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Tue Oct 13th, 2020 @ 8:15am

Isabella McDougall

Name Isabella Skye McDougall Miss

Position Guest Star - Federation Ally

Character Information

Gender Female
Character Quote "People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff."
Species Human - Temporally Displaced
Age 23

Physical Appearance

Height 5f7
Weight 65 kgs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Teal
Physical Description Height: 5 foot 7 inches
Weight: 60kg
Build: Light build
Complexion: Olive Complexion
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Teal


Father Michael
Mother Susan
Brother(s) Harry, 28, Lawyer, Not married
Liam, 17, High school student.
Jaxon, 14, High school student.
Sister(s) Jasmine, 26, Homemaker, Married to James Harrison, one child, Kyle, aged 3.
Other Family As Isabella is from the year 2001, all her family are now dead.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Out of Place, Out of Time - Isabella or Bella as she is sometimes known as, is very much out of place. She wears 21st century clothing and does not care to change it.
Strengths & Weaknesses She has very little in the way of knowledge of the current century and is trying to learn as much as possible.
Ambitions To Survive and make a life
Hobbies & Interests Exploring new worlds and technology. Hiking, cooking. Looking after children. Also driving V8 Supercars.

Character Background

Personal History The McDougall family emigrated from Scotland in 1877 to Brisbane, Queensland. They settled in the region now known as Logan and built from the ground, a viable farm. They raised sheep and cows and grew wheet. They became a large family and evenutally the offspring moved away and settled through out the country of Australia.

The McDougall family, by the early 1970's was spread all over Australia and yet the Logan based farm remained. And that is where this child's story begins.

Born and raised in Brisbane by her parents Michael and Susan McDougall, Isabelle is the middle child of five kids. She has one older brother and one older sister and then two younger brothers.

She graduated high school in September 1996, with an OP of 5 and then went to the university of Queensland to study teaching. She worked hard at her studies and graduated in 2001 at the age of 22.

She was sent out to Birdsville for country service, but she never made it. She vanished. Her family searched everywhere for the girl yet no one could find her at all. She left no trace, nor was her car ever found.

She re-surfaced in 2395, on exactly the same spot as where she vanished, in her car with all her belongings, thinking that it was 2001, She was wrong.

She was found by a civilian and taken to Starfleet headquarters in san Francisco. Once there she underwent questioning and tests but Bella remembered nothing of her trip through time. At age 22, she was a stranger in a different world. All those she had known and loved had passed on years before and she found herself having to adjust to the strange new world.

She accepted a post as a civilian teacher on the USS Elysium and has been there since the beginning of 2396
Languages Standard, French, Italian, is Currently studying Vulcan
Academy Graduation Year N/A

Medical and Psychological Information

Allergies/Health Issues Bella is allergic to pollen and is claustrophobic.
Counseling Review Dazed and confused by this new world, Isabella is struggling to fit into the new ways as she forges a new life. She is quiet and very much unassuming and does not talk about the years 1979-2001.