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Tue Apr 11th, 2023 @ 7:11am

Michael Bishop

Name Michael Bishop

Position Guest Star - Antagonist

Character Information

Gender Male
Character Quote “The only difference between a hero and a villain is...
Who is telling the story!”
Species Human
Age 48

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 2"
Weight 225
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Built like a rock. Tough and solid


Spouse N/A
Children Possible who knows?
Father Leo Bishop
Mother Sharon Bishop
Brother(s) ??????
Sister(s) ?????
Other Family Clara, a slave he loves.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Bishop is thoughtful in the regard he doesn't rush into things. He thinks them out and is a counter balance to Cragen's impulsiveness. Even if sometimes as to suffer for it. He is Cragen's "number one" Because he gets the job done, with no fuss and no screw ups.
Strengths & Weaknesses Smart, resourceful.
Faithful to Cragen
Ambitions To create his own empire, though not as grand or as sprawling as Cragen's and decidedly less flamboyant.
Hobbies & Interests To create new toxins for Cragen to use in controlling the slaves they train and sell.

Character Background

Personal History Bishop was born in the slums of old Chicago and from an early age sought a better life. If it meant through stealing or selling drugs or some other illegal activity he would do it.

He graduated high school and took a job as a henchman for a local kingpin but his sharp mind and attention to detail got him noticed and he moved up in the ranks. Until he was a top aide. His new position brought him a taste of power and he liked it and wanted more. It also brought him women but not love as he viewed them as disposable.

When he was in his early twenties he met Kyle Cragen and was struck by the man's assuredness, his intellect along with the power he wielded and his lavish lifestyle. It all struck a nerve with him and he wanted a piece of hit. His resourcefulness caught Cragen's eye and he was hired as a 'goon' to take care of and clean up messes. He became so good at it and keeping Cragen's name from ever being associated with any crime(s) he was promoted up the chain and given more and more responsibility. Until about four years ago when Cragen killed the previous number one and he was promoted to the position. He has never failed to deliver for Cragen despite at times being subject to Cragen's wrath and feeling first hand his displeasure.

He has a knack for chemicals and concocting the toxins used to keep the slaves he trains in line and obedient. It has also increased his value to Cragen.

He also takes great pride in the slaves he has created. Often viewing them as works of art. His masterpiece is/was the former Starfleet officer Arrianna Salannis an Vantar and to a lesser extent her companion Josephine Carlyle. Arri was rescued by persons unknown and he wants her back.

He is utterly loyal to Cragen.
Languages Federation standard, Klingon, Romulan
Academy Graduation Year N/A

Medical and Psychological Information