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Fri Jan 31st, 2025 @ 4:12pm

Captain Addison 'Rico' Leyton

Name Addison 'Rico' Leyton

Position Gryphon Fighter Pilot

Second Position Gryphon Fighter Pilot

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9"
Weight 128
Hair Color Dark brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Curly dark brown hair that drops past her shoulders when off duty. Maintains a good level of physical fitness.


Spouse Divorced
Children N/A
Father Captain Brad Leyton (Ret.)
Mother Captain Shannon Leyton (Ret.)
Brother(s) 1st Lieutenant Kyle Leyton, Lieutenant Tom Leyton
Sister(s) Ensign Jessica Leyton

Personality & Traits

General Overview Addison is outgoing and loves to fly. She is Starfleet to the Core as she comes from a long tradition of service in her family. She is open minded and tends to make friends easily and is considered a flirt. Flying, she is fearless and loyal, earning her the callsign Rico due to an old 20th Century cartoon penguin by the same name that was often armed to the teeth.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

-- Excellent pilot
-- Outgoing
-- Friendly


-- Restless
-- Impatient
Ambitions To continue flying and make new friends
Hobbies & Interests Playing the guitar, horse riding, being outdoors in nature

Character Background

Personal History Addison grew up in on a ranch outside Charlottesville, Virginia, Earth. She grew up learning how to care for and ride horses. She came from a long line of military and Starfleet veterans. One of her idols was her great great great aunt, Lieutenant Samantha Leyton, a helm officer and renowned pilot who had disappeared aboard the NX Atlantis. She just recently learned of the fate of the vessel from Starfleet Command.

Addison knew from an early age she wanted to fly as she would often visit their family's hanger at the old Norfolk Air Station.

When the Breen attacked Earth, Addison volunteered to help others and vowed more than ever to join Starfleet the minute she was old enough.

In 2384, Addison enrolled into Starfleet Flight Program, specializing in starfighter attack craft. She impressed her instructors at her ability to fly and pick up techniques. It was at the Academy where she met her soon to be ex-husband (Academy Instructor), as the two married upon her graduation.

However, when returning from a patrol deployment aboard the USS Arizona, she discovered him in the arms of another woman in their bed. Hurt and infuriated, Maddison left and filed for divorce immediately. She took time off, staying at her ranch home, burying her head into ranch work and riding. A month later, she returned to Starfleet Active Duty and was assigned to the USS Saturn. After two successful tours, she was given orders to report abord the USS Elysium.
Languages Federation Standard, Spanish,
Academy Graduation Year 2388

Medical and Psychological Information

Medical Review Is in good physical and mental health
Allergies/Health Issues None
Counseling Review Is an outgoing, happy-go-lucky woman though this changes when the topic of her ex-husband is mentioned.