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Fri Jan 3rd, 2025 @ 9:28am

Harper o’Leary

Name Harper o’Leary

Position Merchant

Character Information

Gender Female
Character Quote “I change during the course of a day. I wake and I’m one person, and when I go to sleep I know for certain I’m somebody else.”- Bob Dylan
Species Human
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 5f7
Weight 115lbs
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Ears and bellybutton is pierced. Has a tattoo on her right shoulder blade.



Spouse Dating - Kyle Reece
Children Kendra Sheppard- Born 2389 - Adopted after the Chaos that stranded them in the Circinus Galaxy
Edward Sheppard -Born 2395- Adopted after the Chaos that stranded them in the Circinus Galaxy
Niamh O'Leary -- Adopted after the Chaos that stranded them in the Circinus Galaxy as Niamh's biological parents died and Harper helped the mother who died giving birth.
Father Unknown
Mother Eliza O’Leary
Other Family A black cat, common moggy, named Sailor.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Harper identifies as an ‘Adventurer’ personality type (ISFP): ISFP personality types are true artists, but not necessarily in the typical sense where they’re out painting happy little trees. Often enough though, they are perfectly capable of this. Rather, it’s that they use aesthetics, design and even their choices and actions to push the limits of social convention. ISFPs enjoy upsetting traditional expectations with experiments in beauty and behavior – chances are, they’ve expressed more than once the phrase "Don’t box me in!"
Strengths & Weaknesses Her strengths: Charming; Sensitive to Others; Imaginative; Passionate; Artistic

Weaknesses: Fiercely Independent; Unpredictable;Fluctuating Self-Esteem

Character Background

Personal History Eliza O’Leary was a believer in the mystical, the fantastical. She believed that the old gods blessed her with a child, and said child was not the result of a one night stand in a Dublin pub.

Harper was born in an upstate New York Hospital, on the 23rd of March 2368. Her early life was one of endless travel as her mother hooked up with a little known circus outfit and they spent years traveling around the united states, going to small town carnivals and fairs. She learned the life of a carnie for the first 15 years of her life, and became adept at reading palms and tarot cards for patrons. Her mother believed her daughter had a ‘mystical’ talent. But Harper didn’t believe that. Barely homeschooled, she was taught to read and write by the carnival leader's wife and Harper learned a lot once she could read. At 16, her mother met a gentleman named Quinton Harris. And professing everlasting love, given by the gods, for him ran off with him and left Harper behind.

Harper grew up that day. She earned her keep, but continued to read palms and play the role of Gypsy/witch. She taught herself to make soaps and lotions which she added to her role, and made extra money on the side.By the age of 22, she was pretty well known for her range of ‘Pandemonium’ Soaps and Lotions. She had brought herself her own caravan and car to pull it as she moved from place to place with the Carnival.

At 23 she met and ‘fell in lust’ with one Matthew Harrigan. He was old money and his family could track their roots back to the founding fathers. They married in haste, moved into the opulent guest house on his parents estate. It didn't last long after the brief Vegas wedding. Divorced by 24 Harper set out to make her own way. She will admit to taking Matthew to the cleaners financially.... but finding your husband in bed with his business partner gives you the right. Taking him for everything she could may have given her a bad rep but Harper didn't care. She got a monthly allowance from Matthew of 5 thousand dollars, which she banked into a different bank account so to stop him from trying to take it back. This is her emergency fund, her safe guard.

Harper didn't return to the carnival life. She sold her caravan and moved to Savannah GA where she worked in a small alternative store, and sold her products on the side. After 4 years as someone else's slave, Harper had saved enough to buy her own shop - She took an offer to serve on a starfleet vessel and in December 2396, Harper opened up Pandemonium, and stocked it with a vast range of books, crystals, statuary, clothes, candles and the Pandemonium range of soaps and lotions on deck 10 of the USS Elysium.

Smokes? On occasion
Drinks alcohol: Is the world round?
Does illegal drugs? Ah. Maybe at one time
Allergies? To stuck up arseholes... does that count?
Is Ticklish? Wanna black eye?

Medical and Psychological Information