear from Command before I believe there isn't a war with the Dominion. Question; Why did you join Starfleet? Amusement, or Envy?"

"Personal curiosity. I stayed out of personal duty." Quinn smiled and left.

Jessica shook her head and went back to work when she left. "That red hair. Why do I have to like all the weird ones and why do they all have to have red hair? Why can't I meet normal people? At this rate I'll be married to Sha'nae somehow. No, Jessica. You're not going to date a Q."

A soft laugh echoed through the room. "I can arrange for that" and then there was silence.


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