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Sun Nov 5th, 2023 @ 5:43pm

Lieutenant Danica Kovitz

Name Danica Marie Kovitz

Position Assistant Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Character Quote "Not every problem requires a phaser."
Species Human
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 120lbs
Hair Color Blonde, with Red Highlights
Eye Color Crystal Blue
Physical Description Danica is slender, with little muscle mass other than standard physical activity and her archery practice. She frequently experiments with her hair color, though her standard look is her natural blonde with red highlights. She has a small tattoo of a stylized constellation and moon on her lower back.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Malcolm Pinelli, Researcher on Andoria
Mother Ilfrieda Kovitz, Professor of Exobiology
Brother(s) Zane Kovitz, Stationed aboard USS Langley
Jana Kovitz, Living on Andoria
Sister(s) N/A

Personality & Traits

General Overview Dani is a rather outgoing individual, frequently joking and teasing people she gets along with. She tends to make a lot of surface level friendships, but has rarely developed deeper relationships. She is an idealist and struggles with situations outside her values. She'll be a strong advocate for those whose rights she feels are being ignored. Though occasionally frustrating to her senior officers, this trait often causes her to fill the role of moral compass in her groups, even if she rarely serves as leader.

She hasn't endured a great deal of difficulty in her life, surfing from comfortable home life to safe assignments aboard ships and stations. Her few run-ins with combat have left her less than thrilled, only serving to increase her desire for more peaceful outcomes.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Very skilled scientist, particularly in planetary sciences
+ Fierce loyalty to her crew
+ Very personable and comfortable with respecting others' customs...when they don't violate her ideals
+ A drive for exploration
+ Has supplemental engineering training
+ Able to learn to operate new technologies quickly
+ Well adapted to the cold

- Can become confrontational when faced with acts of oppression
- Virtually no combat training
- Not comfortable taking on leadership roles
- Has a serious weak spot for brunettes
- Bad at picking up new languages
Ambitions Dani is looking to rise in her field, though not to the point of command. She wants to join a deep space voyage, but has yet to have a very far-flung assignment.
Hobbies & Interests Reading, strategy games, holodeck recreations, swimming, dancing, archery (recreational).

Character Background

Personal History 2369-
Born in a small western Massachusetts town on Earth, Danica ("Dani") Kovitz was born into a comfortable civilian life. Her father, Malcolm Kovitz, was a sociological researcher looking into societal trends on a Quadrant level scale. Her mother, Ilfreida, was a rising academic in the field of exobiology. It was a peaceful, loving household which made for a very comfortable childhood for young Dani. Surrounded by academics and scientists, an interest in the exploratory arts was fostered from a very young age.

Just a few years after she'd begun attending school, Kovitz's family relocated to Andoria, where it has mostly remained ever since. The cold and frequently inhospitable world was a source of significant intrigue for the young girl and she quickly felt at home among the diverse students on the frigid world.

Deep within Federation territory, Danica and her family felt few of the effects of the Dominion War. It was a dominant topic certainly, and the increased security raised eyebrows. But on a day to day basis, it didn't really reach into their small town in the frigid Andorian north.

At age 10, Danica got her first real taste of Starfleet, and it stuck. There was little history of service in her family, so she'd had little exposure to the organization. However, her father was called to attend a conference following the Reman assassination of the Romulan Praetor. Malcolm was little more than an advisor at te meeting, but he brought Danica along for the experience. Their brief voyage aboard the USS Clement gave her a taste of life in the uniform. The small vessel had an impressive amount of scientific equipment and the idea of exploring the stars in such a craft sparked a young childhood dream in 10 year old Danica.

Upon her return home to Andoria, she began obsessing over the various craft that would come into orbit, frequently using her telescope to watch the craft on clear nights. She'd beg for tours from visiting captain's, even earning a small reputation aboard the orbital station.

By age 15, the childhood dream had grown into an actual goal, and Dani focused her studies on qualifying for Starfleet Academy. She quickly developed an aptitude for planetary sciences in her studies, which was good due to her lack of skill with languages.

At age 18, Danica headed to Starfleet Academy wide eyed and full of wonder. The experience wasn't quite so smooth though. Her first year was marred by personal and global complications. Away from her family for the first time, she struggled socially. For the first few months, she made few friends. Her attention was also drawn homeward when her younger sister, Jana, fell ill with a rare respiratory disease. The galactic scene was also rocked by the Hobus Supernova, an event which destroyed the Romulan homeworld and claimed the life of Ambassador Spock.

Her second year was a bit more successful. Dani's grades recovered substantially and she found a core group of friends. They managed to stay mostly out of trouble, aside from a brief escalating series of pranks which caught the eye of an Admiral after he was coated in a bioluminescent powder meant for their rival group. She soon was involved in an academy research project focusing on planets in binary star systems.

Her third and fourth years were dominated by Cadet cruises to several planetary nebula, observing stellar formation and keeping tabs on a few custom built probes. The science was exciting, but she found herself disappointed in the lack of more exciting action.

Following her graduation, Kovitz was assigned to the USS Nobel. The vessel mostly performed scientific surveys along the galactic interior, but rarely strayed too close to any borders. As such, her time aboard the vessel was interesting from a scientific standpoint, but lacked much excitement beyond that. She developed a fairly serious romance with the ship's language specialist, Rachael Graves.

However, when Graves was transferred off ship, the romance struggled to maintain its strength. The distance between them was magnified when Graves' vessel was sent on a longer exploration mission, essentially severing contact. Kovitz held out hope that they would rekindle things upon the vessel's return. However, when they did get back in touch, Rachael had developed a relationship with one of her new crewmates. Their contact quickly soured and they were soon no longer on speaking terms.

Danica experienced a second scare regarding her sister's health and took an 8 month leave to be with her. Upon her return to Nobel, she decided to pursue a more ambitious approach to her career. She appllied for and soon received a transfer to the USS Bozeman.

Serving aboard the Bozeman as Stellar Cartography Officer, Dani came into her own. Though not senior staff, she now had her own laboratory which she had authority over. This was something she took great pride in. Additionally, the Bozeman had a more adventurous route. Though frequently only serving as a supply transport for outer rim stations, it allowed her some more obscure routes to chart and peaked her curiosity.

After a shuttle mishap, she was briefly marooned on a frigid moon, with no way to contact the Bozeman. As the most familiar with frigid climates, her skills likely kept her shuttlemates alive during the two weeks it took the Bozeman to return for them. It was during this time that she forged a close friendship with helm officer Liam Kenning. The two had continuous romantic tensions, but never could manage to sync their timing on it.

In mid 2395, Dani and Liam were temporarily transfered to the USS Grissom, a small scientific observer to watch the collapse of a rare violet supergiant. The tour took them to the edges of Federation space, closely observing the end of the star's life cycle. In such close proximity, Dani and Liam began to spiral toward romantic entanglement. A few "one time" flings only accelerated the progression. However, on the way back to civilization, tragedy struck.
A freak malfunction in the warp core, possibly triggered by the long term exposure to the star's radiation, quickly escalated while the vessel was at warp. A plasma fire erupted and killed the Engineering crew, preventing any chance of averting the destruction. The ship violently exited warp and an EPS conduit overloaded. Danica was severely injured, suffering a stab wound from debris ejected by the overload. Incapacitated and nearly unconscious, she was loaded into an escape pod and launched to safety by Liam Kenning, who sacrificed his own chance at survival to ensure her air supply would last longer. This sacrifice saved her life. To date, no other survivors of the Grissom have been recovered.
Service Record 2389-2391:
Cadet Cruises
USS Melbourne
USS Raman

Promotion to Ensign
Graduation from Academy
USS Nobel, Junior Science Officer
Family Leave (8 Months 2293-2294)

Transferred to USS Bozeman, Stellar Cartography Officer

Transferred to USS Grissom
USS Grissom lost with all hands, sans Danica Kovitz
Languages English, Andorian, Vulcan

Medical and Psychological Information

Medical Review Has hints of the same respiratory disease that her sister suffers from, but it has never manifested symptoms. Suffered concussion, numerous abrasions, and a stab wound from EPS rupture.
Allergies/Health Issues No known conditions. On watch list for eventual respiratory issue.
Counseling Review Had clean mental health bill prior to destruction of the Grissom. Now candidate for PTSD and emotional trauma.