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Sat Jan 18th, 2025 @ 12:39am

Senior Chief Petty Officer Fernando De La Rosa [Taylor]

Name Fernando De La Rosa [Taylor]

Position Security Officer

Rank Senior Chief Petty Officer

Character Information

Gender Male
Character Quote "At the end of the day, the goals are simple: safety and security."
Species Human
Age 27
Cabin Assignment Deck 27,Cabin 42 W-O Fernando De La Rosa & Heather De La Rosa

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9"
Weight 173
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Chocolate brown
Physical Description Short and wiry. Dark hair with chocolate brown eyes. In good physical shape


Spouse Heather De La Rosa
Children Cody Sthilg De La Rosa (born end Feb 2397)
Caitlin Paige De La Rosa ( born March 3, 2398 )
Father Armando Alvarez, Benito Ortiz and Topo Moreno (All three claim, with great pride, to be Fernando’s father. There is quite some confusion since it is believed that he was conceived sometime during the “Festival del Amor”.)
Mother Elmira de La Rosa
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Maria & Rosalita who also found husbands during the festival honoring Fernando.
Other Family Various aunts and uncles.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Fernando is in good physical shape with a bright smile and a friendly word for all he meets.
Strengths & Weaknesses (S) Expert marksman
(S) Loyal
(S) Smart

(W) Tries too hard to please
(W) Over eager
(W) Socially awkward
Ambitions To one day find that special someone and marry and have lots of children.
Hobbies & Interests Among his prize possessions is his “genuine imitation” painting of a bull fighter. His taste in art spills over to his culinary taste as well. Fernando’s favorite side dish is the ever popular “migas alpujarreñas” - fried breadcrumbs with garlic, onion, green pepper and tomato.

Fernando has a small shrine in his quarters to the 'great god Ricardo." In addition he has a recliner made of "rich Corinthian leather."

He likes to go to the range and shoot and one of his favorite holograms is that of an allied sniper hunting an enemy sniper in World War II Stalingrad.

He also lifts weights and has become quite good at it. It has toned his body and made him even more fit and his body better defined. He can currently lift over twice his body weight.

Character Background

Personal History Fernando was born in the remote village of Trevélez, in the Sierra Nevada, providence of Andalusia, Spain, Earth, where Fernando was the biggest thing to ever come from there. If you don't believe it, just ask Fernando. A statue was erected in his honor upon graduating from Starfleet.
In addition to the statue, the Villagers renamed the ancient 3 day “Festival de Amor” to “Festival del Amor de La Rosa”. During this festival, young men with a “jamón serrano” (cured ham) in hand, are eligible to pursue a female of their choice.

Fernando is a very good security officer there is only one small problem. Fernando thinks he's “Don Juan”, Gods gift to woman and cannot understand why woman are not instantly enamored with him. Fernando doesn't just praise a woman he drowns them in praise, the more lavish the praise the better. He also doesn't just wear cologne, he bathes in it, you can smell him three decks away. He takes rejection quite well, figuring it is the woman's loss for not being with him.

Fernando first met Heather Raines when he rescued her from slavers on Casperia Prime. After helping her through addiction and a long recovery he found himself in love with her. He asked her to marry him and she happily said yes.

Service Record USS America
USS Hawking
USS Atlantis
USS Cerberus
Starbase 531
USS Venture
USS Elysium
Languages Federation Standard. Some Klingon and some Romulan

Medical and Psychological Information

Medical Review Completely healthy at least physically
Allergies/Health Issues None.
Counseling Review Fernando is reasonably well adjusted except for his belief that he is something special to women.