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Fri Feb 14th, 2025 @ 7:49pm

Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor]

Name Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor]

Position Counselor

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Character Quote " Change is the essential process for all existence."
Species Vulcan
Age 43 in Vulcan years, 30 in Earth years
Cabin Assignment Deck 17, Cabin 12 W- O – Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen

Physical Appearance

Height 6'
Weight 185
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Savar is lean and wiry. He is well proportioned.

Distinguishing Marks: Bite mark from his pet Sehlat on his left forearm.


Spouse Alicia Kelea
Children Connor Taylor (mirror universe son)
Daughter N’Vea Allison Kelea-Salik (meaning “seed which is life” - born end Jan 2397)
Father Salik
Mother T'Nara
Brother(s) N/a
Sister(s) T'Kar (younger)
Other Family Various aunts, uncles and cousins.

Savar's pet sehlet Tux, lives with him, Alicia and the children. He is very protective of the family.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Savar is a rarity among his native home world. He rebelled against the
traditional "Venlinahr" *(normal state of adult discipline). Otherwise
he is perfectly sane.
Strengths & Weaknesses (S) Possesses three times the strength of a human due to being Vulcan.

(W) Has emotional 'outbursts'

(S) Has clear, logical thought pattern

(W) Can become too focused on the logical way to do things
Ambitions To one day be the head of the Counseling Department at Starfleet Academy
Hobbies & Interests Savar is an accomplished Illusionist and a voracious reader of
anything he can get his hands on.

Character Background

Personal History As a Vulcan youth he was declared continually & unrepentantly
"over-emotional" by his family & teachers & was sent to a Vulcan
Master for rigorous mental training - Nath-Pal-Nahr. This occurred
after he was expelled from classes after a repetitive number of
"emotional" incidents, establishing a clear pattern of disruptive
behavior. The Nath-Pal-Nahr is considered the last chance for a young
person to gain control over emotions and be welcomed in normal Vulcan
society. Failure to accept or finish the Nath-Pal-Nahr will invariably
lead to being declared "vrekasht" (outcast).

Savar specializes in trauma abuse cases

Savar has a pet shelat named Tux. Which lives in the quarters he shares with Alicia.
Service Record USS Athena--- Ensign,junior cousnelor
USS Serenity----- Lieutenant jg, junior counselor
USS Cherokee---- Lieutenant. counselor
USS Elysium----- Lieutenant, counselor
Languages Federation Standard English, Traditional Golic, Modern and FthinraKathi
Vulcan, Rihannsu

Medical and Psychological Information

Medical Review No major illnesses or injuries on record.
Allergies/Health Issues N/A
Counseling Review Savar is not your typical Vulcan. Oh, he is arrogantly cool and precise in both his thoughts and actions but he suffers from the
occasional emotional outburst. He is loyal, fiercely so to his ship and crewmates.