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Bodyguard arrival

Posted on Sun Jul 5th, 2020 @ 4:56pm by

Mission: Season 3: Episode 4: Cause and Effect
Location: Deck 2
Timeline: MD2
882 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Serenity walked in silence to the office of Commander Brett, the Chief onboard diplomat and hit the chime.

Anje had been fussing with her hair, trying to get it to lay just the way Spider had set it originally, with nothing resembling success, giving up when she heard the chime and walking from her mirror to the door to admit a stunning blonde who made her feel like something the dog ate and couldn't hold down, "Come in, Miss."

"Commander" Serenity said stepping in. "I am Lieutenant Triannth, Your new head bodyguard." she held out her hand to Anje.

"Hi, come on in, and please, just Anje." Anje replied, "And it's good to know you're here for something other than to make me feel like I need a plastic surgeon. So, what can I do for you?"

"I came by to discuss your security requirements and how to mesh them into the security plan that has been advised for us to use."

"Our security requirements are very minimal actually." Anje replied, "Being on a moving, shielded starship is the best security you can have."

Serenity calmly turned. "Yes in one respect. Do you know the best breach points on a starfleet vessel?" she was curious, not being superior in her tone.

"Well, there is a gap in the shields around the neck area of any of the larger cruisers, Lt. Ro proved that on Enterprise-D before she turned on the Federation." Anje replied, she remembered that lesson from the Academy vividly, one of her instructors had been a tac officer on 1701-D and was incensed by Ro Laren's treason still, "Also if the shields are down breaching the airlocks is easier than most other points."

"All Correct but there are other ways. Shuttle bays and Engineering along with Medical are the key points where incursions are done. And once they gain access to Engineering, all hatches are accessible. Including any in your cabin."

"Very true." Anje nodded, "So, how do you think we can seal these holes in our defense up?"

"Commander Holmes has already got patrols in those areas." Serenity said calmly. "But my job is to make sure that any that get past those patrols do not get to you. I have a team of 10 that will rotate around you in 6 hour shifts 2 people per shift. When you leave your cabin they will be with you and they will check your cabin before you are allowed to re-enter it."

"Okay, so pretty much standard stuff." Anje nodded, glad that there were no plans for oppressive layers of security around her, "Just make sure they understand there are times when I'll need to replace their presence with their absence. Especially once my girlfriend returns. Don't worry, she's a Q, she can protect me."

Serenity chose not to comment on Q's and their abilities. "Of course. Privacy is key but there maybe times in emergencies Ma'am where they may need to enter your cabin without waiting for the polite response."

"Okay, my cabin, fine, but not my bedroom without permission." Anje said flatly, "I don't want my security people seeing me naked, for their comfort as well as mine."

Serenity nodded with a smile. "That's fine."

"Damn, didn't have to agree so quickly." Anje giggled, touching her stomach and realizing she'd put on a few pounds lately and had started to get soft.

"I am not here to hinder you Commander, I am here to protect you" Serenity replied.

"Lieutenant, this is going to seem an odd request, but could you let me see your ears?" Anje asked, she was definitely expecting points on them judging by the bodyguard's lack of a sense of humor.

"I am human Commander" Serenity sighed. So much for trying to be professional. "I just take the security of my charges seriously. I am not about to let anyone sneak in here and swap you out with say you MU Double."

"My aunt and her mentor, Admiral King, both met their MU doubles." Anje laughed, "My understanding is they got on well."

"Mine is dead. Radiation poisoning." Serenity said calmly.

"You met the other you?" Anje stopped and raised an eyebrow, "I dread the idea of meeting mine, knowing my luck she'll be prettier than me and my friends will like her better."

"yes well her life was no picnic. My eldest daughter is her's."

"I'm sorry, but at least your daughter had her mother replaced by her mother." Anje shrugged, "That was a good thing for the girl at least."

"She is a teenager. NO Teenager thinks anything is good." Serenity shrugged. "Anyway." Serenity held out the PADD she carried. "The list of Security personnel and their current shift status."

"Thank you." Anje smiled, though she could've gotten this easily from Lia, she still appreciated Serenity's taking initiative to get it for her.

"I will leave you to your day Commander, I do however expect you not to try and loose your detail." Serenity said calmly turning to the door.

"What would make you think I would do that?" Anje said with a nearly inaudible chuckle as Lt. Triannth left, she didn't plan to do anything to make the pretty blonde's life harder, but she didn't doubt she could do it if she wanted.


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