Monthly Report - September 2022
Posted on Sat Oct 1st, 2022 @ 7:46am by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson
New Players
We welcomed Robert and his character Ensign Mrera Sr’au, Our Communications Officer in Operations!
Removed one player - William - He played a securtity officer - Lieutenant JG Ryan Kade III

The Following Chief role is open:
Fighting Tigers - The 45th Tactical Wing - Group Commander: Rank: Major
The Following Assistant Chief roles are open:
Assistant Chief of Flight Control: Rank Ensign
Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer: Rank Lieutenant JG
Assistant Chief of Medical: Rank Lieutenant JG
Wing Commander: Rank Marine-Captain
Crew Awards

Highest Poster of the Month

Commander Gary Taylor is awarded the Highest poster of the Month! - September 2022.
No promotions this month - OCTOBER - WE have a post being written!!!
Crew Awards
Lieutenant Etrara Khalten- 6 months - Time Served - Survived 6 months with us! May she survive many, many more!
Lieutenant Etrara Khalten - Collaborative Post Excellence -Nominated for reaching out and asking for help and asking for joint post opportunities. Asking for help and saying, "I want to do more and am stuck" is not easy to do. And it might feel embarrassing or weak. But its not. Everybody from time to time can get writer's block. Or get stuck and not know which way to go. Everybody has felt like they are on the "outside" from time to time. Not everybody is strong and confident enough to change that and ask for a rope, a line for assistance. That can be scary and feel awkward. And I am glad that this writer broke that idea. By asking for help; other people can ask for help. Other writers are encouraged and know that its not bad, or awkward to let people know you want more JP opportunities. I think that deserves a nomination and recognition.
Lieutenant Etrara Khalten - Creativity Award -For her creativity in the JP Blood and Sand. Her character met a subordinate, had a sparring match and then.... well you need to read the JP, Needless to say it is creative. Jeff aka Cmdr Gary Taylor
Lieutenant Etrara Khalten - Collaborative Post Excellence -For her overall writing in the JP Getting to Know You where she meets Malakai for the first time, and he introduces her to vanilla milkshakes and her reaction to them as well as she and Malakai learning about each other. Jeff aka Cmdr Gary Taylor
1st Lieutenant Samuel Woolheater - Stalwart Herald -Sam's player has always been a great supporter of other's work. His comments on posts are encouraging, positive and amusing, laced with gentle critique that is always well meant. Its always a joy to get a comment from him and just makes posting so much better
1st Lieutenant Samuel Woolheater - Stalwart Herald -I can think of no one more deserving to be the first recipient of this award. Sam's wonderfully crafted post comments make me, for one, push harder in my writing. I hope he continues these wonderful and funny comments. Bill -Aka- Tonelly
Commander Gary Taylor-Stalwart Herald -Nominated for his frequent support of players in Discord and out of the game. An encouraging word when someone is sick, or is condemned to stocking shelves for upcoming holiday season. An encouraging word when someone is overworked or feels under appreciated. Often seen giving a boost when some is feeling low and has had a shitty day. In game, is guilty of having the ability to just roll with whatever kooky idea bubbles up and incorporate that as if it were planned. The kind of person you want by your side when you had beans for lunch, got in a slow, crowded elevator and accidentally ripped one. Commander Taylor might say something like, "The floor always squeaks like that" so that you wouldn't feel embarrassed. Or perhaps, "That's my ring tone on my phone. I have a duck at home" to cover up for you. All in character of course.
Lieutenant Rin- Collaborative Post Excellence- For the creativity and imagination, she showed in the JP "Let Them Eat Cake" It was inspired and funny and at times poignant. The true sign of a master craftsman. Cmdr Gary Taylor
Lieutenant Myne Redal - Collaborative Post Excellence - For the creativity and imagination, she showed in the JP "Let Them Eat Cake" It was inspired and funny and at times poignant. The true sign of a master craftsman. Cmdr Gary Taylor
Captain David Tonelly - Rose Award - Nomination for Mattias Richardson - Nominated for both authors of Captain Phoenix Lawlor and Captain Mattias Richardson. For their series of posts about their Wedding Day. The wedding posts are lots of fun. And the crew seems to really enjoy being around each other. Lots of kissy face, hand holding and buckets of sweet, syruppy, gooey, warm baked, just from the oven, sticky, love droppings. It's like Cupid has modernized his arsenal and upgraded from a bow and arrow to a marine TR-116, rapid fire rifle. With extra ammo power pack and extra cartridge carrier with a cool patch on it. Something cool like, IDK....."Love sucks; and then you're married." Complete with rifle butt pads. Nice ass scope, USB-C charging port, phaser emitter and optional tri-pod stand. But yeah - modernized his arsenal. My point is that the Romance seems to be appreciated and enjoyed and its fun to see folks drunk with love. So, yeah. Thanks. :) Good job and such. :)
Captain Mattias Richardson [Tonelly] - Story Time - Nominated for the post "Speaking with the past about the future". For an emotional, tear jerker. A sense of loss for the past and of the hope for the future.
Captain Mattias Richardson [Tonelly] - Story Time -For his post " Speaking With the Past About the Future" A heartfelt post that shows the deep emotion Mattias has for both his past and present and future.
Ensign Miraj Derani - Story Time - Nominated for her creativity and story telling ability for the series, "No Grave but the Stars". An enjoyable read and I appreciate and like her style.- Sam
Ensign Miraj Derani - Silver Book - Nominated for the Silver Book for her work on the "No Grave But the Stars" finale and conclusion. Nicely executed and a nice dang-o story.
Captain Phoenix Lalor - Collaborative Post Excellence - I'm giving this award to our Captain for her hard work and dedication in her marriage JP's, the planning and gentle pushing in the right direction is not easy. Well done Captain. Commander Lia Taylor (Ayesha) Chief Security Officer USS Elysium
Captain Phoenix Lalor - Rose award - Nominated for both authors of Captain Phoenix Lawlor and Captain Mattias Richardson. For their series of posts about their Wedding Day. The wedding posts are lots of fun. And the crew seems to really enjoy being around each other. Lots of kissy face, hand holding and buckets of sweet, syruppy, gooey, warm baked, just from the oven, sticky, love droppings. It's like Cupid has modernized his arsenal and upgraded from a bow and arrow to a marine TR-116, rapid fire rifle. With extra ammo power pack and extra cartridge carrier with a cool patch on it. Something cool like, IDK....."Love sucks; and then you're married." Complete with rifle butt pads. Nice ass scope, USB-C charging port, phaser emitter and optional tri-pod stand. But yeah - modernized his arsenal. My point is that the Romance seems to be appreciated and enjoyed and its fun to see folks drunk with love. So, yeah. Thanks. :) Good job and such. :)
Players: 22
On LOA: 1
OF post Count: 160.79
Post Count per player: 7.65
Current Missions
Set between 10/6/2397 and 27/08/2397, these are the adventures of the USS Elysium and its crew during a 2 month shore leave period.

Submission: Following the success of our Mission Know thy self, we have brought this one up so players can continue their MU Character stories if they wish. It has spawned a lot of talk and posts already and it has its own discord channel on our Ships Discord
Category: General News