USS Elysium's Rules and Regulations
Created by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson on Mon Nov 2nd, 2020 @ 11:24am
The Crew of the USS Elysium is considered one of the best in the fleet, and it is the command crew’s desire to keep it that way. Thus, this information has been put forth for you, the player or prospective player to read.
1. General Posting Rules
We split these into two groups: General players and Senior Officer players.
General Posting Information:
General players – Assistant chiefs and below
All players, regardless of their position in the game are required to compose one post a fortnight unless otherwise cleared by the CO or XO or an LOA (leave of absence) or ELOA (extended leave of absence) form is submitted. While special consideration can be given if you have a condition or event that limits your posting, I am not telepathic, nor Betazoid; so I can't read minds. It is your job to email the Command Staff or Message us via discord.
Senior Officer Roles and Postings
So, you have applied for and been accepted into a Senior Staff Role. These roles are important to our game and by applying and being accepted, you are expected to lead by example. Senior Staff positions are positions of great responsibility. Do not abuse that responsibility. Show you have what it takes.
As a senior Staff Member it is expected that:
2. Character rules
Due to Fleet policies, no character can be related, either by blood or marriage, to any of the canon Star Trek characters (Picard, Sisko, Worf, etc.). Also, no character can be close friends with a canon character. You can have served on Deep Space Nine as an Ensign in operations, but you cannot have been Asst, Chief of Operations and regularly have had lunch with Bashir and O'Brien. You also cannot be Picard after his retirement. This is a breach of copyright laws and we'd rather not get sued, thanks.
I don’t care if you have played your applying character on several other Obsidian Fleet ships as is, we expect all characters to be well written and unique. You may transfer characters over, but they must be legitimate transfers as I will not accept your character being a carbon copy of 5 others in the fleet.
Be unique in your writing. If a player wishes to be a Cardassian diplomat, or a Reman bartender, that would be acceptable. Exchange officers such as those found in the Klingon Officer Exchange Program in Next Generation are subject to approval and will be given a provisional rank.
A player character is not permitted to be one the races listed below. Additions or subtraction to this list may be made by Joint Fleet Command.
There will be no superhero characters such as Qs, genetic engineered humans,10f6" Klingons, or uber-Marines. There will also be no Mr. Uber Telepathic Men on board. As a whole, the members of this sim do not want Q, Q's mom, Q's Dad, or Q's little sister board this sim and we certainly don't want any Q2's or Lady Q's here. We all want to be special, but let's stay realistic within the realm of the races as they were played in the TV shows. While Star Trek books are good to read, and I have read many of them they are not generally accepted as canon.
No god modding or superhero syndrome will be accepted. You cannot be alone and unarmed and surrounded by million Borg and magically incapacitate them all with the Vulcan nerve pinch. It wouldn't happen in the series and it's not going to happen here. Also, you cannot solve the entire mission by yourself and leave nothing for anyone else to do. This is a joint writing effort and everyone deserves their time in the limelight. Also, one writer cannot tell another how to play their character nor can one player tell another how to play their department. Each player has their own PC, NPCs, and department and cannot make demands on how others should play theirs. This is called god modding and will not be tolerated.
In regards to god modding, no telepathic character can effect another member of the simm without their express written consent. This is considering a violation of respect and will be dealt with.
Please keep in mind that what you do in character can affect your character both in good ways and bad ways. If you are going to do something stupid in character, please be prepared for your character to suffer the consequences of it. If your character decides to show up for duty drunk, unshaven, with a bottle of whiskey in his hand then you need to be ready to deal with his superiors giving him a talking to IC. No one would get away with it in the series and no one’s going to get away with it here. For more information, please read our policy on Military Protocol and Customs. Section 2.3
All players are to limit themselves to 3 images per PC and 2 image per LINKED NPC and 1 image per NON linked NPC - this is non negotiable and anyone found breaching this rule after the 1/1/2021 will be issued with a strike
3. Player rules
4. Strikes and Removal
The USS Elysium Command Staff have a three-strike policy. The Command staff reserve the right to Strike or remove a character without prior/notice or strikes. The Command Staff also reserve the right to issue more than one strike if necessary.
A player’s strike listing is kept private by the command staff
Personally I hate having to have this policy, having to lay it out there for all crew. But because the world is what it is, here we go.
1) The Three-strike policy is a disciplinary process that consists of following:
2) Strikes are issued at the result of one or more of the following actions:
3) Strikes “clear” at a rate of one strike per 2 months from the date of the last strike received. For example, if you get your first strike on January 10, you have to be clean for 2 months (or until March 10) before that strike clears.
4) A member's strike record is kept private and is not viewable by any other players on the sim, except members of the Command Staff.
5) Rule on Sudden Resignations and Player Neglect
We have had a number of examples of Sudden Resignation, Player vanishing without notification and Player Neglect. It is not our favourite thing, but it must be detailed.
What we define as Sudden Resignation, Player vanishing without notification and Player Neglect
The ramifications for the above have 3 different levels.
Level 2:
Loss of current rank, and position. Placed on Moderation for 3 months. Reduction of NPCS down to a limit of 2 for 3 months and NPCs must clear the Command staff. Please note that these players will not be allowed to be a Senior officer for their 3 months moderation and will only be considered for a chief post if one is available and if it suites their character’s background, IE: if you have no training in medical you will not be granted CMO if it is available
Level 1:
The player will be banned from the Elysium for a period of six months. The player will forfeit the privilege of any Senior Staff Positions or Department Heads. The player cannot apply in the future as a Commissioned Officer for another Six Month Period. Placed on Moderation for 6 months after their return. Allowed 1 NPC for a period of 6 months, and NPC must clear the Command staff.
Should player continually be guilty of sudden resignation or abandonment; the Command staff reserve the right to initiate an Omega level Ban on the player. - This means full ban from the USS Elysium with no return possible.
<Level Omega Ban
An Omega level ban, is not something the Command crew of this ship take lightly. It is an extreme measure and one which is done only as a final resort. Reasons for an Omega Level Ban:
Determination of the level of ramification is determined by a command staff vote
*Sporadically is defined as inactivity for length of the set posting requirements, then logging in to post no more than five posts or personal logs in order to avoid a strike for inactivity and then neglecting contact for another period of inactivity without a LOA or ELOA.
5. Promotions
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