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Fri Jan 12th, 2024 @ 5:24am

Lieutenant JG Caaral Topaz-Smythe

Name Caaral Topaz-Smythe

Position Virologist

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Character Quote "Sounds like something that makes sense to me."
Species Unjoined Trill-Human Hybrid
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1
Weight 180 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Caaral Topaz-Smythe is a unique and striking figure, bearing the fascinating blend of a 3/4 human and 1/4 Trill heritage. A rich, honey-brown complexion adds a touch of radiance to his features. Caaral's physical presence is both commanding and welcoming. Expressive hazel eyes add a mysterious gleam to his glance. His hair is worn cut close to the sides of his scalp, tight curls growing longer on top of his head.

Two rows of dark brown spots ran from his temples, down the sides of his face and along his body. Caaral's gentle and approachable demeanor complements his charismatic presence, making him a natural people person and a true asset in his role as a physician's assistant.

Caaral tries to carry an air of professionalism and purpose in his posture, standing tall and walking quickly. His mixed heritage is a testament to the beauty of interstellar diversity.


Father Mike Smythe - Commanding Officer - USS Lyons
Mother Josie Topaz M.D. - Chief Medical Officer - Starbase 24
Brother(s) Maaven Topaz-Smythe - Operations Officer - SS Navstar
Sister(s) Amy Topaz Smythe - 22 - Starfleet Academy Cadet - Security
Other Family The Smythe and Topaz families on Earth and Trill

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ensign Caaral Topaz-Smythe is a capable blend of traits inherited from his parents, Mike Smythe and Josie Topaz. Both former officers served with distinction in Starfleet. From his father, a skilled security officer, Caaral inherited a sense of duty and dedication to the protection of others. From his mother, a compassionate and accomplished doctor, Caaral inherited a profound empathy and deep desire to heal others.

With his warm and approachable demeanor, Caaral can be a beacon of kindness and understanding. His upbringing in a family with a Starfleet legacy instilled in a sense of responsibility and a strong work ethic. He is always ready to lend a helping hand and stand up for the underdog.

As a budding medical graduate student and physician's assistant, Caaral possesses an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a dedication to hone his skills. His passion for medicine is driven by a desire to continue the legacy of healing and caring that his mother so skillfully exemplified during her Starfleet career. He aspires to uphold the highest standards of medical practice and make a positive impact on the lives of those he serves.
Strengths & Weaknesses Caaral Topaz-Smythe possesses a compassionate nature and empathetic approach that enables him to connect with patients on a deep level. Ensign Topaz provides them with comfort and reassurance during challenging times. He has a keen ability to remain calm and composed in high-pressure situations, allowing him to make well-informed decisions even in the midst of chaos. Caaral's natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge drive him to continuously improve his skills.

His trusting and kind-hearted nature can sometimes be a double-edged sword. His inclination to see the best in others may render him vulnerable to manipulation or deceit. He tends to give others the benefit of the doubt, which can lead to naivety and gullibility in certain situations. His desire to contribute may make him susceptible to shouldering more responsibilities than he can handle. This can potentially lead to burnout in extreme situations.

While Caaral's approachability is a valuable asset in forging strong connections with patients and colleagues alike, it may occasionally hinder his ability to make tough decisions or assert himself in challenging circumstances. He may struggle with enforcing boundaries and maintaining a firm stance when necessary, especially when dealing with difficult patients or navigating complex medical scenarios.

Despite these weaknesses, Caaral's genuine warmth and unwavering commitment to the well-being of others are qualities that endear him to many. As he continues to grow and mature in his career, he will undoubtedly learn to strike a balance between his trusting nature and the discernment needed to thrive in the demanding world of Starfleet medicine.
Ambitions Topaz-Smythe's ambitions are deeply intertwined with his family's legacy in Starfleet. He aspires to leave his own mark in the field of medicine and serve the greater good as a Starfleet medical officer. His ultimate goal is to become a fully-fledged physician. Caaral envisions himself working with medical teams on the frontlines of Starfleet's most challenging missions, where he can make a difference in the lives of those in need.

In his pursuit of excellence, Caaral is determined to specialize in internal xenomedicine, a field that captivates his fascination for diverse cultures and species across the galaxy. He dreams of delving into the intricacies of different physiologies and healing practices, seeking to bridge the gap between species and promote greater understanding among them.

Beyond his medical ambitions, Caaral harbors a desire to explore the vast expanse of space and unravel the mysteries of the cosmos. He hopes to be part of deep space exploration missions, where he can combine his medical expertise with his adventurous spirit. By being aboard Starfleet vessels on these daring missions, he anticipates experiencing both the wonders and challenges of space exploration, further shaping him as a well-rounded and seasoned officer.

As a medical graduate student, Caaral aims to excel in his studies and immerse himself in hands-on experiences to expand his knowledge and capabilities. Eager to learn from Lieutenant Commander Nash and other accomplished medical officers, he seeks to gain invaluable insights and guidance.

Caaral seeks not only personal success but also the opportunity to positively impact the lives of those he encounters throughout his career. He envisions a future where he can uphold the values of compassion, dedication, and exploration that define Starfleet's mission.
Hobbies & Interests Caaral enjoys grounding himself and connecting to worlds beyond the field of medicine. He enjoys reading and studying information on technology and starship operations. Equipment schematics or PADDs full of data could entertain him for hours.

He possesses an insatiable curiosity about the natural world, and often embarks on nature walks and hikes. He enjoys immersing himself in the beauty of the various planets he visits. Caaral can often be found reflecting in a ship’s arboretum. His love for holo-photography complements this passion, as he captures stunning vistas and unique alien flora in intricate detail. He has even created a visual journal of his experiences.

Topaz-Smythe takes great interest in learning about the healing practices of different cultures. He often engages in conversations with patients and crew members from various species, sharing and exchanging knowledge about medicinal practices unique to each civilization. This pursuit of cultural understanding fuels his aspiration to bring diverse perspectives to the field of medicine and foster interstellar harmony through the shared language of healing.

Character Background

Personal History Caaral's early years were shaped by the serene beauty of the Trill homeworld. Born to a human father, Mike Smythe, and a Trill mother, Josie Topaz, Caaral enjoyed a unique upbringing in the vicinity of the settlement of Gheryzan. This region was renowned for its advanced medical facilities and mental health care institutions, fostering an environment of healing and compassion that left a profound impact on young Caaral.

Growing up in a multicultural household, Caaral was exposed to the rich heritage of both human and Trill cultures. His parents, both serving in Starfleet, instilled in him a strong sense of duty, exploration, and compassion for others. The Topaz-Smythe family home was always filled with stories of galactic adventures and tales of the patients his mother had helped.

From an early age, Caaral demonstrated a natural curiosity and affinity for science. He spent hours with his mother, absorbing her knowledge and immersing himself in the wonders of medical science. Fascinated by the delicate balance between physical and mental well-being, he developed a keen interest in psychology and counseling. The interest was further ignited by the presence of the renowned mental health care facilities in Gheryzan.

As he grew older, Caaral's passion for medicine only intensified. Inspired by the selfless acts of the medical practitioners around him, he knew that he wanted to dedicate his life to healing others and making a difference in the lives of those in need. With his family's full support, he set his sights on attending Starfleet Medical Academy to pursue his dream of becoming a physician.

Leaving the comforting embrace of Trill behind, Caaral embarked on his journey to the Academy. His time at Starfleet Academy proved to be both challenging and rewarding. He fostered a few close relationships with several cadets and faculty members.

Cadet Topaz-Smythe's academic journey took a focused turn towards the field of Internal Xenomedicine. He delved into the complexities of alien physiology, studying the intricacies of various species' body systems across the galaxy. Caaral found himself immersed within a diverse community of students.

His experiences at the Academy were marked by long hours spent conducting research and collaborating with fellow students on various medical projects. The curriculum challenged him to adapt his knowledge to suit the unique anatomies of different species. Whether it was the regenerative abilities of certain amphibious beings or the intricacies of telepathic neurological connections, Caaral embraced the intellectual stimulation and welcomed the opportunity to study interstellar medicine.

Beyond the realm of academia, Caaral's time at the Academy also nurtured the growth of his character. Working closely with his classmates on simulations, field exercises, and humanitarian missions honed his ability to collaborate under pressure. He had the chance to learn about patients of all species. Unique interactions allowed him to expand his perspectives. Rigorous studies fostered an appreciation for the vastness of the universe and the myriad of cultures encompassed within it.

During a three-month internship on the frosty planet of Andoria, Ensign Topaz-Smythe found himself immersed in the heart of a bustling hospital. The facility was buried within the expansive underground city of New Sheras. The cold, icy landscapes of Andoria mirrored the steely resolve and dedication displayed by its inhabitants. Warmth, camaraderie and shared knowledge among the hospital's medical community made Caaral quickly feel at home. He navigated the complexities of treating various Andorian conditions under the guidance of experienced Andorian physicians. This broadened his perspective on interstellar medicine, and left him with a deep appreciation for medical professionals.

Caaral began working as a virologist aboard the USS Rhea, where he worked with both the medical and science departments. Here he began to make a name for himself.
Service Record 2389-2393: Starfleet Academy - Pre-medicine/Biology Concentration
2393-2395: Greater Imperial Medical Center - Onshoma, Andoria
2395-2397: USS Rhea, Science Officer-Virologist
Languages Federation Standard
Academy Graduation Year 2393

Medical and Psychological Information

Medical Review Officer Caaral Topaz-Smythe is in fine medical condition. There are no major conditions to report at this time.
Allergies/Health Issues The officer has noted a minor allergy to shellfish.
Counseling Review Caaral Topaz-Smythe is fit for duty. There are no major psychological concerns at this time.