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Post One - USS Elysium

Posted on Sat Jun 23rd, 2018 @ 8:59pm by

"Life is essentially an endless series of problems. The solution to one problem is merely the creation of the next one."

I've got six hours left before I move from the Nerriga to the Elysium. Still holding steady as Marine Instructor and Rescue Retrieval & Recovery Team Leader. No idea apart from the name of the ship's Captain, XO, Second Officer and of course the number one of the three the Marine Commanding Officer, as usual I didn't bother looking any of them up. I prefer to take the people I work with and meet at first hand value, what's written is really only one person's view or opinion, but then anyone who reads my logs would know that. I always start and end the same way, and my logs aren't in my opinion read worthy but they allow me to keep track of what's happened in my life and I'm sure when I'm dead and gone, they'll give Colonel Jason T a few hours worth of interested reading, given he is always with his nose stuck in a PADD, from poetry, to children's fiction to fiction from old Earth to those that numerous people have picked up along the way.

Received a box of PADDs from the Nerriga's Captain before we departed ways, it was a treat to find someone who was as interested as I am in extinct, ancient and various topics, all able to start interesting topics. Maybe if I'm lucky enough I'll find someone on board the E who doesn't mind chats on numerous topics. My gear has been transferred from the Nerriga to DS9 where the crew of the E are currently stationed. Have questions for the Marine Commanding Officer, when I encounter him. Are we on leave? Are we here for another reason? Did something happen onboard the E which required everyone off while it was repaired? That would be a story in itself, but not one I aim to push. Back to the questions... PT as Instructor do I get the pleasure of undertaking them? About RRR Team have the members been picked or to be picked? All Marine or both Marine and Medical. Not that I swing one way or the other but that is up to the MCO, after all it is his unit. Since I'm qualified as Instructor are my courses only for Marines or open for those the various Department heads want to be included? Are we doing courses and PT while we're here, and what else does the MCO want or need me to do, since after reading my logs people would be in absolutely no doubt that my brain never shuts down.

I shall find my answers when I meet my knew boss.

Need to remember to continue to move across my logs to the E's computer when I find out when I can do it.

"Life is essentially an endless series of problems. The solution to one problem is merely the creation of the next one."


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