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Sat Feb 1st, 2025 @ 4:54am

Lieutenant Anna Esquivias

Name Anna Marie Esquivias

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Character Quote "Unsurprising"
Species Human/Ardanan
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 161 cm
Weight 60 kg
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description Esquivias is a confident, dashing officer who tends to wear her dark, wavy hair shoulder length. Her dark brown eyes are soft and expressive. Most days, she has a spring in her step and a smile on her lips. Most days.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Guadalupe "Lupe" Esquivias: Federation diplomatic officer
Mother Lana Esquivias (no maiden surname, as per Ardanan custom): Ardanan harpist
Brother(s) Ensign Anthony "Tony" Esquivias: Younger, stationed on Deep Space 7

Robert Esquivias: Elder, manager of a zenite mine back on Ardana

Rene Esquivias: Painter
Sister(s) Ensign Camila Esquivias: Younger, serving on Jupiter Station
Other Family Lieutenant Commander Henry Esquivias: Paternal uncle, Starfleet Intelligence

Judge Javier Esquivias: Paternal uncle, civilian judge on Earth, deceased

Midrus: Maternal uncle, local politician in the small town of Saras on Ardana

Valeria: Maternal aunt, attorney, specialist in industrial relations law, based on Ardana

Daran: Husband of Valeria, local police officer, deceased

Pharus: Cousin, young child of Daran and Valeria

Personality & Traits

General Overview Esquivias is an explorer at heart and she can be bold when the situation calls for it. She loves adventure and wants to explore those strange new worlds and those new civilizations. However, this does not make her impulsive. Most of the time, she tends to be level-headed and matter-of-fact, though she definitely has a playful side and can occasionally be glib. She is ambitious, but she doesn't wear it on her shoulders. She is more cooperative than competitive. Still, she has a need to prove herself. She wants to test herself against the challenges of space.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Efficient, energetic, confident, charismatic, loyal, curious

Weaknesses: Stubborn, impatient, brash, overthinker
Ambitions Command, eventually
Hobbies & Interests Ardanan harp, spelunking, hiking, art, Gothic romance literature

Character Background

Personal History Anna Marie Esquivias was born in the city of San Antonio, on Earth, to an Ardanan mother and a human father. A century after Ardana's caste system was called into question by Starfleet and the Federation Bureau of Industrialization, Esquivias's mother carried the blood of both Troglytes and Stratus City-dwellers and made little distinction between them. However, she raised her daughter with the values of both parts of that once split society. Esquivias was raised to appreciate the fine arts and also the value of hard work. She was taught that all of civilization ultimately depends on the labor of the workers. She was also raised to deplore caste systems of any kind. From her father, she learned the values of diplomacy and exploration.

Her mother was a musician, playing the Ardanan harp. Her father worked for the Federation diplomatic corps. He was never an ambassador, but he played a role behind the scenes in various staff positions. He was mostly stationed on Earth, though he was stationed on Zeon for five years when Esquivias was in her teens. The family went with him and she learned a lot about Zeon culture. She learned of their peaceful philosophy and their historical difficulties with their neighbors on Ekos. She learned of the negative effects of both Zeon and human interference on Ekos, including the bizarre decision of John Gil to intentionally remodel Ekosian society after a racist and totalitarian nightmare of old Earth, but she also learned of the work the Federation and Zeon governments were now doing to promote peace.

Esquivias considered pursuing a diplomatic career like her father. However, she hoped to pursue both diplomacy and exploration in Starfleet, while also helping provide for the Federation's defense. She applied to the Academy and was admitted. While there, she did well in engineering, operations, and some of the sciences. She excelled in botany and geology. Anthropology and philosophy were among her favorite courses, but her grades in those courses, while acceptable, were nothing to write home about. She learned the basic knowledge of first aid and Starfleet rules and regulations that all cadets learn, but, beyond that, she knows nothing of law or medicine.

After graduation, Esquivias was first assigned to the Nova-class USS Kristianiafjord under Captain Michael O'Connor as a junior Operations Officer. Less than a year in, she was part of the Away Team when the Kristianiafjord encountered an automated alien terraformer beginning work on the already inhabited world of Dellingr. The terraformer was driven by AI, containing only genetic material to recreate the extinct race that had sent it. First Officer Commander Andrew Ross had thought her particular background might be useful and believed in cross training officers, to a point. Still, she was not enormously useful. She mostly considered it a learning experience. After deciding the Prime Directive did not apply because the terraformers were already interfering, they interfaced with their ships AI and got them to select a different planet. They had to aid them in doing so.

Esquivias accepted a transfer to the Luna-class USS Kera where she served as an Operations Officer. While serving aboard the Kera, Esquivias accompanied Lieutenant Brad Jordan and Lieutenant JG Lucius Tes on a mission to apprehend a radical Ekosian active on Zeon. Both men were security officers but Esquivias was added to the mission because she spoke the language. The universal translator might have been detected. She marveled at how intently Jordan tracked his prey. She was able to help them blend in but, when the extremist was identified, he gave her a good punch to the face. It was not her favorite moment on her career.

Esquivias next served as the Assistant Chief of Operations aboard the Sovereign-class USS Triton. It was on the Triton that she got her first case of real combat. The Triton was called upon to stop Nausicaan raiders from attacking a group of civilian freighters. Captain Jared Spry was an experienced battle commander and the tactical and security departments knew their jobs well. Esquivias also knew what a good operations officer had to do during a battle, when logistics were critical. The experience of doing it while everyone was in constant mortal danger still left her shaken, especially when she found that five of her crewmates had been lost and her close friend, Ensign Lucy Paul, was badly injured.

Believing that an officer who eventually hoped for command should have a good grasp of most of a ship's departments, Esquivias sought a posting as Assistant Chief Engineer on the California-class USS Calabasas. While on the Calabasas, the ship received a distress call from Federation Research Outpost 185. Esquivias was sent to help them repair a problem with the communications array. However, the more she tried, the more bizarre and variable the outpost's problems became. The mundane gave way to the surreal and macabre. She saw bleeding walls and hungry wolves. She eventually discovered that Dr. Kathryn Finnegan had been doing experiments on a subspace fold. The distortion of reality was growing more and more extreme. There was no choice but to abandon the outpost and put up a warning buoy. However, the lives of the crew were saved.

While aboard the Calabasas, Esquivias took the Bridge Officer's Test. She found the test disturbing when, during the Flight Control component, she was faced with a seemingly intractable problem that could only eventually be solved when she was willing to sacrifice the life of Ensign Harry Russ, a shuttle pilot she knew well. This was the real lesson. After passing the test, she was able to apply for Chief of Operations on the Endeavour. However, she was captured by the Thaih'ea on the way.
Service Record 2382-2386: Cadet, Starfleet Academy

2386-2389: Operations Officer, USS Kristianiafjord

2389-2390: Operations Officer, USS Kera

2390-2393: Assistant Chief Operations Officer, USS Triton

2393-2395: Assistant Chief Engineer, USS Calabasas

2395-2397: Captive

2397-: Chief Operations Officer, USS Elysium

[Promotions to be added after starting rank is assigned]
Languages English/Federation Standard, Spanish, Zeon, Ardanan, Thaih'ea
Academy Graduation Year 2386

Medical and Psychological Information

Medical Review Fit, no major medical conditions
Allergies/Health Issues None
Counseling Review Trauma from Thaih'ea captivity