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Tue Jul 9th, 2024 @ 8:31am

Captain George Charles [Reece]

Name George Melvin Charles [Reece]

Position Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighter Fighter Pilot

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Character Quote I do not forgive easily
Species Betazoid
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 8"
Weight 201 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Though average in height and looks, he tends to stay quiet and seperated from others, thus allowing him to blend in easily to most locations, George does possess a few Marine-style tattoos.

Right Arm
-Traditional Marine Corps Globe and Anchor (outside of upper arm)

Left Arm
-A dagger with a scroll wrapped around it three times, with the words: DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR, written upon the scroll. (inside of forearm)

In addition to his tattoos, George has fifteen circular scars on his back. Each one measuring roughly a quarter inch in diameter. When asked about their origin, he only replies with a dark look. He has had the opportunity to have them removed, however, he chose to keep them to act as a reminder to himself that he would never be mistreated again by anyone.


Spouse Leilani Rahl (Sergeant, Marine Medic, USS Elysium)
Children Hendor Charles (adopted son) 2396

[Expecting first (9 months - girl) due Dec 2397]
Father Hector Florez (foster father) (DECEASED)
Mother Monica Florez (foster mother) (INCARCERATED)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Emily Charles (twin) (currently assigned to USS Elysium as a surgical nurse.)
Other Family Leana Vai (age 3, Betazoid) - Adopted niece (Emily) (2397)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Though George is quiet and reserved, he still seems to be the kind of guy that everyone wants to be friends with. When he isn't feeling morose, he usually has an easy smile on his face and his eyes have a way of bringing one closer to him. However, those same eyes are constantly scanning those around him, looking for any sign of danger. This is certainly a side effect of his childhood.

He will always help someone in need. Once he makes a friend with someone, he will be their friend through thick and thin.

While he has a long fuse, once he loses his temper, he tends to lose control and rages. It will take him a while to calm down if he does not vent out the built up energy. Once he has been wronged by someone, it is next to impossible to get back into his good graces again.

As he is an untrained, full blooded, Betazoid, he doesn’t have full control over his abilities. While he does do his best to not read another’s mind, he can’t help but hear their emotions.

The only time he truly allows himself to open up his mind and reach out, is when he is flying. Because of his telepathic abilities, he possesses an almost preternatural skill in knowing just where, and when, his opponents will be. This behavior earned him the callsign, Demon, during flight school.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Strong analytical mind
+steadfastly loyal
+Strong charisma

-lack of forgiveness to most
-has rage issues when angered
-speaks his mind at inopportune times
-does show signs of insubordination from time to time
Ambitions Now that he has joined the ranks of Marine fighter pilots, all he wishes to to do is to protect the innocent from the evil of others, any way that he can.

His sister is often telling him that he needs to find someone, anyone, who can bring him some calm and happiness.
Hobbies & Interests While not training or on missions, George enjoys reading, painting, swimming and spending as much time as possible with his twin sister.

He is also holds a brown belt in the open hand and weapons techniques of Shoren-Ryo, a form of Karate created in Okinowa, Japan.

Character Background

Personal History Born around 16 December, 2366, near New Dallas, Mars. The exact date and place of both his and his sister's birth remains a mystery, as they were both abandoned on the steps of a convent. All that was with them in their baskets was a small, handwritten note, saying two simple words, “I’m sorry.”

The nuns took both newborns, both full blooded Betazoids, in and attempted to locate their parents. After several days, they found nothing. It was then decided that the twins would be sent to the local orphanage to be raised until new parents came along to adopt them.

Shortly before the twins turned two years old, the orphanage caught fire and all of the children were evacuated to foster families. George and Emily were sent to live with Hector and Monica Florez, a middle-aged couple who were unable to have children of their own. Instead of legally adopting the children, however, the Florez' decided to simply foster them. It would not be learned until much later that their reasoning was strictly financially motivated.

The first few years, the twins had a reasonably happy childhood. They did well in primary school and started to grow a small circle of friends around them. Unfortunately, this was not to last.

Three days before the twins eighth birthday, the Florez' packed them up and the whole family left Mars. They moved to a small mining moon near Alpha Centuri. Hector had just been hired as the graveyard shift manager for one of the small mineral mines on Fester's Folly, as the moon was named. Upon arriving, it was discovered that there were no other children where they were living. Nor was there a school. Monica was therefore forced to attempt to educate the children while Hector worked in the mine.

It did not take long before the abuse began.

Things started off small, of course, a spanking here, a slap across the face there. The children seemed to always get punished for something. Unfortunately, as there was no school for them to attend, there were no other adults that would see the children on a regular basis that would have seen any change in the children.

As their naturally telepathic and empathic abilities started to awaken, Hector bought a pair of inhibitor collars and locked one onto the necks of both children. If, at any level of strength, either tried to use their powers, they would be shocked by the collars.

Over the next several years, the level of abuse rose to new heights. When the children were nearly eleven, Their foster mother would have them stand on all fours and act as end tables for her chair as she lounged about. George and Emily would be forced to stay motionless for hours, under the threat of receiving a beating from their foster father when he returned home. Regrettably, once Hector did return home, usually drunk, he would beat the children anyway.

During a single month, shortly after the twins turned ten, Hector, possibly out of bordom, or just drunk, put out his lit cigar on George’s back. The young boy screamed in pain and tried to get out of reach. Hector finally caught the poor boy and beat him fiercely. During the beating, Emily tried to stop Hector, only to get beat by Monica. Full of anger, Hector sneered at George and told him that if he made a move to avoid getting burned, then he would burn Emily’s face. The threat to his sister gave George a strength he never knew he had. Over the next month, Hector would repeatedly extinguish his cigars on the young boy’s back. To George’s credit, he took the abuse in silence, never giving Hector the satisfaction, or reason to hurt his sister. After a few more attempts to break the child, Hector simply stopped.

Once the children reached their teens, the depravity of their foster parents found and even more disgusting level. They started to force the children to do...things...and make recordings to sell on the black market.

This abuse went on for two long years.

The final night that George and Emily were under the Florez' roof became a very bloody one. The twins had just been sent to bed without any dinner, due to the fact that Emily had accidently dropped one of the dinner plates, when Hector returned home early. He had just been informed that the mine was shutting down and that he was now unemployed. Needless to say, he was in a very foul mood.

Monica reported to him about the broken dish and he flew into a rage. He burst into the small room that the wins were forced to share and dragged Emily out by her wrists. George got up and tried to help his sister, only to get backhanded and then suckered to the gut, collapsing him to the floor.

Hector began to beat Emily fiercely. After several minutes, she too was on the floor, bloody and bruised. That was when Hector went to the darkest place ever. Looking down at Emily in her ripped nightgown, he sneered. He reached down and grabbed her by the back of her neck and forced her to her feet. He then dragged her to his bedroom and closed the door. The screams that Emily made following were both bone chilling and bloodcurdling.

George, hearing the screams, finally snapped. While Monica wasn't looking, he grabbed the club that Hector would use to be at him with and he swung it against the back of her head, knocking her unconscious. He then ran to the bedroom and slammed open the door.

To his horror, he saw Hector forcing himself upon Emily, which was more than he could take. He charged at Hector and, in his fury, loosed his anger, frustration and the years of abuse back upon Hector until nothing remained. When finally he could no longer lift his arms, the harsh reality should have come crashing down but, instead, he gathered up his sister in a daze-like state. He wrapped her in the bedsheet and carried her from the apartment. He walked, not really knowing where he was going until he was stopped by a local constable.

Seeing the state of the two teenagers, the constable quickly took them to the local police station and soon learned just what the twins had been living through.

After a quick trial, Monica was sentenced to life without parole to the nearest penal colony. Due to the circumstances, George was never charged with the murder or Hector, it had been ruled self defense.

The twins were safely removed and transported back to Earth by the Federation Child Safety Commission. They were brought to the Pesquera Child Mental Health Facility, located in picturesque Hawaii, to begin receiving much needed mental and medical aid. They would remain there for the next three years.

During their treatments, they were also seen by several Betazoid specialists in deep mental trauma. It was soon discovered that, because of the abuse and the shock collars, the natural abilities of both siblings was irreparably damaged. They would have some use of their abilities, however, it was not known to what level.

When the twins turned 19, they were released and given a clean bill of health. George tried to find some work so that he could take care of the both of them. Two weeks later, he saw an advertisement for the Starfleet Marine Corps enlistment drive. As soon as he saw the advertisement, he instantly knew what he wanted to do. After discussing it with his sister, they agreed that it would do him good. The next day he made his way down to the recruiters office and enlisted on the spot.

After he enlisted he shipped off to MCRD San Diego to complete his basic infantry training. Afterwards, he transferred to historic Parris Island Marine Corps training facility to attend School of Infantry. While he was training, his sister Emily, enlisted in Starfleet as a nurse. After George graduated, he requested cross-service training with the United Federation MACO's and was shipped off to their independent Ranger School located at Fort Amazon in South America. After graduating fourth in his class, he finally was sent out to the fleet.

His first billet was with Alpha Company, 7th Ranger Battalion, assigned to the Starfleet vessel, USS Amagansett. While aboard the Amagansett, he began to further his education, by taking history and math courses. Unfortunately, during his time aboard the Amagansett, he did get into an altercation with a young second lieutenant that had rotated in a few weeks into January of 2386. While the details of the altercation were kept in-house, the fact that George was immediately transferred put of the unit can only hint at a negative event.

His next billet was to Starfleet Marine Corps Falkirk. He was to assume his duties as the new scout sniper for the unit there.

For the next six years, during his off time, George continued his education, finally graduating with honors and a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics. He also began to learn to fly. It was quickly determined that, as good as he was with a sniper rifle, he just a little better with flying. His chain of command quickly began testing him in various roles. While he was an average weapons officer, he could fly as if he was born with wings.

As he began to learn the basics of flight, a part of George’s mind opened up. While it was weak and intermittent, he thought he could see what the instructor was thinking of doing.

It was ultimately decided that George would be put onto the "Green to Gold" program, where enlisted Marines were given crash course training, before heading out to officer candidate school.

In the fall of 2392, he shipped out to Earth, to enter Officer Candidate School, Quantico. As he was already in the service, he only needed to complete the junior and senior years of training. Upon graduating third in his class, George was invited to enter Flight School Norfolk. Then, after eight months of hard training, he graduated second in his class. Because of this, he was invited to attend the School for Advanced Starfighter Theory. This is where he truly came into his own. Following the most grueling 10 months of training that he had ever seen, he graduated first in his class. It was also during this school, that George earned his callsign of Demon. When asked, his instructors and fellow students said the same thing, “Flying against George is like flying against a Demon. He always seemed to know where we would attack from before we even finished thinking it.”

Following graduation, George was given two things: a brand new Valkyrie starfighter, to operate at his new assignment. And the second, was first choice of said assignment.

After giving it great thought, George finally decided upon the USS Elysium. The next day, he and his REO, climbed aboard his Valkyrie, tail number 765, and took off. While George would remain on the Elysium when they arrived, his REO, a qualified pilot herself, would instead head back to Earth, bringing one of the Elysium's Valkyries back.

After joining the Elisiym's crew, George requested a new REO, a young Ferengi officer, callsign Tink. The pair quickly became strong friends and an excellent flight team.

Shortly after his arrival, he mea
What will happen next, is up to fate...
Service Record 7 January 2385: Enlists in Starfleet Marine Corps

8 January 2385 - 28 April 2385: Attends MCRD San Diego - Earth

29 April 2385 - 30 April 2386: Attends SOI at SFMC Parris Island- Earth

31 April 2386 - 15 September 2386: Attends Ranger School at Camp Amazon - Earth

20 September 2386 - 15 February 2387: Assigned to Alpha Company, 7th Ranger Battalion, attached to USS Amagansett

20 February 2387 - 15 August 2392: Assigned to Force Recon Company - 2nd Battalion - 2nd Marines - Lightyear Division, 47th Marine Expeditionary Force

18 August 2392 -10 June 2394: Attended, Officer Candidate School, Quantico, Earth (Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant)

13 June 2394 - 10 February 2395: Attended, Flight School, Norfolk, Earth.

12 February 2395 -15 December 2396: Attended, School of Advanced Starfighter Theory, Pearl Harbor, Earth (Promoted to 1st Lieutenant)

16 December 2396-PRESENT: Assigned, 45th Tactical Wing (Fighting Tigers), USS Elysium
Languages Federation Standard, some Klingon, basic Betazoid
Academy Graduation Year 2394

Medical and Psychological Information

Medical Review He does still possess the physical scars of his childhood abuse. Though he has been offered the process to remove said scars, he remains staunchly determined to keep them.
Allergies/Health Issues No known allergies or underlying heath issues.
Counseling Review Though George was given a clean bill of health, both mentally and physically, over the years, he still has periods of time where he is quite morose and angry. It is my opinion that George should continue counseling, as these mental scars will remain with him for the rest of his life.

As an untrained telepath and empath, George does have the ability to really hurt, or even kill, someone if he ever loses control. Unfortunately, in my opinion, it is not a matter of if, but when, he will lose control.