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Mon Jan 27th, 2025 @ 3:44pm

Raye Crosby-Triannth

Name Raye Clarissa Crosby-Triannth

Position Crew Family

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human - Terran
Age 17

Physical Appearance

Height 5f4
Weight 65lbs
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Hazel


Father Kesar Jericho (D)
Mother Serenity Triannth
Brother(s) Koray Surak Jericho
Sister(s) Celene Priscilla Jericho
Other Family Birth parents: Serenity ‘Angel’ Triannth (d) and James ‘Pirate’ Crosby (d)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Raye is a child, to whom death has become all too familiar. She lost her birth mother and many friends in the slave pits of Terok Nor and then she lost her father Kesar after years of stability. She sometimes is quiet and often says things that seem much to old for a child of her years to say. She does love her family very much and even though she does not act like it, she does adore her siblings and is very protective of them.

Character Background

Personal History Raye was born in the mirror universe to Serenity Angel Triannth. An only child she lived with her mother in the slave pits of Terok Nor for four years before her mother managed to beam them onto a visiting Federation Vessel from our universe. There she was sent to live with her mother’s Double, Serenity ‘Hornet’ Triannth when her mother passed away. Raye found herself living with her new parents and found that life was very different from the one she had known. She never went hungry and could walk around without fear of reprisal.
She was delighted when her new parents told her of her new siblings pending arrival and when the twins were born she was at first a wonderful older sister. Though when the twins were older she of course changed her tune as most older siblings do and sees them as brats most of the time. When her father Kesar died in 2382, she was hit hard and like her mother struggled to understand why. When the family moved to earth she enjoyed being planet side for longer then a couple of days and was very happy to attend a ‘normal’ school.
Now that her mother has been re-assigned she finds herself moving with her family to another starship. She hopes that this ship, will be better then the last.

Medical and Psychological Information