
  • 55 Mission Posts

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Mon Feb 17th, 2025 @ 4:04pm

Lieutenant M'Tuuri Sh'iss [S'hib]

Name M'Tuuri Sh'iss [S'hib]

Position Infiltration Specialist

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Caitian
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 4'9"
Weight 52 Kg
Hair Color White and tan fur with black spots
Eye Color Yellow
Physical Description Lean and small M'Tuuri is your stereotypical feline

She is covered head to toe in short but thick fur, with a similar pattern to that of an Earth Serval.


Spouse NA
Children NA
Father NA
Mother NA

Personality & Traits

General Overview Cocky and brash M'Tuuri know shes good at her job and doesn't mind letting others know either.

Stubborn to a fault and only interacts socially when she wants something
Strengths & Weaknesses Self centred
prefers to be alone

Very dedicated to her job
Hobbies & Interests Vulcan Yoga and Floatation therapy
Painting, though she refuses to show anyone

Character Background

Service Record 2379 - 2383: Graduates the academy at the age of 20
2383 - 2385: Completes Ranger training
2385 - 238*: Assigned to the USS -Redacted-
238* - 238*: -Redacted-
2392 - 2393: 8-month medical leave
2393 - 2396: Fieldwork along the Romulan Neutral zone
2396 - Present: Joins the USS Elysiums C.D.I.D
Languages Caitian - Federation standard
Academy Graduation Year 2,383‬

Medical and Psychological Information

Medical Review -Multiple leg fractures that have been successfully healed
-Multiple repaired muscles and ligaments
Allergies/Health Issues None known