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Thu Apr 4th, 2024 @ 8:54am

Daise'Arrain Olmex Thikoho [Reece]

Name Olmex Bandus Thikoho [Reece]

Position Gekha'Leih (Marine Commander)

Rank Daise'Arrain

Character Information

Gender Male
Character Quote Honor above all else
Species Romulan
Age 53 (human years)

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 206 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Dark grey
Physical Description Powerfully built, he has the physique of a man who is intimately familiar with nearly all forms of combat. He carries many scars to prove that he has seen more than his fair share of combat.

His most striking feature, are his eyes. They are more than what the humans call "the windows to his soul"...they seem to contain a hidden power that, once focused on a target, said target quickly finds it nearly impossible to look away.


Spouse None
Children None
Father General Akahk Heluth Thikoho (CO, 4th Praetorian Guard)
Mother Senator Dihov Lias Rhean Thikoho (Romulan Senate)

Personality & Traits

General Overview A man of few words, Olmex prefers to express himself through action. Like most Romulans, he is both cunning and ruthless. If he sees a weakness in his opponent, he will not hesitate to pounce on it immediately. His sole goal is to protect Romulus from her enemies, whomever they are.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Expert in hand-to-hand combat
+Highly proficient in all forms of small arms
+Highly intelligent
+Loyal to Romulus

-ruthless in his actions
Ambitions He is working towards one day becoming a senator, possibly Preator. He also hopes to find a mate that will stand by his side in all things and give him strong children.
Hobbies & Interests Reading military history of the major powers of the known universe, learung new forms of armed and unarmed combat, sword fighting, hunting, climbing, orbital skydiving, drawing, cooking, swimming

Character Background

Personal History ***Note to Olmex is currently undercover, the cover identity information will be written normally, while the actual information will be in italics afterwards. The real information is ONLY for reader consumption. The characters will not be aware of it.***
Service Record ***Note to Olmex is currently undercover, the cover identity information will be written normally, while the actual information will be in italics afterwards. The real information is ONLY for reader consumption. The characters will not be aware of it.***

2366: Enlists in RSE Galae Marine Corps

2362: Enlists in Rei'Krannsu. Is assigned to the 56th Legion. (The 56th would later earn many honors.)

2366 - 2370: Attends several combat schools, graduates each in top three percent group.

2362 - 2370: during undercover training, also trains in various intelligence and infiltration specialty courses.

2370 - 2375: Assigned, GSN Trasak, Marine Unit

2370 - 2375: begins training in the 56th as heavy weapons operator

2374 - 2377: DOMINION WAR

2374 - 2377: DOMINION WAR

2376 - 2377: 56th is entrenched on Velo, located in the Bajoran Sector. For several months, tmsome of the bloodiest ground warfare is fought here. By wars end, the 56th has been depleted so heavily, there are only twelve remaining original members left alive. After the war, when the military is rebuilt, those survivors are known simply as, "The Bloody Twelve".

2377 - 2379: Medical leave

2379 - 2385: Assigned, Praetor Personal Protection Detail

2379 - 2385: Becomes Preator's personal bodyguard

2385 - 2392: Assigned, Romulan Marine Officer Training Academy, Senior Instructor

2385 - 2392: Begins rebuilding the 56th Legion, Senior Commander Leadership Team

2392 - 2397: Assigned, GSN Dreltoan, Marine Unit Commander

2392 - 2397: Operating as Preator's eyes and ears.

2397 - PRESENT: Assigned, GSN Havraha, Marine Unit Commander

2397 - PRESENT: Special assignment under direct orders from the Preator, investigate and ascertain level of loyalty of Riov Mishka Valdron

Languages Rihansu, High and Common Kingonese, Ferengi, Breen, Cardassian, Delton, Federation Standard

Medical and Psychological Information

Medical Review While it is clear that Olmex has been in numerous battles, he still keeps his body in excellent condition. He is a prime example of a true Romulan warrior
Allergies/Health Issues None to report at this time.